The first part of "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY" is practically proposing the way to transcend religions. Therefore this book is much the same as that part.
First, in order not to cause unnecessary disputes, they need to be clearly defined. They can be defined as things which premise the existence of what transcends this real world and which propose to us and sometimes enforce on us some ways for individuals and groups to live and die on the ground of what transcends this real world. What transcends this real world and those which are based on them cannot help going arbitrary and cannot help becoming particular to each religion. Therefore religions cannot propose the ways to live or die for many of the individuals and groups on the earth, far from all of them. The ways to secure existence, to ensure liberty, and to make the both compatible need to be understood to some extent by many of them, and religions cannot get such understanding. If some religions should try to propose and propagate those ways, they would cause unnecessary conflicts between religions and groups holding religions, and even the existence of living things including human beings would be endangered. Above all, most religions tend to fall into such ideas as "they may or must destroy those who criticize their religions including profaning their gods even with physical violence," and the conflicts caused by them can be vital.
Therefore the ways to make existence and liberty compatible need to be proposed without religions. Such a rule will be observed throughout these books.
However, each of us, human beings, has the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later. That anxiety is the most intense pain of all emotions. The desire to make the self eternal is formed by that anxiety. Then, many human beings sometimes try to leave their glory or honor in the history, and so try to acquire some powers including armed forces and money and perform something great. Then, the desire for powers and the ability to acquire powers are formed. Even without such motivations, powers are attractive, and that desire and that ability are enhanced. Then, the struggles for powers go fierce. It is those who have the intense desire for powers and ability to acquire powers and good luck that win the struggles for powers. Then, they sometimes run wildly to military expansion, war, autocracy, totalitarianism, the formation of military-civilian-academic-industrial complexes, the research, development, hold and use of totally destructive means, and so forth, and endanger even the existence of human beings. Therefore, in order to make existence and liberty compatible, we need to reduce the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later and the desire to make the self eternal. In addition, reducing pain including that anxiety is itself a purpose.
From the beginning, religions existed in order to reduce that anxiety and to reduce or satisfy that desire, didn't they? However, they could not do those, could they? Nonetheless, certainly, it has seemed that religions have been the fittest to do those. There will remain the question if those can be done without religions.
In addition, there will remain the assertion that we need not only the way to make existence and liberty compatible but also something else which can be shared by many individuals and groups and the question if we can propose such ways without religions.
However, we can propose not only those ways but also the way to reduce the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later and the desire to make the self eternal without religions. First, we will do those.
The following is often said. "Animals live, die, live, and repeat the same. These repetitions of death and life are the same as animals having memory live forever with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. As for animals without memory, these repetitions of death and life are the same as they live forever with only the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. That is, each of us lives forever with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated or with the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. If the living things on the earth should be extinguished, in the space which has endless space and time, what are similar to the animals with or without memory on the earth are generated and do evolve, and they live with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated or with the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. When you know the above, the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later disappears" is often said. After all, that is right. Nonetheless, that anxiety is hardly reduced. Why?
In that anxiety, most of us attempt to make this, particular, my self eternal. However, all of us know that it is absolutely impossible. All the same, most of us attempt it. As a result, most of us feel that the self is the only existence and irreplaceable and that there is infinite time and space after the self's death. Therefore that anxiety becomes something absolute far from fierce. In order to reduce that anxiety, first, each of us needs to accept that this, particular, my self dies sooner or later. Let us grieve and fear it. In addition, another person's death is the complete separation from him or her. Let us grieve it. Let us give up such ideas as there are Heaven, Hell, or eternal souls or spirits. Even thereafter, there is not this, particular, my self but the self in general, isn't there? The self is replaceable, isn't it?
However, there is a lot of ideas rejecting that replaceability and emphasizing that irreplaceability, and enhancing that anxiety. For example, there is an idea like "the things which are appearing to me are not appearing to you. The things which are appearing to you are not appearing to me. I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist. I cannot make sure that the things appearing to you at present exist. There are unsurpassable gaps between things appearing to each of us at the then present. Each of us is completely confined into things appearing to each of us at the then present. Thus, each of us is completely isolated. Thus, we cannot replace one another." Such an idea rejects that replaceability and emphasizes that irreplaceability, and enhances that anxiety. When it is demonstrated that such ideas are no more than illusion, that anxiety will be reduced. In order to wipe out them, we need to know the outline of mental phenomena, that is, appearing things.
Material things, material functions, bodies, bodily functions, nervous systems, nervous functions, neurons, neurons' excitements and transmissions, molecules, atoms, nuclei, neutrons, protons, electrons, universal gravitation, electrostatic force, magnetic force, and so forth can be called "Things in Themselves." In contrast, sights, sounds, smells, dizziness, tastes, pain, hotness, coldness, palpitation, dyspnea, hunger, thirst, nausea, images, ideas, and so forth can be called "Things Appearing as Mental Phenomena," Things Appearing as Phenomena, Appearing Things, Mental Phenomena, or Phenomena. These books need to distinguish things appearing to me, things appearing to you, things which appeared in the past, things which will appear in the future, things appearing to me at present, things appearing to each of us at the then present, and so forth. Only the words like the things appearing to me at the present which are modified with adjective or adverbial phrases or clauses or where the tenses of verbs are changed can distinguish such things. Therefore these books will use such words more often than those of phenomena, mental phenomena, and so forth. In addition, an appearing thing's existing or being premised to exist can be called the thing's "Appearing." For example, the sights of my personal computer, my hands striking its keyboard, my desk, the walls, and the windows are appearing on a visual sensation, the sound of striking the keyboard is appearing on an auditory sensation, feeling of the keyboard is appearing on a somatic sensation, moderate hunger is appearing on an autonomic sensation, to me, who am one of the writers of this book, at present. Things excluding time and space are completely divided into things in themselves and things appearing as mental phenomena. That is, there are no remains or overlaps after they are divided.
The words "things appearing (as mental phenomena)" sometimes designate sights, images, and so forth and sometimes designate things in themselves like material things, bodies, and so forth which are premised to be represented as sights, images, and so forth. The words "things appearing (as mental phenomena)" designate the former, that is, sights, images, and so forth in these books. For example, material things' reflectance, transparency, and refractive index which are premised to be represented as sights are not appearing things, but sights are appearing things. The words "things' appearing" sometimes designate sights, images, and so forth's existing or being premised to exist and sometimes designate things in themselves' being premised to be represented as sights, images, and so forth. The words "things' appearing" designate the former in these books.
Now, the only one thing can make sure that the only one group of things exists at the only one time. For example, the sights of my personal computer, my hands striking its keyboard, my desk, the walls, and the windows are appearing on a visual sensation, the sound of striking the keyboard is appearing on an auditory sensation, the touch of the keyboard is appearing on a somatic sensation, moderate hunger is appearing on an autonomic sensation, to me, who am one of the writers of this book, at present, and I can make sure that those sights, sound, touch, and feeling exist. In that the only one thing can make sure that the only one group of things exists at the only one time, the only one thing can be called "I" or the "Ego," the only one time can be called the "Present," and the only one group of things can be called the "Things Appearing to Me at Present" or the "Group of things Appearing to Me at Present." In addition, a thing appearing to me at present's existing can be called the thing's "Appearing to Me at Present." The things appearing to me at present are included in things appearing as mental phenomena. A thing's appearing to me at present is included in the thing's appearing. I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist.
In contrast, I cannot make sure that the other things exist. For example, there is a personal computer in front of me, and it seems that I can make sure that it exists. All the same, that thing whose existence I can make sure of is no more than its sight, that is, one of the things appearing to me at present on a visual sensation. I cannot make sure that the personal computer in itself exists. Even if I touch it, it is no more than one of the things appearing to me at present on a somatic sensation. All that I can make sure of the existence of is the things appearing to me at present.
In the things appearing to me at present, they appear toward a point and appear with the point made an original point. For example 1, in things appearing on a visual sensation with both eyes, the direction and distance to each object and the perspective appear, and they appear with the inner place of the middle of both eyes made its original point. For example 2, in things appearing on an auditory sensation with both ears, the direction and distance of each sound source appear, and they appear with the middle of both ears made their original point. Such an original point does not appear directly but do appears behind the things appearing to me at present. Such an original point can be called the "Center of the World Appearing to Me at Present." I cannot help feeling that I am the center of the world because all the appearing things to me at present appear toward such a point and appear with such a point made an original point. It is a natural feeling and is never my arrogance. Such a feeling can be called the "Feeling that I am the Center of the World."
Such a center of the world is what we feel to be "I" in our daily lives more than the only one thing that can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist which was explained above. Therefore the center of the world appearing to me at present can also be called "I."
(1) all that I can make sure of the existence of is the things appearing to me at present,
and because
(2) I cannot help feeling that I am the center of the world,
I cannot help feeling that I can neither replace others nor be replaced by others. (1)(2) also prompt the illusion of irreplaceability and increase the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later. Thus, when we incompletely look into things appearing as mental phenomena, that illusion and that anxiety increase. How will they do when we look into them deeper?
Now, each thing can make sure that each group of things exists at each time, or it is premised that each thing can make sure that each group of things exists at each time. For example, when you and I look at each other and talk, I can make sure that the sight of your face appearing to me at present on a visual sensation and your voice appearing to me at present on an auditory sensation exist, and it is premised that you can make sure that the sight of my face appearing to you at present on a visual sensation and my voice appearing to you at present on an auditory sensation exist. In that each thing can make sure that each group of things exists at each time or that it is premised that each thing can make sure that each group of things exists at each time, each thing can be called "Each of Us," each time can be called the "Then Present," and each group of things can be called "Things Appearing to Each of Us at the Then Present" or Each Group of Things Appearing to Each of Us at the Then Present. A thing appearing to each of us at the then present's existing or being premised to exist can be called the thing's "Appearing to Each of Us at the Then Present." Things appearing to each of us at the then present include the things appearing to me at present and are included in things appearing as mental phenomena. A thing's appearing to each of us at the then present includes the thing's appearing to me at present and is included in the thing's appearing. In addition, each of us include I, and the then present include the present. Each of us can make sure that things appearing to each of us at the then present exist or it is premised that each of us can make sure that things appearing to each of us at the then present exist.
(1) The things appearing to me at present and (2) things appearing to each of us at the then present excluding (1) can be distinguished without overlapping. No premises are necessary in (1), and some premises are necessary in (2).Excluding such necessity of premises, (2) and what concern them are just the same as (1) and what concern them. That is, it is premised that (2) appear toward a point and appear with the point made an original point. Such an original point and the center of the world appearing to me at present can be called the "Center of the World Appearing to Each of Us at the Then Present." In addition, it is premised that each of us cannot help feeling that each of us is the center of the world. Such feeling can be called the "Feeling that Each of Us is the Center of the World." The center of the world appearing to each of us at the then present can also be called Each of Us.
Now, each of us including I cannot make sure whether or not things in themselves exist. For example, the sights of my personal computer, its keyboard, my hands striking it, and so forth are appearing on a visual sensation, the sound of striking it is appearing on an auditory sensation, and feeling of the keyboard is appearing on a somatic sensation, to me at present, and I can make sure that they exist, but they are no more than sights, sound, feeling, and so forth, that is, things appearing as mental phenomena and are not things in themselves. No way can I make sure whether or not my personal computer, its keyboard, and so forth in themselves exist. Moreover, I cannot make sure whether or not things appearing as mental phenomena excluding the things appearing to me at present exist. For example, when you and I look at each other and talk, I can make sure that your face appearing to me at present on a visual sensation and your voice appearing to me at present on an auditory sensation exist, but I cannot make sure whether or not my face appearing to you at present on a visual sensation or my voice appearing to you at present on an auditory sensation exists.
However, as long as there are no hallucinations, delusions, illusions, misunderstandings, or the like, it is premised that some things appearing as mental phenomena represent some things in themselves and that the latter exist, and that (the things appearing to me at present excluded,) things appearing as mental phenomena exist. For example 1, I think that the personal computer which I am looking at and the keyboard which I am striking exist. For example 2, when you and I look at each other, I think that you can see my face like I can see yours.
Moreover, it is premised that (the things appearing to me at present excluded,) each of us can make sure that things appearing to each of us at the then present exist. For example, when you and I look at each other, I think that you can make sure that my face appearing to you at present on a visual sensation exists like I can make sure that your face appearing to me at present on a visual sensation exists.
Moreover, it is premised that things appearing (as mental phenomena) exist continuously for a while. For example, it is premised that, from waking up in the morning till falling asleep at night, the sights of my town reflecting sunlight, living things including human beings, the setting sun, streetlights, and so forth, the sounds of cars and the voices of human beings, the images of the things which will be written in this book, and so forth exist continuously. In addition, it is premised that the things appearing to me at present, things appearing to you at present, things appearing to each of us at the then present, and so forth are no more than the products that are created by slicing appearing things with the time of a moment, as it were.
However, there are sleeps excluding REM sleeps and some pieces of complete loss of consciousness. With them, it is premised that appearing things do not exist continuously. However, at least in each of us, human beings, after awakenings form them, what took place before them are remembered. For example, when I wake up in the morning, what I wrote yesterday are remembered. Thus, even with sleeps excluding REM sleeps and some pieces of complete loss of consciousness, as long as there are awakenings from them, only in the sense that what took place before them are remembered, appearing things can be looked upon as existing intermittently. Such intermittentness can be called the "Intermittentness with Memory." This will be contrasted with the intermittentness without memory.
Apart from such intermittentness, the continuity of appearing things containing the things appearing to me at present can be called the "Things Appearing to Me" or the Group of Things Appearing to Me, and that containing things appearing to each of us at present can be called Things Appearing to Each of Us, a Group of Things Appearing to Each of Us, or Things Appearing (as Mental Phenomena). That is, the mere words of appearing things designate things appearing to each of us.
When we consider the above, it seems that it is not between more than one group of things appearing to each of us but in one group of things appearing to each of us that appearing things are premised to exist continuously. For example, it seems that appearing things never exist continuously between things appearing to me and things appearing to you. However, we will find later that it depends on no more than the situations of nervous systems.
Anyway, in things appearing to each of us, it is premised that the time when nothing appears is nothing for each of us, that the first time when something appeared jump over the second time when nothing appears in a moment to the third time when something will appear again, and that the second time is nothing. As a result, it is premised that the first time and the third time appear continuous. For example, if I suddenly fell into a deep sleep or loss of consciousness and suddenly woke from it, I would feel that the time of that sleep or that loss is a moment. All the same, in most cases, that sleep contains dreams or swallow sleep, that loss of consciousness accompanies gradual decrease and increase of consciousness, and so I will feel that that time is a while. Anyway, it is not so long. This is convenient in order to reduce the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later. That is because if you die and replace an animal on a planet light years far away, the time till then is a moment.
Moreover, it is premised that the things appearing to me are caused directly by some parts of a nervous system and its functions. Nervous systems are parts of bodies, and bodies are included in things in themselves. For example 1, it is premised that things appearing to me on a visual sensation are caused directly by some of the neurons' excitements and transmissions from retinas to optic nerves, to visual areas on occipital lobes, and so forth. For example 2, it is premised that things appearing to me on a somatic sensation like the pain, hotness, or coldness of the skins, bones, striated muscles, tendons, and so forth are caused directly by some of the neurons' excitements and transmissions from them, to sensory nerves, to spinal cords and brain stems, to somatosensory areas on temporal lobes, and so forth. The nervous system and its functions some parts of which are premised directly to cause things appearing to me can be called "My Nervous System." In addition, the individual body containing my nervous system can be called "My Body."
All the same, even after the above things are premised, I cannot admit that my body is me. That is because I intuit that I do not exist unless the things appearing to me at present exist or unless I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist. Simply, I intuit that the brain death is the death. Thus, I intuit that my body and things appearing to me are me. According to such an intuition, my body and things appearing to me are called "My Self" or "Me" in these books.
In addition, it is premised that things appearing to each of us are caused in the same way. The nervous system and its functions some parts of which are premised to cause things appearing to each of us can be called "Each Nervous System." In addition, the individual body containing each nervous system can be called "Each Body." In addition, each body and things appearing to each of us can be called "Each Self," or "Each of Us."
So far, the following group A, B, C, and D have been distinguished.
Group (A)
I, the present, the things appearing to me at present, the center of the world appearing to me at present, that I cannot help feeling that I am the center of the world, that I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist.
Group (B):
things appearing to me, my nervous system, my body, my self
Group (C)
each of us, the then present, things appearing to each of us at the then present, the center of the world appearing to each of us at the then present, that it is premised that each of us cannot help feeling that each of us is the center of the world, that it is premised that each of us can make sure that things appearing to each of us at the then present exist.
Group D;
things appearing to each of us, each nervous system, each body, each self
Concerning them, the following can be said in a sense.
I ⊂ each of us
the present ⊂ the then present
the things appearing to me at present ⊂ things appearing to each of us at the then present
the center of the world appearing to me at present ⊂ the center of the world appearing to each of us at the then present
that I cannot help feeling that I am the center of the world ⊂ that it is premised that each of us cannot help feeling that each of us is the center of the world
that I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist ⊂ that it is premised that each of us can make sure that things appearing to each of us at the then present exist
the things appearing to me ⊂ things appearing to each of us
my nervous system ⊂ each nervous system
my body ⊂ each body
my self ⊂ each self
However, while group (A) are free from premises, (B)(C)(D) invlove some premises. All the same, excluding that, whatever is true in groups (A)(B) is true in groups (C)(D), too. Therefore from now on, groups (A)(B) and groups (C)(D) will not be distinguished, and groups (C)(D) will be argued. In addition, each nervous system including my nervous system, each body including my body, and each self including my self are called the Nervous System, the Body, and the Self respectively in these books.
In each of us, human beings, the images of the self are generated, and the self appears as images. Therefore human beings think of the self and have the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later. The images of the self cannot help consisting of the images of the body and the images of things appearing to each of us. Therefore the images of the self cannot help becoming too complicated to become diagrams. In contrast, the world' images are composed mainly of the images of things in themselves and are relatively clearer. Therefore there is a gap between the images of the self and the images of the world, and it is impossible to fill it completely.
Many of us try to reduce the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later by unifying the self with the world. When a person was isolated in the baby and infant period, such a gap is sometimes enlarged. Then, it is hard for him or her to unify the self with the world, and his or her anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later is intensified.
The above is the outline of things appearing as mental phenomena. Again, "animals live, die, live, and repeat the same. These repetitions of death and life are the same as animals having memory live forever with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. As for animals without memory, these repetitions of death and life are the same as they live forever with only the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. That is, each of us lives forever with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated or with the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. If the living things on the earth should be extinguished, in the space which has endless space and time, what are similar to the animals with or without memory on the earth are generated and do evolve, and they live with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated or with the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. When you know the above, the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later disappears" is often said. However, we found not only such dramatic replacement through death and life but also a very daily kind of replacement. The intermittentness with memory explained earlier is close to that replacement. For example, when we wake up in the morning, yesterday's events start to appear as images, but that is not all. Together with them, the images of the self start to appear, and the continuity or intermittentness of the self starts to appear. If we lost memory at every falling asleep, we would lose the images of the self. Then, this is just the same as living forever with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated while replacing one another. That is, we experience a part of living forever in our daily lives.
However, only with the above, such an illusion of irreplaceability as "the things which are appearing to me are not appearing to you. The things which are appearing to you are not appearing to me. I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist. I cannot make sure that the things appearing to you at present exist. There are unsurpassable walls between things appearing to each of us at the then present. Each of us is completely confined into things appearing to each of us at the then present. Thus, each of us is completely isolated. Thus, we cannot replace one another" will not be wiped out. Now let us wipe out such an illusion.
As was explained earlier,
(1) I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist. In contrast, I cannot make sure that the things appearing as mental phenomena other than them exist.
(2) I cannot help feeling that I am the center of the world.
(3) The gap between the images of the self and the images of the world which cannot be completely filled appears to me at present.
Mainly because of (1)(2)(3)
(4) I cannot help feeling such irreplaceability as "I am an irreplaceable being" or "we cannot replace one another."
In contrast to (1)-(4),
(1') It is premised that each of us can make sure that things appearing to each of us at the then present exist.
(2') It is premised that each of us cannot help feeling that I am the center of the world.
(3') It is premised that the gap between the images of the self and the images of the world which cannot be completely filled appears to each of us.
(4') It is premised that each of us cannot help feeling such irreplaceability as "I am an irreplaceable being" or "we cannot replace one another."
That is, it is not only I but each of us that feel or think (1)-(4). All human beings feel or think so. (1)-(4) are no more than based on the properties of things appearing as mental phenomena, which are seemingly inevitable.
Moreover, (1) are based on not only the seemingly inevitable properties of things appearing as mental phenomena but also the situations of nervous systems. More than one nervous system of more than one individual on the earth is rarely entangled with one another. As long as that is true, (1) is true. If more than one nervous system of more than one individual are entangled, the following can take place. In fact, it happened that two bodies which should have become two human individuals were conglutinated, that their peripheral nervous systems were entangled, and that the pain of their skins appearing on their somatic sensations appeared to both of them. If more than one central nervous system of more than one individual is entangled, it is premised that such things sometimes happen as "things appearing to you on a visual sensation appear to me. Things appearing to you on an auditory sensation appear to me. Things appearing to you as images appear to me. Things appearing to you on thinkings appear to me..." That is, it is no more than based on the properties or the situations of things appearing as mental phenomena and nervous systems that "the things which are appearing to me are not appearing to you. The things which are appearing to you are not appearing to me. I can make sure that the things appearing to me at present exist. I cannot make sure that the things appearing to you at present exist" and is not an absolute truth. It is found that (1) is not absolutely true, and (2)(3) are modified. And after all, it comes clear that (4) is an illusion.
When we know the above, the illusion of irreplaceability is wiped out, and the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later is reduced.
From the beginning, we had better not believe in what is impossible and what we do not even want to do like going to Heaven or Hell, unifying the self with the god, the soul, the spirit, and so forth, which transcend this world and seem to be eternal. Not only are they impossible, but also we do not even want them. For example 1, we would be deadly tired of being happy forever in the paradise, could not endure it, and would cry out, "Kill me!" For example 2, we would feel deadly tight if we were unified with the god, could not endure it, and we would raise a rebellion in him or her.
Moreover, we had better not think that, after the self die, we become souls or spirits and thereafter replace one another, either. If we became souls or spirits and replaced the animals on a planet in another system, even if they move at light speed, it would takes us light years. Could we endure such a transport in the space? It would be a kind of torture, and also here, we would cry out, "Kill me."
Though there is some anxiety about or fear of the space and time where we move, the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later, from the beginning, involves the anxiety about there's being infinite space and time after the self dies.
(5) it is premised that all things appearing as mental phenomena, things appearing as images and things appearing as pleasure or displeasure sensations included, are caused by some parts of a nervous system and its functions.
Let us look into (5) a little closer.
Above all, we have already approved that brain death is death. Brain death is that some parts of the nervous system and its functions of an individual are disordered so much that nothing appearing as mental phenomena appears to that individual. When we approved that brain death is death, we approved that all things appearing as mental phenomena are caused by some parts of the nervous system and their functions.
Nervous systems are included in bodies, bodies are included in material things, and material things are included in things in themselves. The real world consists of things in themselves, space and time, and things appearing as mental phenomena, and nothing other than them exists. Therefore, nothing intervene in between things appearing as mental phenomena and things in themselves.
Moreover, as was explained earlier,
(6) in things appearing to each of us, it is premised that the time when nothing appears is nothing for each of us, that the first time when something appeared jump over the second time when nothing appears in a moment to the third time when something will appear again, that the second time is nothing, and that the first time and the third time appear continuous.
Therefore, we do not need to have the anxiety about and fear of the space and time where we move and the anxiety about there's being infinite time and space after the self dies.
When we know those, the illusion of irreplaceability is wiped out, and the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later is reduced. After all, knowing (1')(2')(3')(4')(5)(6) is the decisive way to reduce that anxiety. After all, the following is right: "animals live, die, live, and repeat the same. This repetition of death and life is the same as each animal having memory lives forever with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated. As for each animal without memory, this repetition of death and life is the same as it lives forever with only the loss of individuality repeated. That is, each of us lives forever with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated or with the loss of individuality repeated while we replace one another. If the living things on the earth should be extinguished, in the space which has endless space and time, what are similar to the animals with or without memory on the earth are generated and do evolve, and each of them lives with the loss of memory and the loss of individuality repeated or with the loss of individuality repeated while they replace one another. When you know the above, the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later disappears."
The above explanation may have been difficult to understand. The writers will try to explain the above metaphorically with the words of "be born again," "replace," "become," and so forth used.
First, as for temporal distance, for example, when an animal where some things appearing as mental phenomena are caused is born and live on a planet of the solar system a billion years after I died, there are a temporal distance of a billion years between my body and its. In contrast, in things appearing as mental phenomena, the time of nothing appearing's existing is only a moment. This is just like falling fast asleep and waking up. Sleep for hours and sleep for a billion or more years make no difference. More precisely, the time of nothing appearing's existing is more a moment than any sleep. This is because the latter involves some dreams and swallow sleeps. For example, as soon as the sight of the earth lightened by the sun disappears, the sight of that planet lightened by the sun a little aged is appearing.
Second, as for spatial distances, in things in themselves, there are some spatial distances between the bodies containing neuronal systems which are premised to cause some groups of things appearing to each of us. For example, there is a spatial distance of the diameter of the earth between two person's bodies that live on the opposite sides of the earth, and there are spatial distances of light years between celestial bodies where some animals can be born and live. However, if anything needed to move between them, the time of its movement would be a moment, as was explained in the above paragraph about time. If it were a soul or a spirit which has consciousness, it would cause a problem. However, its existence was denied earlier. For example, when I am looking at some stars at night, some animals having visual sensations on some planets of some fixed stars are looking at some stars which can include the sun. If I die suddenly, I am looking at some stars which can include the sun.
Thus, in things appearing as mental phenomena, there is no such spatial and temporal distance as exists in things in themselves. Simply, however far away you and I are, as soon as I die, I become you, and as soon as you die, you become me.
Somebody will question, "There is no guarantee that human beings will be born again as human beings." We are not satisfied only with having sensations. We want to have memories, feelings, desires, egos, thinkings, and so forth, and to be human beings. All the same, as long as animals having sensations and their nature and the nature for their evolution exist and function, they are certain to evolve to animals having the above or more sophisticated functions and to animals similar to or more sophisticated than human beings. In animals only having sensations, mental pain is thin, and the time when we are such animals is like that when we are dreaming or having swallow sleep. Therefore animals' living, dying, living, and repeating the same equals to an animal's living forever with repeating not only the loss of memory and individuality but also dream and swallow sleep.
When we know those, the illusion of irreplaceability is wiped out, and the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later is reduced. Knowing the above is the decisive way to reduce that anxiety. Perhaps those who have died with that anxiety gotten over have known them intuitively in their daily lives. Thus, it is possible to reduce that anxiety without religions, that is, without assuming what is beyond the real world, and it is better not to assume what is beyond the real world.
Though metaphorically, in order to represent those, the words like "Being Born (Again) and Living (Again)," the "Endless Repetition of Death and Life (Beyond the Earth)," "(Our) Replacing (One Another)," "Becoming so-and-so," or the like will be used in these books.
When we reduce the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later in such a way as was explained in the above section, we find that all that we need to accept is the loss of my particular self, memory, individuality, and some humanity. We can get over the other things.
As for my particular self, let us fear the loss of it. Above all, each of us wants to decrease pain, to increase or maintain pleasure, to live long in good health and wants my family and friends to do so. In addition, each of us wants to live, to die, and to talk with my family and friends about anything freely without the enforcement of the ways to live and the ways to die by other individuals or the society. Those will be the most common daily desires. After all, satisfying such desires is the protection of liberal rights and the security of social rights.
As for memory and individuality, the knowledge, the abilities of intentional functions, the tendencies of mental emotions like feelings and desires, and the tendencies of egos, which are formed mainly acquiredly in an individual can be called the individual's "Individuality" or "Personality." Its details will be explained in "SENSATIONS AND RECOLLECTIONS OF IMAGES" and "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES."
In human relations, the self's death is the complete loss of the memory of the self and the other persons and the complete separation from all the individuals who the self have seen. In addition, another individual's death is the complete separation from him or her. In endless repetition of death and life, each of us meets endless individuals. All the same, each of us cannot meet these or those particular individuals after the death. If it were not for any individuals whom we love, we would expect to meet unknown individuals after the death. If we love some individuals, the complete separation from them would be painful. The dead might be born again as another individual and live a happy life. Nonetheless, for survivors, the complete separation is painful. Let us frankly grieve over the separation from the dead.
As for humanity, in the human society, individuals transmit his or her memory and individuality to others with "media" like spoken words, written words, paper and pens, printings, computers, the Internet, and so forth. With those transmitted, individuals again renew their memory and individuality, and again transmit them. While those are repeated, complicates ideas, thoughts, the humanities, social science, science and technology, and so forth are formed and reformed in the society. Such things will be able to be called "Humanity (in a Broad Sense)." When human beings are extinguished, humanity will disappear. The expectation for humanity will have peaked in some eras between the Renaissance and the eve of the First World War. In those eras, the loss of humanity would have been regretted. Thereafter, science and technology becomes mainstream more and more. From now on, it cannot be dismissed as a delusion that what is called artificial intelligence or robots replace humanity. In such situations, the expectation for humanity will be reducing. Therefore it will be of little use to resort to humanity to secure existence. From the beginning, these books have been resorting to some other things.
Of course, animals including human beings undergo not only pleasure but also displeasure. The word of "pain" is used more often than that of "displeasure" in our daily lives. We, human beings have not only physical pain like aches, hotness, coldness, palpitation, respiratory pain, hunger, and thirst but also mental pain like fear, anxiety, sadness, and loneliness. Many people think that we have pain more often than pleasure. Some think that there is only pain.
Some pieces of pain are necessary for the genes, individuals, groups, and species of animals including human beings to exist and evolve. For example 1, the pain on skins is necessary to prevent injuries from reaching deeper vital organs and ensure the existence of genes and individuals. For example 2, the mental pain like fear and anxiety makes individuals foresee and escape dangers and ensure the existence of genes and individuals. For example 3, the dissatisfaction of sexual drive ensure the existence of genes, groups, and species. In addition, though the struggle for existence accompanies some pieces of pain in animals, they are necessary for the species of animals including human beings to evolve and exist.
In contrast, human beings cause some pieces of pain which are unnecessary for the existence or evolution of the genes, individuals, groups, or species or for the liberty of individuals. If oppression in autocracy, wars, the use of totally destructive means, penalty, and so forth were necessary, the persistent pain caused by them would be unnecessary. In addition, some of them cause the large-scale pain of millions of people. Thus, human beings cause unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain. Here the desire and purpose to reduce the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings as in general as possible comes to appear.
Of course, each of us lives with death and life repeated in the space which has infinite space and time, and so we are rarely born again on the earth. Nonetheless, nobody would like, even if rarely, to undergo the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings.
The anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later is the most intense pain that human beings have, and it can be reduced in the way explained earlier. However, as soon as that anxiety is reduced, we find that there is the repetition of the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings in the very endless repetition of death and life. Knowing that also causes intense pain like fear or anxiety. That pain might be more intense than the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later. All that we can do is reduce the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings as in general as possible.
In addition, in the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings, we cannot help hoping to transcend this real world. All the same, there is no such thing as transcends this real world. Above all, in that pain, we cannot help thinking that we do not need the real world, the world transcending it, or anything and that we want to be nothing. All the same, there is nothing but the endless repetition of death and life, and we cannot transcend this real world or become nothing. The endless repetition of death and life is a fact of life for animals including human beings. Then, all that we can do is reduce the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings as in general as possible. For example 1, in slavery, because masters can be born again as slaves, not only slaves but also masters need to abolish slavery. For example 2, in despotism, persecutors can be born again as the persecuted, not only the persecuted but also persecutors need to abolish despotism. From the beginning, because human beings can often be born again as animals other than them, the former need to refrain from causing the pain of the latter which is unnecessary for the former.
If human beings could reduce the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings as in general as possible, what would they hope? Many of them will hope to be born again as human beings. That hope is not an exclusively unnatural one. Human beings have the self's images and have memories, perceptions, associations, feelings, desires, egos, and thinkings. Only those who have had them understand the pleasure of having them. This is just the same as human beings do not understand the pleasure of wild animals. Therefore that hope is not exclusively unnatural one.
Of course, human beings can often be born again as animals other than them. Far from that, they can be born again as animals in the space other than the earth. All the same, the longer human beings exist, the larger, even a little, gets the possibility they will be born again as human beings. Therefore that hope is not exclusively unrealistic.
In addition, living things evolve. Human beings evolve, too. Few of them would resist their evolving.
In addition, that hope is not exclusively arrogant one because of the following. In order for human beings to exist, they need to preserve the environment and need to preserve and effectively use natural resources. That environment and those natural resources contain various animals, plants, and microorganisms. Thus, the existence of human beings accompanies that of various living things. In order to materialize that hope, human beings need to secure their existence.
All the same, anybody and anything including human beings cannot stop the drastic change of the earth or the sun. In addition, if any human beings could survive in the space other than the earth, the survivable would be only a handful of human beings. In addition, as was explained earlier, those human beings evolve in a direction quite different from that on the earth, and it cannot be looked upon as the existence of human beings or living things on the earth.
On those grounds, above all, because most human beings want to be born again as human beings and because the longer human beings exist, the larger gets the possibility they will be born again as human beings, the desire and purpose to secure the existence of living things including human beings or evolved ones until the drastic change of the earth or the sun comes to appear.
However, such a desire and purpose is that which can be caused for the first time when the desire and purpose to reduce the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings as in general as possible is satisfied and materialized to some extent. That is those two desire and purpose are inseparable. After all, the desire and purpose to reduce the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings as in general as possible and to to secure the existence of living things including human beings or evolved ones until the drastic change of the earth or the sun comes to appear.
The place where this desire and purpose is satisfied and materialized is limited to this earth and its periphery. Therefore it is not completely impossible for this desire and purpose to be satisfied and materialized. Therefore this desire and purpose can also be called the "Ultimate Desire (and Purpose) (Possible Beyond Generations)."
Such a desire is caused mainly by individuals' emotions and egos intending to reduce the anxiety about endlessly suffering pain in the endless repetition of death and life. Therefore such a desire can also be called "Ultimate Egoism."
Because such a desire is based on the egos and emotions of the present citizens, it can become a right, too, and can be called the "Right to Exist (or to Live) in General." However, suppose that the use of totally destructive means extinguish the human beings on the earth, it is a violation of liberal rights of the freedom of life and body of billions or tens of billions of human beings and a failure to secure social rights of the maintenance of minimum lives of the same number of human beings. In order for human beings or evolved ones to exist until the drastic change of the earth or the sun and to reduce their pain, we need to maintain the minimum lives and the health of hundreds or thousands of billions of them and prevent world wars, massacres, and so forth. The former is included in the security of social rights, and the latter is included in the protection of liberal rights. Thus, the ultimate desire is included in liberal rights and social rights. Thus, it is not at all that the ultimate desire cannot be satisfied unless the right to exist in general is established.
In contrast to pain, pleasure can be pursued and needs to be pursued freely by each of us, that is, each individual. That is because the pleasure forced by others is not pleasure, freely pursuing pleasure is itself pleasure, and freedom is itself pleasure. In addition, if we were bound to traditional religions and ethics, we could not reached the above desire and purpose. With the very freedom of thought and speech, we can reach the above desire and purpose.
Thus, even without traditional religions or ethics, only with human emotions and egos, and liberty, it is possible that the desire and purpose to reduce the unnecessary, persistent, and large-scale pain caused by human beings as in general as possible and to secure the existence of living things including human beings or evolved ones until the drastic change of the earth or the sun comes to appear.
Then how to realize that desire and purpose? Please start to read "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY" with the chapter of "TOTALLY DESTRUCTIVE MEANS."