In this book, the words of material things, properties, functions, living things, living functions, animals, animal functions, sensations, memories, feelings, desires, egos, thinkings, abilities, tendencies, habits, and so forth designate nearly the same things as are designated in "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY." Please refer to it for the details. All the same, there is no serious problems if it is thought that those words designate the same things as are designated in our daily lives and in conventional pieces of science. The meanings of some important words and the differences in the meanings of some words from in those in "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY" will be explained briefly.
    In "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY," the distinction between spatial and temporal things like material things, living things, animals, and human beings on the one hand and their properties including functions like material functions, living functions, animal functions, and human functions on the other hand was important. The distinction between them is not so important in this book. In addition, in "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY," being or existence was premised as self-evident, and functions are more important than it. In this book, though functions are important, being or existence is not premised as self-evident, and is very important. Therefore material things and their properties including functions, living things and their properties including functions, animals and their properties including functions, human beings and their properties including functions, or the like are usually called "Material Things," "Living Things," "Animals," "Human Beings," or the like in this book. In addition, in "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY," the distinction between material things' being caused or changed and their properties including functions' being caused or changed, the distinction between living things' being caused or changed and their properties including functions' being caused or changed, or the like was important. The distinction between them is not so important in this book. Therefore material things' being caused or changed and their properties including functions' being caused or changed, living things' being caused or changed and their properties including functions' being caused or changed, or the like is also called the Material Thing's Being Caused or "Existing and Functioning," the Living Thing's Being Caused or Existing and Functioning, or the like in this book. Above all, living things' existing and functioning can be called Their "Living."
    Anyway, human beings are included in animals, animals are included in living things, and living things are included in material things.
    In "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY," individuals are more important than species or societies, and so the words of animals, human beings, and so forth usually designated their individuals. In contrast, species and societies are more important than individuals in this book. Therefore the words of living things, animals, human beings, and so forth usually designate their species or societies in this book.
    Every material thing is functioned to by some other material things and functions to some other material things directly or indirectly. It is impossible to enumerate all of the other material things that a material thing is functioned to by and functions to directly and indirectly. For example, an individual is functioned to directly by the sights, sounds, and touches, indirectly by his or her family, teachers, and classmates, or boss, colleagues, and staff in his or her home, school, or company, more indirectly by other families, schools, companies, and so forth, and they are endless. Therefore the words "directly or indirectly" and most of the other material things which are self-evident are omitted in these books. For example, when the evolution of living things is explained, the explanation of the generation of the solar system or the earth is omitted.


    The material things which synthesize some macromolecules like proteins, lipids, saccharides, and nucleic acids, consist of them, and reproduce some other material things which have the same necessary properties as they have can be called "Living Things." Genes also synthesize nucleic acids and proteins, consist of them, and replicate themselves, and so they are living things. In the same way, cells are living things while sometimes composing larger living things. Of course, animals and plants are living things.
    In addition, the functions which living things have can be called their "Living Functions," and living things and their properties including living functions can be called "Living Things." Living functions include nonsexual and sexual reproduction. The genesis of living things in themselves, of cellular membranes, of genes, of cells, of multicellular organisms, and of species and evolution, and so on are included in living functions in these books.
    The words of all living things can designate an infinite number of living things which exist and function in the space which has endless space and time. Sometimes in these books, all the living things on the earth are also called "All Living Things." In contrast, some living things somewhere other than on the earth are sometimes called "Material Things Similar to the Earth's Living Things" in these books.


    When some living things (A) having a common set of necessary properties (AP) reproduce (A) having a common set of necessary properties (AP) over generations or when some living things (B) and (C) having a common set of necessary properties (BCP) function to each other and reproduce (B) and (C) having the same common set of necessary properties (BCP) over generations, (A) or (B) and (C) can be called a "Species (of Living Things)." In addition, (A)'s reproduction can be called "Asexual" Reproduction, and (B) and (C)'s Sexual Reproduction. In addition, (B) or (C) can be called a "Sex."
    A living thing which can exist and function while spatially separated from the other living things can be called an "Individual (of Living Things)." Most animals which we see in our daily lives are individuals.
    In "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY," animals and human beings were explained with their individuals made units. In contrast, in this book they are usually explained with their species made units. Therefore, usually in this book, the words of some living things designate some species of living things, and the words of human beings designate the species of "Homo sapiens." In addition, the species having sensations or more and motor functions can be called "Animals." The species having photosynthesis as a function can be called "Plants" or Plants with Photosynthesis. Again, human beings are included in animals, animals are included in living things, and living things are included in material things.


    The "possibility" that a material thing exists and functions involves the possibility that some other material things exist and function. In contrast to possibility, the possibility that a material thing exists and functions which is intrinsic to that material thing can be called the Material Thing's "Ability" (or Capability) or "Tendencies" or "Habits." As for their details and distinction, please refer to "A TRILOGY ON PSYCHOLOGY." Their details and distinction do not matter much in this book.


    Anyway, the possibility that some material things exist and function involves the possibility that some other material things exist and function. The possibility that some living things exist and function involves the possibility that some other material things including some other living things exist and function. The possibility that a species exists and functions involves the possibility of some other material things including some other species exist and function. For example, the possibility of human beings exist and function involves the possibility of the sun, the earth, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, the photosynthesis by the plants, the food chains from microorganism to plants to some other animals, and so forth exist and function. Moreover, there exist and function some other material things including some other living things and their functions without which none of the living things can exist or function (NL). In addition, there exist and function some other material things including some other species and their functions without which none of a species can exist or function (NS). In addition, there exist and function some other material things and their functions without which none of the species on the earth can exist and function (NG). (NL) can be called the "Nature" of or for the living things, (NS) can be called the Nature of or for the species, and (NG) can be called the Nature of or for (all) living things. For example 1, the sun, the earth, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, photosynthesis by plants, food chains from microorganism to plants to some other animals, and so forth are human beings' nature or the nature for human beings. For example 2, the sun, the earth, water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and so forth are living things' nature or the nature for living things. When it is clear for what a nature exists and functions, (NL)(NS)(NG) can be called the nature of or for living things, and furthermore, even with the modifiers "of or for living things" omitted, they can be called Nature.
    Some of a species can exist and function temporarily even when most of the nature for the species does not exist or function. All the same, when its nature does not exist or function, the species will be extinguished sooner or later or will evolve in a direction entirely different from the direction of the traditional evolution of that species. For example, even if several young women and men with a space ship, several species of microorganisms, plants and animals, some oxygen, water, food, clothing, fuel, and medicine, and so forth for thousands of years exist and function, those human beings will be extinguished in a few generations through the decrease of the abilities of immunity or of sexual functions or unexpected physical or mental disorders or will evolve to what are entirely different from human beings or the animals on the earth. That some of a species exist and function temporarily even if most of its nature does not exist or function is not included in the species' existing or functioning, and such bogus nature as was enumerated above is not included in nature in these books.
    The nature for the past living things is different from that for the present living things. The nature for the genesis of living things in themselves, cellular membranes, genes, or the like is different from the nature for the present Living things. The genesis of living things in themselves is either (1) that living things in themselves were generated in the nature of the past earth which was different from that of the present earth, (2) that living things in themselves had been generated in the nature of another celestial body and came to the earth, or (3) that the sources of living things had been generated in the nature of another celestial body and had come to the earth and that the living things in themselves were generated from them. Maybe it is (1) or (3). Anyway, it is thought that there is little possibility that living things in themselves are generated in the nature of the present earth.


    Genes in a narrow sense consist of certain kinds of "Bases" and certain chains which bind bases. The permutations of the bases are the "Base Sequences" of genes. The base sequences of genes determine most of the living things mainly by determining the structures and polarities of proteins. Base sequences often change spontaneously. This is the substance of "Spontaneous Mutation." Out of the living things involving genes which have undergone some spontaneous mutations, only a few that can exist and function and reproduce themselves in their nature and its periphery through generations can exist and function as new species or variant subspecies. In other words, most of the living things involving genes which have undergone some spontaneous mutations cannot exist or function or cannot reproduce themselves. These can be called Living Things' "Natural Selection" or "Selection in Nature," or "Being Selected in Nature." Because we who are now existing have been selected in nature, we hardly see the severity of the natural selection. Again, most of the living things involving genes which have undergone some spontaneous mutations cannot exist or function or cannot reproduce themselves. Even if we, human beings, manipulate genes wrongly, as long as the products can undergo some spontaneous mutations and natural selections, they cannot reproduce themselves endlessly and cannot extinguish all of the living things including human beings. However, when they cannot undergo any spontaneous mutations or natural selections, what will happen? This book will answer this question later.
    Some of a species sometimes cause some other species by means of some spontaneous mutations and natural selections. This can be called (1) Their "Evolution" or "Evolving" to Those (Other) Species. In addition, some of a species sometimes causes some other subspecies in the same species by means of some spontaneous mutations and natural selections. This can be called (2) Their (Intra-Species) Evolution to Those (Other) Subspecies or Their Evolving to Those (Other) Subspecies in the Species. (1)(2) can be called Evolution, and (1) can also be called Evolution in a Narrow Sense.
    Evolution in a narrow sense has not continuous but discrete quantity as a property because it is a change from a species to some other species. Intra-species evolution, too, has not continuous but discrete quantity as a property because it is a change from a subspecies to some other subspecies. Being large or small of such quantity of evolution can be called a species or a subspecies, or some living things' Evolving "Much or a Little" to some other species or some other subspecies, or some other living things.
    By the way, concerning degeneration, it is probable that some parts of living things and some parts' functions are degenerated, and it is a proper description. For example in human beings, a function of olfactory sensation and an organ of tail are degenerated. In contrast, it is an improper description that a species or subspecies is degenerated. Even if a species seems to human being to be evolving to a senseless direction, as long as the species is adapted to its nature and exists, it can be looked upon as evolving.
    Because spontaneous mutations are often caused, as long as living exist, they are certain to evolve sooner or later. If living things exist for hundreds or thousands of years, most of them are sure to evolve in the species, and if living things exist for tens or hundreds of thousands of years, some of them are sure to evolve to some other species. So are human beings. This is all the more certain if human beings should exist until the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun.


    The evolution of the structures and the functions of some living things is usually that new ones are added to old ones. Those new ones can be called those living things' "Additional Parts." Therefore, the more living things evolve, the more complicated their structures and functions become. However, it doesn't end only with that. In order for those additional parts to exist and function, their nature needs to exist and function. In order for evolved living things to exist and function, though with some overlapping, the nature for those additional parts need to be added to the nature for the living things before that evolution. Therefore, the further living things evolve, the more complicated and diverse their nature becomes.
    In this book, in the same way as in "SENSATIONS AND RECOLLECTIONS OF IMAGES," the functions which are premised to cause some things appearing on sensations, which is a kind of mental phenomena, are called Sensations, and the functions not causing any things appearing on sensations are not called Sensations. In addition, in this book, the functions which are premised to cause images, which are another kind of mental phenomenon, are called recollections of images, the functions generating, memorizing, storing, and recollecting images are called Memories, and the functions not containing recollections of images are not called Memories.
    As was explained in "SENSATIONS AND RECOLLECTIONS OF IMAGES," if no sensations had been generated, no memories could have been generated. Every animal having memories has sensations. All the animals having memories have evolved from some animals having sensations and no memories. All the functions like perceptions, associations, feelings, desires, egos, and thinkings involve some recollections of images which are contained in memories. None of those functions could have been generated if no memories had been generated. Every animal having those functions has memories. All the animals having those functions have evolved from some animals having memories and none of those functions. Therefore sensations and the functions which could not be generated without them can be called the "Sensations or More," and the memories and the functions which could not be generated without them can be called the "Memories or More." All the same, even animals having such sensations as were defined above have evolved to a considerable degree and are considerably complicated, and their nature has considerable variety. The nature for the animals having sensations or more has more variety, and that for those having memories or more has still more variety.
    The more a species evolves, the more it needs to make "symbiosis" with other various species. For example, human beings need to make symbiosis with various microorganisms, plants, other animals in the mountains, rivers, seas, planes, and towns which have seasons. Crops and livestocks can be looked upon as some of the plants and animals which we make symbiosis with. Getting immunity from weaker bacteria and viruses is looked upon as symbiosis with them so that we can defend ourselves against stronger ones. By definition, those other species which a species makes symbiosis with are included in the species' nature. Moreover, in order for those other species which a species makes symbiosis with to exist and function, their nature needs to exist and function. By definition, the nature for those other species which a species makes symbiosis with are included in the species' nature.


    Moreover, a species needs to "struggle with" some other species in order for it not only to exist and function but also to evolve. The more a species evolves, the more various species it needs to struggle with. For example, herbivores need to struggle with not only bacteria and viruses but also various herbivores and some carnivores in order to evolve. So that those other species which a species struggles with can exist and function, their nature needs to exist and function. Those other species which a species needs to struggles with in order for it to evolve and their nature can be called the Species' "Nature for Evolution."
    From the beginning, in order for a species to evolve, living things need not only to exist and function in a narrow sense but also to reproduce themselves, and the genetic replications, genetic repairs, sexual functions, and so forth need to exist and function. By definition, they are included in living things in themselves.


    Living things' nature overlaps with their nature for evolution. For example, the animals which human beings make symbiosis with and those which they struggle with live in the same soil, mountain, grassland, forest, river, lake, sea, or town. A species' nature and its nature for evolution which overlap thus can be called the Species' "Nature for Existence and Evolution," the Nature for Their Existence and Evolution, or the Nature for Existence and Evolution.
    However, because spontaneous mutations are often caused, living things either go extinct or exist while evolving, and living things which do not evolve will not exist and function. When we think that, we find that the nature for living things involve their nature for evolution. Therefore the nature for living things and their nature for evolution can also be called merely their Nature. However, when the nature for evolution needs to be emphasized, the words of the nature for existence and evolutions will be used.
    Anyway, the nature for more evolved living things has more variety than that for less evolved ones, the nature for the former's evolution has more variety than that for the latter's, and the nature for former's existence and evolution is more various than that for the latter's. The nature for animals having memories or more's existence and evolution is more various than that for animals having sensations and no memories'. From the beginning, the nature for animals having sensations or more's is more various than the living things having no sensations'.


    When a lot of pieces of evolution are compared, we find that evolution has not only quantity, explained earlier, but also direction as a property. For example, "photosynthesis without sensations or motor functions (plants) ⇔ sensations and motor functions without photosynthesis (animals)" are an opposite direction. "having sensations and having no memories→having memories or more" is a quantity toward the same direction. The direction which a species' evolution to some other species has as a property can be represented with some living functions like photosynthesis, sensations, motor functions, and so forth. In addition, being large or small of the quantity toward a certain direction of a species' evolution can be called the Species' Evolving Much or Less to a Certain Direction.
    The more a species evolves to a certain direction, the less the possibility that it evolves to the opposite direction become. For example, the possibility that microorganisms evolve to animals is larger than that of plants' doing that. The possibility that microorganisms evolve to plants is larger than that of animals' doing that. It is impossible that angiosperms having photosynthesis evolve to animals having sensations or more. It is impossible that animals having sensations or more evolve to angiosperms.
    As is one of the most significant in those books, the possibility that living things having no sensations evolve to animals having sensations is very small. That is because the neuronal systems causing the sensations defined in these books have already been complicated and sophisticated to a great degree. When compared with that, the possibility that some animals having sensations and no memories evolve to some animals having memories or more is much larger. If the animals having memories or more are extinguished, as long as there exist and function some animals having sensations and no memories and the nature for their existence and evolution, the latter are certain to evolve to the former. The time is no more than a moment when compared with the lifetime of the earth.


    Human beings make, use, and leave means like tools, houses, clothes, and so forth. Means include weapons like swords, bows and arrows, bombs, rifles, and missiles. In addition, human beings breed or grow and use or eat crops and livestocks. Such living things are included in means for human beings. Manipulations of genes, manipulated genes, and genetic means are also included in means. The acme of means are Nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and means causing artificial, drastic changes which will be explained later. In addition, human beings transmit and leave how to make and use means by not only spoken words but also written words, signs, and so forth. Those media are included in means. It is not with bare hands or bodies but with such means that human beings destroy themselves, other living things, and their nature and deviate from the cycle of prosperity and decline which will be explained below. While other living things leave almost nothing but their genes, human beings leave not only their genes but also means.


    All the same, when the earth or the sun ages or collapses in the natural course, all the living things including human beings on the earth will be extinguished. No living things including human beings can stop such natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun. It is no more than a fiction that some human beings migrate to another planet or a satellite of the solar system or those of another system and survive. If it were possible, we could not recognize that kind of survival as the existence of living things including human beings. That is because such human beings evolve to some directions different from the directions of the evolution of the living things on the earth in the nature different from the nature of the earth.
    However, we, human beings, can extinguish all living things including human beings before the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun. Why can they?
    From the beginning, often, not only human beings but also other living things function to some other living things of the same species or of some other species or their nature, and as a result some of those living things do not exist or function. This can be called the "Destruction" of the latter by the former or the former's Destroying the latter. In addition, often, living things function to the nature for the same species or some other species, and as a result some parts of that nature do not exist or do not function. This can be called the Destruction (and Exhaustion) of the Nature by Living Things or Living Things' Destroying (and Exhausting) the Nature. Some living things destroy some other living things not only directly but also indirectly by destroying their nature.
    By the way, human beings call nature the Environment and Natural Resources or the like and the destruction of nature the Destruction of the Environment and the Exhaustion of Natural Resources or the like. In addition, they restrict those which are seemingly grave at the then present and use the words like global warming, climate change, depletion of energy resources, or the like. From now on, however, we cannot forecast what kind of destruction or exhaustion of nature will loom up. Maybe the most grave is the exhaustion of food resources. However, we cannot forecast it. Therefore those restricting words will not be used in these books.
    From the beginning, any species whose population has increased exceedingly and which has prospered exceedingly destroy that species' nature, some other species, and some other species' nature by that prosperity, and that species is extinguished or declines by the destruction of that species' nature. However, by that extinction, some other species and some other species' nature revive. By that decline, that species' nature revives, and as a result, even that species revive, and its population does not become zero. These can be called the "Cycle of Prosperity and Decline." This cycle presupposes those survivals and revivals of a handful of the living things of the same or different species. Please do not forget this presupposition. This cycle is also a grand kind of try and error and presupposes re-trials. From the beginning, try and error in general presupposes re-trials. By such a cycle, it never happened that traditional living things extinguished all living things even when they prospered as exceedingly as possible.
    In contrast, we, human beings, can extinguish all living things by the deviation from the cycle of prosperity and decline. This is because nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and artificial, drastic changes which will be defined later can destroy living things' genes on the earth in a short time or destroy the earth in itself and because it is possible that they left no room for those survivals, revivals, or re-trials explained above.


    The following is much the same as the corresponding part of "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY."
    The evolution of living things is also a grand try and error. Spontaneous mutation is a try, and the death of those which cannot adapt themselves to the environment in the natural selection is an error. As was explained earlier, the contents including abilities and tendencies of human beings' memories, feelings, desires, egos, thinkings are formed mainly acquiredly and are not inherited or evolved. In contrast, the frames containing those contents are formed innately by genes and are inherited and evolved. For example, while the frames of memories, that is, the neuronal groups generating, memorizing and storing and recollecting images are formed mainly innately by genes and are inherited and evolved, the contents of memories, that is, those images in themselves are acquiredly generated and are not inherited or evolved. Moreover, the contents of civilizations including ideas and thoughts, science and technology, social systems, and arts are not inherited through genes or evolved. In contrast, the frames containing and transmitting them are inherited and evolved. More concretely, autocracy or democracy, capitalism or communism, Ptolemaic theory or Copernican theory, Creationism or Darwinism, and information technology and biological technology are not inherited through genes or evolved. In contrast, the frames like the nervous systems memorizing, and storing them and larynxes, tongues, and mouths, and fingers and hands transmitting them are inherited through genes and evolved.
    And those contents produce totally or massively destructive means and becomes unfit for the existence of living things including human beings. However, those contents and the ways to produce or to abolish and prevent totally destructive means are not inherited through genes or evolved. Then, the only way for human beings to become fit beings for existence in evolution is for those frames containing those contents to evolve. It takes hundreds or thousands of years for those frames to (intra-specifically) evolve even a little. If it were possible that those frames would evolve (intra-specifically or extra-specifically) in the direction fit for existence, it would take tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years. It is too unrealistic for anybody to take into account.
    From the beginning, in traditional living things, those contents are faint, most things concerning existence can be inherited and evolved, and natural selection, the survival of the fittest, and evolution have been functioning directly to them. In contrast, they function considerably indirectly to human beings. Human beings deviate not only the cycle of prosperity and decline explained earlier but also evolution. If evolution is looked upon as a game, human beings ignore its rule, or they play outside its field. Though human beings have been elaborating the theory of evolution since the nineteenth century, have they found that deviation?
    Again, those frames are inherited and evolved, and those contents are not. Practically, we cannot change those frames. In other words, it is not entirely impossible that we change their contents. It is not entirely impossible that we change their contents into those which can totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means. These books are no more than those which try to do it.


    As was explained earlier, the possibility that animals having sensations and having no memories evolve to animals having memories or more is much larger than the possibility that living things having no sensations evolve to animals having sensations. As long as animals having sensations and the nature for their existence and evolution exist and function, they are certain to evolve to animals having memories or more in a short time when compared with the life span of the earth. Including it, on the grounds which have been explained from the beginning to here in this book, on the earth before the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun, that a few species of animals having sensations and having no memories and the nature for their existence and evolution exist and function can be called (Living Things') "Minimum Existence" or Existing Minimum. Again, as long as a few species of animals having sensations and the nature for their existence and evolution exist and function, they are certain to evolve to animals having memories or more in a short time when compared with the life span of the earth.
    The nature for the existence and evolution of a few species of animals having sensations and having no memories involve various microorganisms, plants, and animals, and so even the minimum existence involves the existence of unexpectedly various living things. Please do not forget this.
    Of course, each of us seeks the self's existence, and human beings seek their existence. They rarely seek other living things' existence. All the same, the nature for human beings needs to exist and function in order for them to exist and function, and such nature has considerable variety and include various living things. Human beings' seeking their own existence includes seeking the existence of various living things. Therefore it cannot always be said that human beings' seeking their own existence is their egoism.
    On those grounds, on the earth before the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun, that some species of animals having memories or more including some human beings or evolved human beings and the nature for their existence and evolution exist and function can be called (Living Things') "Various Existence" or "Existing Variously."
    In addition, living things' minimum existence or various existence can be called (Living Things' or Our) "Existence" or "Existing."
    In contrast, on the earth before the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun, that none of the species of animals having sensations or more exist or function can be called (Living Things') "Total Extinction" or Being Totally Extinguished. Living things' total extinction can include that none of the nature for those species' existence and evolution exists and functions.
    Out of living things' total extinction, human beings' causing it can be called the "Total Destruction" (of Living Things) (by Human Beings) or (Human Beings') Totally Destroying (Living Things). By definition, such living things as are totally destroyed by human beings include human beings. Simply, total destruction include self-destruction. What make such self-destruction possible are the time to carcinogenesis by radioactivity and metastasis, the incubation period of microorganisms, the time for hematopoietic stem cells to be destroyed, and so forth. When such self-destruction needs to be emphasized, the total destruction of living things caused by human beings is also called the Total Destruction (of Living Things) "Including Human Being" (by Human Beings) or (Human Beings') Totally Destroying Living Things Including Human Being in these books. As will be explained later, nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and artificial, drastic changes can totally destroy.
    The meaning of the words like "mass destruction" is vague and subjective. However, it is more important whether or not it includes total destruction. In these books, the destruction of a lot of living things including human beings and their nature excluding the total destruction is called a "Massive Destruction" or Massively Destroying. However, when it is necessary to emphasized that it does not include the total destruction, the words like massive destruction excluding the total destruction are used in these books. In addition, the words like "a Little Destruction," "Destroying a Little," and so forth are also vague and subjective, but such words will not imply the total destruction.


    The means in a narrow sense was explained earlier. Those in a broad sense will be explained here.
    Human beings make and use tools like hoes, plows, and pots. They are included in means. Arms, weapons, and so forth are included in means, too. They research, develop, produce, and operate the complicated or massive artifacts like buildings, roads, cars, ships, airplanes, and so forth. They are included in means, too. Moreover, they intentionally induce the changes of atomic nuclei, and research, develop, hold, and use the artifacts causing radiation like nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons. They are included in means, too. In addition, human beings breed or cultivate and use living things like livestocks, crops, microorganisms, and so forth. Moreover, human beings manipulate genes, and research, develop, and use the living things involving manipulated genes like genetically modified crops and biological weapons. Though they are living things or bogus living things, because human beings somehow manipulate and make use of them, they are included in means in these books. In addition, human beings research the ways of lives and those of making and using tools, and record and transmit those ways by means of spoken words, written words, signs, papers, radio, television, computers, the Internet, and so forth. In addition, human beings constitute and manage large organizations like governments, enterprises, and research institutes. They are all included in means in these books. Human beings, who can totally destroy living things, cannot do so with bare hands or bodies but can do so with such means. Therefore means need to be paid attention to in the first place when it is inquired what causes total or massive destruction.
    However, though it is certain that human beings cannot do anything without means, sometimes, it matters more how they behave themselves than which means they use. For example, though extreme, in wars or massacres, they in themselves matter more than whether they use traditional weapons, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, or biological weapons or whether they block out food and water or leave alone natural disasters or pandemics. Such human behaviors like wars and massacres are included in means in these books. For example 1, it can be said that wars are totally or massively destructive "means." For example 2, it can be said that massacres are massively destructive "means." For example 3, it can be said that the destruction of nature is a massively destructive "means." For example 4, it can be said that such manipulation of an asteroid as can change its orbit is a totally destructive "means." After means are defined so, looking through all means (in a broad sense) is enough to inquire what causes total or massive destruction.


    When we define totally destructive means, we need to pay attention to the following.

(1) All the means in a broad sense explained above need to be classified and looked through.
(2) When it is not confirmed that some means cannot cause the total destruction, they need to be included.
(3) Because some means which are similar to some other means can be researched and developed easily from the latter, we need to define them with a large set including similar means. For example, we need not the set of atomic bombs or that of hydrogen bombs but that of nuclear weapons.
(4) When some means cause the total destruction in the case that a certain quantity or more of it is used in a certain or worse situation, even if that quantity and that situation is impossible at present, those means needs to be included.
(5) However, when it is clear that some means cannot cause the total destruction, they need to be clearly excluded. That is because human beings do not function even for the minimum existence of living things when daily desires and lives are restricted too much. For example, we need to exclude the gene therapy which cannot cause total destruction. That is because human beings' desire for life and health is the most compelling.

    Therefore we had better define non-totally destructive means at first and thereafter define totally destructive means. The means which cannot cause the total destruction if any quantity of any subgroups of them are used in any situations can be called "Non-Totally Destructive Means." Thereafter the means which are not non-totally destructive means can be called "Totally Destructive Means." That is, the means which it is not certain cannot cause the total destruction can be called Totally Destructive Means.
    However, usually, when a certain number (z) or more of a certain subgroup or worse ones belonging to totally destructive means are used in a certain situation or worse ones, the total destruction is caused. First, nuclear weapons are totally destructive means. When a certain number (z) or more of hydrogen bombs which is a subgroup of nuclear weapons are, in the chain of retaliation, used in most of the continents and seas on both the hemispheres, by the radiations caused directly and indirectly (from residual radioactivity) by them, first, the genes of a lot of living things on land and in the swallow underground and sea will be destroyed or mutated, most of them will suffer from cancer, immunodeficiency, anemia, infertility, and so forth, and will be killed. Second, respiration, photosynthesis, and the food chain there will not function, and so all the living things there will be extinguished. Third, the food chain from the land and the swallow underground and sea will not function, and the living things in the deep underground and sea will be extinguished. Finally, the total destruction will be caused. Therefore nuclear weapons are included in totally destructive means. As will be explained later, not only nuclear weapons but also immutable gene means and artificial, drastic changes are totally destructive means.
    Even if a kind of means cannot reach a certain number (z) or cause the total destruction at present, because there is the, if a little, possibility of reaching it in the future, they are included in totally destructive means. For example, if most of the nuclear weapons held by superpowers or great powers are abolished, they cannot reach the number (z) or cause the total destruction currently. All the same, they can be built up in the future, they are included in totally destructive means, and we need to go on abolishing and preventing them totally.
    Usually when totally destructive means are used or do run wildly in an accident brought about by a natural disaster on the conditions better than the above, they can cause not the total but massive destruction. Also for this reason, we need to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means.
    A certain number (z) fluctuate depending on the situations and the subgroups, the subgroups fluctuate depending on the number (z) and the situations, and the situations fluctuate depending on the number (z) and the subgroups. For example, the number (z) whose situation is that nuclear weapons are used except on the Arctic is larger than the number (z') whose situation is that they are used also on it. In contrast, in immutable gene means and artificial and drastic changes of the earth or the sun which will be explained later, a certain number (z), the distinction among research, development, hold, and use, and that between weapons and the means excluding weapons are much vaguer than in nuclear weapons.


    Out of non-totally destructive means, that is, out of the means which cannot cause the total destruction if any quantity of any subgroups of them are used in any situations, the means which can cause massive destruction can be called "Massively Destructive Means." By definition, massively destructive means cannot cause the total destruction.
    Traditional weapons and wars, massacres, and so forth using them are massively destructive means. In addition, the large-scale food shortage, pandemic, the failure to minimize the damage from natural disasters and so forth caused by misgovernment is massively destructive means. In addition, the industry and the science and technology, and their products (,as long as they do not involve totally destructive means,) are massively destructive means. In addition, the fierce increase of the human population by them are massively destructive means. In addition, the destruction (and exhaustion) of nature by them are massively destructive means. It may be unexpected that the destruction of nature is not a totally but massively destructive means. The reason will be explained closely later, and simply here. Even when the destruction of nature goes vigorous at most, as long as it does not accompany totally destructive means, because it destroys nature slowly, human beings will decline. Then some living things including human beings and their nature are revived. That is, while totally destructive means deviate from the cycle of prosperity and decline explained earlier, massively destructive means including the destruction of nature do not.
    Thus, totally destructive means can also be defined as the means deviating from the cycle of prosperity and decline, and non-totally destructive means can also be defined as the means not deviating from it.
    Human beings' restraining the massive destruction and exhaustion of nature by restricting the human functions, more concretely, preserving the environment and preserving and making good use of natural resources can be called (Human Beings') "Preservation of Nature" or Preserving Nature. It is important. All the same, when compared with the abolition and prevention of totally destructive means, we need to give priority to the latter. It is not at all that the former can be ignored. It is no more than that the latter needs to be given priority to.
    There is a paradoxical massively destructive means. They are medical care and welfare. They let sick and weak individuals survive and leave their offspring. As a result, it is certain that human beings will evolve in the direction of sickness and weakness where they cannot survive without medical care and welfare. If medical care and welfare should collapse, a lot of individuals cannot survive. All the same, it is not totally destructive means but massively destructive ones. This is because there will remain a few individuals who are not sick or weak and because they will survive and leave their offspring.
    In addition, human desire to to live long in good health and for their families and friends to live long in good health is compelling. We had better not restrain such a desire. If medical care and welfare were totally destructive means, we could not help restraining them, but unless they accompany immutable gene means, they are massively destructive means and so we do not need to restrain it desperately.


    The means which are themselves not totally destructive means and which, however, can cause the research and development of totally destructive means can be called "Pre-Totally Destructive Means." For example, atomic bombs and nuclear power plants are pre-totally destructive means. If the atomic bombs had not been researched, developed, held, or used in the middle of the twentieth century, no hydrogen bombs would have been researched, developed, or hold as early as in several years.
    All the same, more or less indirectly in the long run, human beings can research and develop totally or massively destructive means, and so it turns out that the genesis of human beings was wrong. For example, if atomic bombs had not been researched, developed, held, or used in World War Ⅱ, atomic bombs, hydrogen ones, or the like would have been researched, developed, and held in the Cold War. Most cause and effect is an indirect connection. Therefore the definition of pre-totally destructive means is itself indefinite and a kind of hindsight. All the same, by the very kind of hindsight, we can grasp the outlines of the things which can easily cause the totally destructive means. As will be explained later, those outlines are the manipulations of atomic nuclei, genes, and asteroids. Therefore the means involving the manipulations of them and excluding totally destructive means can be re-called Pre-Totally Destructive Means. Simply, we need to pay attention to the manipulations of them.
    It is one of the most necessary for human beings to prevent totally destructive means from being researched and developed in the stage of pre-totally destructive means. For example, we need to prevent immutable gene means from being researched and developed in the stage of mutable gene means which will be explained later. All the same, of course, it is the most necessary for us to abolish the totally destructive means which have already been researched, developed, and held.


    The following are the reasons why the abolition and prevention of totally destructive means need to be done not partly but totally.
    Usually, when totally destructive means are cut to less than a certain number (z), the total destruction is not caused. However, it is hard for the governments and military-industrial complexes of some states or nations to go on abolishing or preventing their totally destructive means while those of some others go on researching, developing, or holding theirs.
    In addition, from now on, some powers other than governments or military-industrial complexes can take advantage of the information or materials leaked from them and research, develop, hold, and use some totally destructive means.
    In addition, some outsiders can intrude through computers, the Internet, and so forth into some totally destructive means held by some governments or military-industrial complexes can manipulate and drive them wildly.
    In addition, some insiders who are practically outsiders or some insiders who lost the ability to control totally destructive means can manipulate some of them and can drive them wildly.
    In addition, there can be some aging, breaking down, accidents through natural disasters, and so forth of totally destructive means which human reason cannot foresee or control, and these can drive them wildly.
    What is called "deterrence theory" can function for tens or hundreds of years, but they cannot functions hundreds or more of years. That is because, in such long time, some insiders lose the ability to control them in some mental conditions, because some outsiders or insiders who are actually outsiders invade them and let them run wild, and because some accidents which human reasons cannot reach can occur. For example, nuclear weapons survived only tens of years of the Cold War and its aftermath. Only tens or hundreds of years of survival never confirms deterrence theory.
    In addition, in immutable gene means and artificial drastic changes which will be explained later, a certain number (z) and the difference between research, development, hold, and use, and that between weapons and means excluding weapons are vague or nearly nothing. If a few holders of powers should use a few of them, they could cause the total destruction.
    Those cases included, even if the probability that human beings cause the total destruction by using totally destructive means in a year is 0.001 (0.1%), that in 100 years is about 0.1(10%) as a result of 1-(1-0.001)^100, and that in 1,000 years is about 0.63 (63%) as a result of 1-(1-0.001)^1000.
    In addition, if only a few of totally destructive means should be used, they would cause massive destruction, kill a lot of human beings, and cause a lot of pain. In addition, even if they are not used, they cause much mental pain like anxiety and fear.
    It seems that many living things can exist if human beings are extinguished before they use totally destructive means. All the same, even if human beings are extinguished, if the totally destructive means are left, it is possible that they spontaneously run wildly, and that they cause the total destruction or massive destruction for other living things. Simply, human beings should not be extinguished till they totally abolish totally destructive means which they have developed and held.
    In addition, human beings struggle for existence the most fiercely of all the living things. The more they struggle, the more they struggle among themselves, and the more the possibility of their using totally destructive means and causing the total destruction goes.
    However, the greatest reason why totally destructive means should be totally abolished and prevented has already been explained in "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY." It will be extracted from it.

...MAD assume that the holders or administrators of totally destructive means have ordinary emotions and egos. However, it cannot be foreseen what intentional functions they cause with what emotions or egos. They may go into a depressive state, a manic state, a hallucinatory and delusional state, drug withdrawal, or the like. Moreover, even without such mental states in mental disorders, the following may take place.
    For example, when a person with an intense tendency to control anything, desire to make the self eternal, and desire for powers hold political powers including public armed force including totally destructive means and when his or her political powers are in danger by a war or the movement toward a revolution, he or she may go underground into a shelter, use totally destructive means onto the earth, extinguish the human beings on the earth, and thereafter return onto and try to rule the earth. In addition, because the use of nuclear weapons contaminates a lot of natural resources and leaves radioactivity for generations on the earth, he or she may limitingly use nuclear weapons, widely use immutable gene means, extinguish those on the earth, and return onto the earth after the danger of infection have gone. Moreover, some of the autocrats over the world may think the following all at once: "I will induce another autocrat to use totally destructive means and make he or she a villain. I will escape underground into shelters just before that. I will return onto and rule the earth after the human beings on the earth are extinguished. The population will be dramatically decreased only with those who escaped underground alive. The environment and resources will revive soon and hardly deteriorate. Thus, we do not need to fight one another. Simultaneously, we do not need to cooperate with one another. Thus, I can rule the earth freely. This will be the very paradise."
    The above is only an example. It is impossible to foresee, when they acquire powers, with totally destructive means, what intentional functions human beings cause with what emotions and egos. Somebody might say, "It is common for those who acquired powers to oppress and slaughter the people, to go to great war, and so forth." However, it could be said in the age when there were no totally destructive means or sophisticated shelters. At present and from now on, it cannot be foreseen what the holders of powers will think and carry out with totally destructive means and sophisticated shelters. All that citizens can do is democratize and separate powers and totally abolish and completely prevent totally destructive means. The abolition of totally destructive means need to be total abolition including those on the earth, underground, underwater, and in the space and those which public and private powers can acquire. Otherwise, the existence of living things including human beings cannot in the least be secured...

    On those grounds, in order that living things can exist minimum, human beings need to abolish all of the totally destructive means which can be held by public and private powers and manipulated by insiders and outsiders, need to prevent them from being researched, developed, produced, held, and used, and need to prevent them in the stage of pre-totally destructive means. These can be called the "Total Abolition and Prevention of Totally Destructive Means" by human beings or human beings' "Totally Abolishing and Preventing Totally Destructive Means."
    Moreover, it is possible that only human beings or evolved human beings can cause the total destruction on the earth. As long as human beings totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means, living things will exist minimum. All that human beings need to do is totally abolish and prevent them for living things to exist minimum. Therefore the total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means can also be called the "Security of Minimum Existence" of living things by human beings or human beings' Securing the Minimum Existence of living things.
    In addition, human beings' totally abolishing and preventing not only totally destructive means but also pre-totally destructive means and massively destructive means can be called the "Security of Various Existence" of living things by human beings or human beings' Securing the Various Existence of living things.
    In addition, the minimum security of living things or the security of the existence of various living things can be called the "Security of the Existence" of living things by human beings or human beings' "Securing the Existence" of living things.


    As was explained earlier, temporarily, the means which are themselves not totally destructive means but which can cause the research and development of some totally destructive means can be called a Pre-Totally Destructive Means, and conclusively, the means involving the manipulations of atomic nuclei, genes, and asteroids excluding totally destructive means can be called so. One of the most necessary is for human beings to prevent totally destructive means from being researched or developed in their stage.
    All the same, even if scientists and technologist do so, it is probable that the holders of political and economic powers force or lure them to research and develop totally destructive means. Therefore, in all the stages including that of pre-totally destructive means, we need to outlaw and regulate the behaviors of public and private groups and individuals causing the research, development, and production of totally destructive means. If we do not have the confidence to do so, we should totally abolish and prevent not only totally destructive means but also pre-totally destructive means.


    The following explanation is the same as that of "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY."

    Today, the historical significance of what is called the "Cold War" in the twentieth century lies in the development and production of totally destructive means of nuclear weapons, the expansion of military-civilian-academic-industrial complexes, and the spread of the idea of the following "MAD" rather than the conflict between capitalism and communism. The words of "mutual assured destruction (MAD)," "deterrence theory," and the like prevailed in that "Cold War." Their point is that if several super powers could destroy one another with nuclear weapons, which were the only totally destructive means at that time, they would not attack one another and world wars could be prevented. Such ideas are lumped together by the words of "Mutual Assured Deterrence (MAD)" in these books. It is partly true that MAD prevented the Cold War from becoming hot war or world war.
    The core of military strategies in and after the Cold War is not completely destroying opponents' offensive and defensive forces. Though the possibility of opponents' retaliation against aggression would disappear if they were completely destroyed, it is absolutely impossible. This is because there can remain some destructive means underground or undersea or, above all, in the space. In addition, it is impossible to construct such defensive systems as are able to block opponents' offensive forces completely. The core of the military strategies in and after the cold war are all no more than "deterring", simply, threatening opponents. The question is what we need to deter.
    Science and technology, above all, information technology is progressing far beyond that in the age of the Cold War, and weapons are coming to be able to destroy only the keystones of opponents' governments and military forces accurately and selectively. In contrast to indiscriminately destructive means like totally or massively destructive means, the means which can destroy only the keystones of opponents' governments and military forces accurately and selectively can be called "Selectively Destructive Means." They include new missiles carrying old bombs, artificial satellite or spaceship in the space and minute drones on the earth. They can be reconnaissance means or offensive or defensive means. The government and the military of each state are coming to be able to destroy only the key stones of opponents' governments and military forces accurately and selectively with selectively destructive means.
    It is, of course, their own life that the holders of state powers including those who have the command of the military cherish and try to protect the most desperately. What they do so the second most is the powers which they have acquired, and they include not only weapons and military facilities but also the symbols of powers like the main buildings of the administrative power and the legislative power, and the military and the police. They are more vital for them than citizens' life. For this very reason, the effect of deterring the keystones of governments and military forces including those who have the command of military forces is enormous. In contrast, it is of no effect to deter general citizens, who have no command of military forces. In order for us to deter invasion, preemptive strike, war, and so forth, it is not general citizens but the keystones of governments and military forces including commanders of military forces that we need to deter. With using selectively destructive means and without involving general citizens, that governments and military forces of some countries deter one another can be called "Selectively Mutual Assured Deterrence (SMAD)," and if it goes beyond the stage of deterrence, it can be called Selectively Mutual Assured "Destruction" (SMAD). Even if the latter should be caused, all that are sacrificed are the holders of powers. All that we need is SMAD in order to deter invasion, preemptive strike, war, and so forth. With selectively destructive means, even small countries can deter superpowers, and, of course, a superpower can deter other superpowers. With selectively destructive means, a country can deter even alliances, and, of course, an alliance can deter other alliances. Not only general citizens but also governments and military forces on the earth cannot help admitting that SMAD is an effective strategy. From now on, they need to concentrate on the development and production of not indiscriminately destructive means but selectively destructive means. In addition, those whose positions can influence the policies and strategies of governments and military forces need to lead them, with saying, for example,"You can accomplish your purpose by destroying the main facilities and key persons of the enemy governments and military forces with selectively destructive means. If you used totally destructive means, the resources which you want would be contaminated."
    From the beginning, international laws and the constitution and laws of each state need to prohibit the research, development, production, hold, and use of indiscriminately destructive means including totally destructive means by the human beings inside and outside public or private powers in the world. However, they were not prohibited. That was because there was no science or technology with which we could develop and produce selectively destructive means. At present and in the future when there is such science and technology, indiscriminately destructive means will be prohibited. They are no more than a relic of the past when there was no such science or technology.
    Moreover, in order to refine the selectivity of selectively destructive means and SMAD and to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means while preventing great wars, general citizens in the world need to behave themselves as follows.
    In contrast to the structure and dynamics of the vertical division between states or nations in international society, the "Structure (and Dynamics) of the Horizontal Division (between the World Power Holders and the World Citizens in the World)" can exist and function. In the human history, some anti-government forces in some countries cooperated with one another in order to throw out despotism and bring about some kinds of revolutions or to gain independence from suzerains. Those were examples of that structure and dynamics of horizontal division. From now on, such structure and dynamics will be necessary in order to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means and to prevent world wars. The following are some examples of that structure.
    First, we need to unfold campaigns for citizens not to live near major facilities of governments and military forces. These campaigns can be called the "Alienation of Powers" or Alienating Powers. If it is unfolded on global scale, the selectivity of selectively destructive means and SMAD explained above gets larger, and the possibility gets larger that the holders of powers destroy one another in general wars and that wars come over without sacrificing general citizens. In addition, the necessity and possibility get smaller that totally or massively destructive means are used. The alienation of powers do not prepare for the case that totally destructive means are used. If they should be used, it is no use for general citizens to be anywhere on the earth. The alienation of powers is a means which heighten the selectivity of selectively destructive meas and SMAD and which reduce the necessity and possibility of the development, hold, or use of totally or massively destructive means and wars in general. Even after totally destructive means are abolished and even while they are prevented, the alienation of powers needs to be maintained in order to prevent the use of massively destructive means and wars in general.
    In addition, not only does the lower part of that structure and dynamics of the horizontal division carry out that alienation as anti-totally-destructive or anti-war movements, but also the following is necessary with that division surpassed. The facilities where, at least, the civil officers controlling the military and the top of the military conduct their duties need to be opened to the public. In addition, when they move inside or outside borders for the sake of the duties like inspection or diplomacy, their present places where they are conducting those duties need to be opened to the public. In addition, when they evacuate or deviate from those facilities or places, above all, evacuate into shelters, or hide themselves in the midst of general citizens, they need to be looked upon as abandoners of their positions and be replaced. In addition, those need to be provided in the constitution and laws and to be enforced. In addition, if the main facilities of governments and military forces are transfered, the cost of the movement of the residents around needs to be compensated, at least, partly.
    In addition, in order to make selectively destructive means and SMAD more selective, citizens, anti-government forces, covert defectors in the government and the military in each state in the world need actively to mutually reveal the information concerning the government and the military of their own country to the other countries. This can be called "Mutually Revealing Powers." With it, the major facilities of the government and the military of each country can be destroyed more accurately and selectively. This can be said to be the acme of the structure and dynamics of the horizontal division between the world power holders and the citizens in the world. All the more for it, those inside and outside powers who expose them will be harshly accused and punished as "traitors." However, when international laws, and the constitution and laws of each state are revised in the following way, they will not.
    From the beginning, again, international laws and the constitution and laws of each state need to prohibit the research, development, production, hold, and use of indiscriminately destructive means including totally destructive means by the human beings inside and outside public or private powers in the world. In addition, the exposure of them by the human beings inside and outside public or private powers needs to be recommended. In contrast, what about selectively destructive means explained above? What concerns them seems to be what is called "state secrets." However, what is called secrets are secrets because somebody can leak their meaningful parts, and nothing becomes a secret if nobody can leak its meaningful part. Not only do selectively destructive means for SMAD need to exist and function in undetectable places but also those places need to change constantly and randomly. It is impossible for anybody to leak their whereabout. This is because it takes more than tenths of a second to send the information concerning their whereabout, because it has changed in such a time, and because their present whereabout cannot be foreseen. When we look over things thus, we find that there is no true state secret. In addition, for the human beings outside and inside public or private powers to expose everything concerning public powers including state powers is a liberal right which should not and need not be restricted for anything. Therefore it is not only necessary but also possible that for the human beings outside and inside public or private powers to expose everything concerning public powers including weapons and military tactics and strategy is protected on the basis of that unrestricted liberal right by the constitution and laws of each state and international laws. Then, it is accusing and punishing such exposure as treachery that is looked upon as unconstitutional and illegal and treacherous.
    Moreover, in the mixture of the structure and dynamics of horizontal division and those of vertical divisions, the following becomes possible. The citizens in a state who suffer autocracy will have another state where democratic and separative systems are established topple their autocratic government. However, only in such a case, if it should become SMAD and if the state power of the latter should be destroyed, the citizens of both the former and the latter would be in trouble. If the citizens and covert defectors of the former and the government and military forces of the latter cooperate very closely, it will be possible that only the keystone of the government and military forces of the former is destroyed and that the former is democratized and separated.
    The selectivity of selectively destructive means and SMAD is increased by alienating powers and mutually revealing powers, and they overlap. Those overlapping can be called "Selectively Destructive Means-SMAD-Alienating Powers-Mutually Revealing Powers." For world citizens, it is sacrificing the holders of powers alone at the worst without sacrificing themselves. Simply, it is that world citizens teach the world holders of powers, "If you must destroy anything anyhow, all you need to destroy are the keystone of powers." On the other hand, the holders of powers cannot help admitting selectively destructive means and SMAD to be an effective strategy. Defense costs, too, can be cut down. It decreases the necessity and possibility of world wars and totally destructive means from both sides of power holders and citizens in the world.
    Since the formation of modern nations, most bloody events like autocracy, totalitarianism, massacres, wars, the crisis of the use of totally destructive means, and the danger of the extinction of living things including human beings have been caused in the structure and dynamics of the vertical division between states. In contrast, all the bloody events which can be caused in the horizontal division is the sacrifice of the holders of powers and the world revolution. In order to make that revolution a bloodless one, we need to fill powers with potent intra-power covert defectors. In addition, we need to minimize the conflicts between citizens in such a way as was explained earlier.


    The following explanation is also the same as that of "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY."

    The history often witnessed the weakness and the reduction to mere formalities of international organizations. If international organizations are necessary for the total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means, initially, we need to establish that whose purpose is limited to that abolition and prevention. That is because if an extensive international organization whose purposes include various ones like collective security, general disarmament, the protection and security of liberal rights and social rights of the world citizens are constructed, the total abolition prevention of totally destructive means also fails by that organization's failure or reduction to mere formalities.
    Anyway, it seems that some international negotiations, conferences, charters, or organizations are essential in order to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means. Is it true? The mutual abolition and prevention of something through some international functions or organizations can be called "Mutual Abolition." The voluntary and unilateral abolition and prevention of something by each state can be called "Unilateral Abolition" or One-Way Abolition. They can be distinguished.
    With selectively destructive means-SMAD-alienating powers-mutually revealing powers explained in the above section, totally destructive means are unnecessary things. Moreover, they are not only unnecessary things but also burdens which need enormous costs and human powers to maintain. In addition, if we are careless even a little, they lead to, if not total, massive destruction. We had better abolish such things unilaterally at once. As for national defense, it is more effective to reinforce selectively destructive means explained earlier than to reinforce indiscriminately destructive means like totally or massively destructive means. Minor powers can also hold selectively destructive means, destroy the keystone of the governments and military forces of major powers with them, and deter them. The state powers which held totally destructive means cannot help mocking their past policies and strategies. Totally or massively destructive means are no more than things of the past, everybody had better abolish them unilaterally. Piling up such unilateral abolition through selectively destructive means-SMAD-alienating powers-mutually revealing powers is the decisive way to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means.
    The following promotes piling up unilateral abolition:

(1) that the structure and dynamics of the horizontal division between world power holders and world citizens gets mature, and that in its lower part, world citizens trust one another;
(2) that, in the structure and dynamics of the vertical division, the citizens of each state democratize and separate the state power.
(3) that, in the upper part of the structure and dynamics of the horizontal division, the holders of state powers who are elected in (2), at least, do not distrust one another.

To be sure, (1)(2)(3) promote piling up unilateral abolition. All the same, they are not keys but no more than promoters. It is for its own interests that each state unilaterally abolishes totally destructive means, and such emotion as trust is not essential. On the other hand, though military-civilian-academic-industrial complexes have promoted the development and production of totally destructive means, as was explained earlier, they are dissolved by separating each state power into the two systems of that of the rule of law protecting liberal rights (L system) and that of the human rule securing social rights (S system). Piling up unilateral abolition through selectively destructive means-SMAD-alienating powers-mutually revealing powers and through the dissolution of military-civilian-academic-industrial complexes is the decisive way to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means.


    The above are divided into the following Group (A), Group (B), Group (C), and Group (D):

Group (A): minimum existence, total extinction, the total destruction, totally destructive means, total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means, security of minimum existence;

Group (B): pre-totally destructive means, the prevention of totally destructive means in the stage of pre-totally destructive means, the abolition and prevention of pre-totally destructive means;

Group (C): various existence, massive destruction, massively destructive means, abolition and prevention of massively destructive means, security of various existence;

Group (D): a little destruction, less destructive means;

    Though every group is grave, (A) needs to be given priority to when compared with (B), (C), and (D). For example, the total abolition and prevention of nuclear weapons needs to be given priority to when compared with the abolition of nuclear power plants. Not that the (B), (C), and (D) may be neglected, but that the (A) needs to be given priority to when compared with (B), (C), and (D). In addition, (A) and (B) need to be given priority to when compared with (C) and (D). For example, the total abolition of nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants needs to be given priority to when compared with the preservation of nature. Not that (C) and (D) may be neglected, but that (A) and (B) need to be given priority to when compared with (C) and (D).
    First, we, human beings, need to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means. Second, we need to prevent pre-totally destructive means from leading to the research and development of totally destructive means in the stage of pre-totally destructive means or, if we cannot do it, to totally abolish and prevent pre-totally destructive means, too. Third, we need to restrain or abolish and prevent massively destructive means.


    Moreover, we need to clearly distinguish totally, pre-totally, massively, and less destructive means, and the farther we go down from the first to the fourth, that is, the less destructive the means are, the less strictly we need to restrain them. That is because the more the means which are less destructive are restrained, the more human daily lives are restricted, the less human daily desires are satisfied, and the less human beings function for the total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means.
    Above all, the human daily desires to want to live long in good health and to want their families, friends, and so forth to live long in good health are serious, and little or no restriction should be imposed on the science and technology, and welfare for the sake of human life and health. Later in this book, out of genetic manipulations, which can cause the total destruction and which cannot cause it and can be applied to medicine will be examined and decided.
    In addition, it is probable that the holders of political and economic powers make some false totally destructive means seem to be true ones and attract citizens' concerns and activities to false ones in order to obscure the research, development, and hold of true ones, and run wildly to autocracy, totalitarianism, war, and so forth. For example, it is probable that a complex of governments and enterprises make the false totally destructive means of the destruction (and exhaustion) of nature seem to be too serious and make citizens preserve nature in order to obscure the research, development, and hold of totally destructive means. It is also a cost reduction for governments and enterprises to make citizens preserve nature. Also in order to prevent such deception, we need to clearly distinguish totally, pre-totally, massively and less destructive means.
    Haven't most of us given up the total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means as impossible? It is considerably difficult but not impossible from the beginning. In addition, that difficulty is considerably reduced by the decisive way explained earlier. However, unless totally destructive means are strictly defined, there seem to be too many of them, seeming difficulty is increased, and such giving up goes intense. Also in order to prevent such giving up, totally, pre-totally, massively and less destructive means need to be clearly distinguished.


    Now, let us distinguish totally, pre-totally, massively, and less destructive means. Means are divided into the following (O)(P)(Q)(R0)(R1)(R2).

(O) Instrumental Means
    The means which do not involve any gunpowder, engines, electricity, synthetic chemicals, changes of atomic nuclei induced intentionally by human beings, or genes manipulated by human beings can be called "Instrumental Means." Wooden tools, stone tools, earthenware, the fire made by human beings, clothes, houses, villages, agriculture, livestock farming, fish farming, the food produced by them, spoken words, written words, towns, roads, carriages, sailboats, swords, spears, bows and arrows, and so forth are instrumental means.

(P) Mechanical Means
    The means which involve gunpowder, engines, electricity, highly refined substances, synthetic chemicals, or the living things or bogus living things where things other than genes are manipulated by human beings and which do not involve any changes of atomic nuclei induced intentionally by human beings or genes manipulated by human beings can be called "Mechanical Means." Industry, factories, cities, buildings, pavements, cars, railroads, trains, steamships, airplanes, telephone, radio, television, computers, information networks, guns, cannons, bombs, living things created by hybridization impossible in nature, living things created by cultivation impossible in nature, and so forth are mechanical means.

(Q) Nuclear Means
    That human beings intentionally induce the changes of atomic nuclei like nuclear fission or fusion can be called their "Manipulation of (Atomic) Nuclei," Nuclear Manipulation or Manipulating (Atomic) Nuclei. The means which involve the changes of atomic nuclei intentionally induced by human beings can be called "Nuclear Means." Atomic bombs in the middle of the twentieth century, hydrogen bombs thereafter, nuclear power plants, and so forth are nuclear means.
    The changes of atomic nuclei often occur in the space and also in and on the earth. In contrast, the means which involve the changes of the atomic nuclei intentionally induced by human beings are nuclear means. For example, though all isotopes diffuse and none of them concentrate in the nature of the present earth, some human beings concentrate uranium-235 with such centrifuges as are not found in common laboratories, and induce the nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms by the energy caused by the nuclear fission of uranium atoms. This is a sample of nuclear manipulation.
    The means which involve some radiation and do not involve any fresh nuclear changes intentionally induced by human beings when used are not included in the (Q) nuclear means but included in the (P) mechanical means in these books. Human beings recycle various kinds of materials, and recycle also the secondary products of nuclear means. As long as such recycled products involve no fresh nuclear changes intentionally induced by human beings when used, they are not included in the (Q) nuclear means but included in the (P) mechanical means in these books. Then, most medical radiation equipments for both treatment and test are included not in nuclear means but in mechanical means.

(R) Gene Means
    The fundamental functions of genes are (1) to replicate themselves and (2) to synthesize proteins. Genes cause (3) various functions indirectly through (2). There are some genes which even make some other genes cause some functions or dysfunctions by indirectly activating or inactivating them. In addition, some genes replicate themselves on their own, and others are replicated indirectly with the functions of other genes. From the beginning, if a living thing including a gene could not be replicated in any ways, it could not exist or function in nature. However, as far as genes manipulated by human beings are concerned, those which are not replicated in any ways but which have the functions of (2)(3) exist and function. Such bogus genes are included in genes in these books. In addition, strictly, the words like "genes and their functions," "genes having the abilities to cause some functions directly or indirectly," "genes which are not irreversibly inactivated," or the like need to be used. However, if such words were always used, sentences would be complicated. Therefore the word of "genes" imply them in these books.
    Human beings' intentionally inducing some changes of genes can be called their "Manipulations of Genes," Gene Manipulations, Genetic Manipulations, or Manipulating Genes. Those changes include not only changing base sequences of genes but also extracting the wholes or parts of genes, replicating them, recombining them with those of some other living things, injecting them into some other living things, activating or inactivating some parts of genes reversibly or irreversibly, and so forth. In addition, they include not only changing base sequences but also changing bases in themselves or the chains binding them.
    The genes manipulated by human beings can be called "Manipulated Genes." In contrast, the genes which are not manipulated by human beings can be called particularly "Unmanipulated Genes" or "Natural Genes" or merely "Genes." Manipulated genes in themselves, the living things some of whose genes are manipulated, the living things involving manipulated genes somehow, and the means involving manipulated genes somehow can be called "Gene Means" or Genetic Means. Thus, the living things whose genes have been manipulated can be said to be no more than human beings' means.
    There can be various ways for gene means to cause the functions including dysfunctions in question. Some examples of them will be given below: (1) a gene means consists only of manipulated genes, and they cause the functions in question; (2) a gene means consists of manipulated genes and some other material things including genes, and (2-1) the latter affect the former, and the former cause the functions in question, (2-2) the former affect the latter and make the latter cause the functions in question, or (2-3) both of them together cause the functions in question; (3) the whole or part of the manipulated genes of a gene means are recombined with the genes of some other living things or means, and (3-1) the former causes the functions in question, (3-2) the former activate or inactivate some of the latter and make them cause the functions or dysfunction in question, or (3-3) both of them together cause the functions in question.
    In addition, there can be various ways for manipulated genes to be replicated and for gene means to be reproduced. Some example of them will be given below: (1) Outside of living things or inside of other living things including cytoplasm (host), the manipulated genes of a gene means replicate themselves, and reproduce the gene means. (2) The manipulated genes of a gene means are recombined with the host's genes and replicated together with the host' genes, the manipulated genes replicated thus reproduce the gene means, the gene means containing the manipulated genes go out of the host and parasitize other hosts, and the same are repeated.
    From the point of view of the existence of living things including human beings, gene means can be classified in the following ways.
(R0) Irreplicable Gene Means
    Out of manipulated genes, those where nothing other than base sequence is changed, which are certain to undergo some spontaneous mutations, and which cannot be replicated in any ways can be called "Irreplicable Genes." The gene means which involve only irreplicable genes, out of manipulated genes, and which cannot be reproduced in any ways can be called "Irreplicable Gene Means."
(R1) Mutable Gene Means
    Out of manipulated genes which can be replicated in some ways, those where nothing other than base sequence is changed and which are certain to undergo some spontaneous mutations can be called "Mutable Genes." The gene means which involve, out of manipulated genes, only mutable genes or only mutable genes and irreplicable genes can be called "Mutable Gene Means." Because mutable gene means involve only genes which can undergo some spontaneous mutations, they are selected in nature sooner or later.
(R2) Immutable Gene Means
    All unmanipulated genes can undergo spontaneous mutations. If there were genes which cannot undergo spontaneous mutations, they could be nothing more than manipulated genes. Out of manipulated genes, those where something other than base sequence is changed or which are not certain to undergo some spontaneous mutations can be called "Immutable Genes." The gene means which involve some immutable genes can be called "Immutable gene means."

    Mutable gene means and immutable gene means will be explained while contrasted.
    The genes or manipulated genes where only base sequence have changed or have been changed are certain to undergo some spontaneous mutations, the living things or gene means involving no genes other than such genes are certain to be selected in nature. In contrast, the genes where something other than base sequence is changed are not certain to undergo any spontaneous mutations, and it is possible that gene means containing such genes are not selected in nature.
    Anyway, even if human beings do not manipulate genes, under natural conditions, the changes of base sequences in genes often occur in all living things. These are spontaneous mutations. Moreover, the changes of certain kinds of bases themselves and certain chains themselves often occur in all living things. All the same, the materials which have been changed thus do not exist and function as genes or parts of living things, and are resolved, captured by immunity, or discharged from living things. All the same, it is in natural conditions that they are disposed of thus. If human beings add some ingenuity to them, it is possible that they are not disposed of.
    Moreover, even if nothing other than base sequence in genes is changed, if human beings add some materials which affect genes, it is possible that those genes do not undergo spontaneous mutations. Therefore the writers of this book needed to add the possibility of undergoing spontaneous mutation to the definition of immutable genes.

(S) The Means in the Space and in the Earth's Crust or Core
    The above means were those which human beings can use mainly on the earth. In contrast, we need to look over the means which human beings can use in the space and in the earth's crust or core.

    Out of (O)-(S), (O) began with the genesis of the human beings, the weapons in (P) began with the development of gunpowder, the others in (P) began with the rapid progress of sciences and technology or the Industrial Revolution, (Q) began in the first half of the twentieth century, (R0)(R1)(S) began in the latter half of the twentieth century, and (R2) can begin after 2000.

(W) Weapons
    The means which human being make and use in order to kill, wound, or destroy human beings or their means can be called "Weapons," Arms, or the like. Though weapons are made and used in order to destroy human beings and their means, as a result, they destroy some other living thins and the nature for human being and other living things and sometimes enlarge and deepen massive destruction or the total destruction. The above (O)-(S) include the following (O-W)-(S-W) respectively. Some examples will be taken.

(O-W) Instrumental Weapons:
swords, spears, bows and arrows, and so forth.
(P-W) Mechanical Weapons:
guns, cannons, bombs, tanks, warships, fighter planes, and so forth.
(Q-W) Nuclear Weapons:
the atomic bombs in the middle of the twentieth century, the hydrogen bombs thereafter, the missiles carrying them, and so forth.
(R-W) Gene Weapons:
bacteria or viruses whose genes are manipulated and whose infectivity and toxicity are gained, the missiles carrying them, and so forth.
(RO-W) Irreplicable Gene Weapons
(R1-W) Mutable Gene Weapons
(R2-W) Immutable Gene Weapons
(S-W) Weapons in the space and in the earth'crust or core:
the large-scale destruction of the earth's crust or core, the explosion of something on asteroid, and so forth.
    (O)-(S) and (O-W)-(S-W) will be supplemented.
    Again, the means which involve some radiations and do not involve any fresh nuclear changes intentionally induced by human beings when used are not included in (Q) nuclear means but included in (P) mechanical means in these books. For example, a medical equipment which uses some radioactive materials which were produced in the manufacturing process of some nuclear weapons or in a nuclear power plant is a mechanical means.
    In contrast, the means which do not involve any genetic changes when used but contain some manipulated genes are included in gene means in these books. For example, the weapons containing viruses whose genes were manipulated months ago are gene weapons.
    Chemical weapons are included in mechanical weapons. Alleged chemical weapons involving nuclear changes or manipulated genes are, of course, included in nuclear or genetic weapons.
    Viruses and bacteria which have been cultivated and selected by human beings but whose genes have not been manipulated are not so different from natural ones. The biological weapons which involve no manipulated genes are included in (P-W) mechanical weapons in these books.
    If what could be called "Geological Weapons" should be developed and if they should try to destroy the earth's crust or core by nuclear weapons, they are included both in nuclear weapons (Q-W) and in weapons in the space and in the earth's crust or core (S-W). If they do not involve nuclear weapons, they are included in weapons in the space and in the earth's crust or core (S-W).
    Carriers like missiles, some kinds of viruses, and so forth are classified depending on their loads or contents. For example, the missiles carrying some nuclear weapons are included in nuclear weapons, the viruses carrying some manipulated genes are included in gene means or weapons. By the way, the missiles carrying some conventional bombs or nothing are included in mechanical weapons.
    The means which can be said to be the products of information technology like computers, the Internet, the artificial intelligence, and robots are classified depending on the objects manipulated by them. For example, if the missiles carrying nuclear weapons should be shot by the intrusion into and the manipulation of a military facility, the means which are required for that intrusion and manipulation are included in nuclear weapons, and if manipulated viruses should be released through the intrusion into and manipulation of a research institute, the means which are required for that intrusion and manipulation are included in gene weapons. They are included in manipulations by outsiders, too, which will be explained below.
    From now on, some outsiders or insiders who are actually outsiders can intrude with the means which can be said to be the products of information technology into the nuclear means or the gene means held by some public or private powers, manipulate, drive them wild, and cause the massive or total destruction. Such intrusion and manipulation can be called "Manipulations by Outsiders" of them or Outsiders' Manipulating them. Such outsiders, intrusion, manipulation, means intruded into and manipulated, and means for that intrusion and manipulation can be looked upon as weapons. If nuclear means should be manipulated, they can be included in nuclear weapons, and if gene means should be manipulated, they can be included in gene weapons.
    Now, let us look over which of (O)-(S) and (O-W)-(S-W) are totally, pre-totally, massively, or less destructive ones.


    Instrumental means excluding weapons are not totally, pre-totally, or massively but less destructive means. The wars, autocracies, and so forth which used instrumental weapons sometimes caused massive destruction. All the same, nothing or nobody only involving instrumental means or weapons ever cause the total destruction.


    The mechanical means excluding weapons can cause massive destruction by destroying (and exhausitng) nature when they are used on a large scale. For example, unless factories, cars, and so forth's discharges of carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, fluorocarbon, and so forth are restricted, massive destruction will be caused. All the same, though they can cause massive destruction, they cannot cause the total destruction and are not totally or pre-totally destructive means. That is because the destruction of nature by such means goes on much more slowly than that by nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and artificial, drastic changes do. When they prosper exceedingly, they destroy nature for human beings and some other living things and the nature for them, and human beings and those living things will decline. When human beings decline, those means decline, the nature for human beings and that for those living things revive, and so human beings and those living things revive. That is, such means leave some rooms for those revivals and do not deviate from the cycle of prosperity and decline which was explained earlier.
    The mechanical weapons can cause massive destruction, above all, in wars, autocracy, totalitarianism, and so forth. All the same, they cannot cause the total destruction. Even if all the mechanical weapons on the earth are used in a day, they cannot. In addition, chemical weapons can cause massive destruction more on a large scale than the other mechanical weapons. All the same, even if all of them on the earth are used in a day, they cannot cause the total destruction. Biological weapons excluding genetic weapons can cause massive destruction. All the same, how hard human beings cultivate, select, or refine them, unless their genes are manipulated, they do not make much difference from old bacteria or viruses, and they cannot cause the total destruction.
    Thus, mechanical means including weapons are not totally but massively destructive means. It is not that they may be neglected but that the total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means needs to be given priority to. We, human beings, need to abolish and prevent mechanical weapons after we totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means.


    The nuclear means excluding nuclear weapons like nuclear power plants can cause the research and development of nuclear weapons, which are totally destructive means, and so they are pre-totally destructive means. In addition, even if the manipulation by outsiders explained above is prevented, if they run wildly through unexpected accident, natural disasters, and so forth, they cause massive destruction, and so they are massively destructive means, too.
    If a certain number (z) or more of the nuclear means excluding nuclear weapons on the earth should run wildly in a few days, the total destruction can be caused. However, such simultaneous and multiple running wildly never happens spontaneously. It is certain to be caused by some human beings' sophisticated strategy and manipulations of the means which can be said to be the products of information technology. It is included in manipulations of nuclear means by outsiders explained earlier, and is included in nuclear weapons. That is, manipulations of nuclear means by outsiders can cause the total destruction, and are totally destructive means.
    As for nuclear weapons in themselves, when a certain number (z) or more of some subgroups of nuclear weapons are used in some situations, the total destruction will be caused, and so nuclear weapons are totally destructive means. For example, though repeated, When a certain number (z) or more of hydrogen bombs which is a subgroup of nuclear weapons are, in the chain of retaliation, used in most of the continents and seas on both the hemispheres, by the radiations caused directly and indirectly (from residual radioactivity) by them, first, the genes of a lot of living things on land and in the swallow underground and sea will be destroyed or mutated, most of them will suffer from cancer, immunodeficiency, anemia, infertility, and so forth, and will be killed. Second, respiration, photosynthesis, and the food chain there will not function, and so all the living things there will be extinguished. Third, the food chain from the land and the swallow underground and sea will not function, and the living things in the deep underground and sea will be extinguished. Finally, the total destruction will be caused. From now on, not only some public but also private powers can research, develop, hold, and use nuclear weapons. In addition, as was explained above, it is possible that some outsiders or insiders who are actually outsiders intrude into them and manipulate them, that some insiders lose the ability to control them, and that some aging or breaking down takes place beyond human reasons.
    The atomic bombs in the middle of the twentieth century in themselves may be looked upon as pre-totally destructive means and massively destructive means and may not looked upon as totally destructive means. However, the research and development of them in and after the twenty-first century immediately lead to those of nuclear weapons as totally destructive means. Therefore atomic bombs are included in totally destructive means in these books. Thus, when totally destructive means are defined, they need to include the means which immediately lead to the research and development of ones in a narrow sense. It will be found to be appropriate that nuclear weapons' core was defined as not nuclear fission or fusion but "the changes of atomic nuclei."
    Nuclear weapons cause radiation and residual radioactivity and destroy genes and can cause the total destruction. In this sense, it is indirectly that nuclear weapons destroy genes. In contrast, human beings are manipulating genes directly in the sense of the absence of the intervention of radiation, radioactivity, or the like in the following ways.


    Irreplicable gene means can cause massive destruction and are massively destructive means. For example, even though they cannot reproduce themselves, the microorganisms whose genes have been manipulated and whose infectivity or toxicity has been increased can cause massive destruction when a lot of them go out of laboratories. Irreplicable gene weapons can cause massive destruction more than those excluding weapons can and are massively destructive means.
    All the same, because irreplicable genes means cannot reproduce themselves, cannot cause total destruction, and are not totally destructive means.


    Mutable genes means can reproduce themselves. Therefore the possibility of mutable gene means' causing massive destruction is larger than that of irreplicable gene means' and they are massively destructive means. The possibility of mutable gene weapons' causing massive destruction is larger than that of mutable means excluding weapons' and they are massively destructive means.
    It seems that mutable gene means reproduce themselves endlessly and can cause the total destruction. All the same, mutable genes contained in mutable gene means can undergo spontaneous mutations, and so mutable gene means can be selected in nature. They are not so different from traditional living things. However harmful they are, they can cause not total destruction but such massive destruction as the most malign viruses or bacteria have ever caused. Whether they are weapons or not, mutable gene means are not totally but massive destructive means.
    However, it is relatively easy for those who can develop and produce irreplicable or mutable gene means to develop and produce immutable gene means, and the former are the pre-totally destructive means for the latter. Therefore it is necessary that the latter be prevented in the stage of the former.


    In contrast, it cannot be fathomed how immutable gene means involving immutable genes, where something other than the base sequence is changed or which are not certain to undergo some spontaneous mutations, behave themselves. However, we will try to enumerate their possibility.

(1) Because they cannot be selected in nature, they can reproduce themselves endlessly and drive out living things including human beings. They can even exhaust organic matter on the earth.
(2) Because they can be lighter than traditional pathogens, they can infect living things wider and faster.
(3) Because they can contain the material things which traditional living things do not contain, it is possible that they are not blocked by immune systems.
(4) Because they can contain the material things which traditional living things do not contain, it is possible that they are not inactivated with traditional antibiotics or disinfectants.
(5) Because it is possible that their genes do not undergo any spontaneous mutations, they can be latent and exert toxicity longer and wider than traditional pathogens even in individuals. Therefore it is even possible that they destroy what old pathogens did not destroy, for example, the immune cells of nervous systems or blood stem cells.

    (1)-(5) would be no more than a few of the possibilities of immutable gene means. All the same, only with (1)-(5), immutable gene means can cause the total destruction and are totally destructive means.
    Of course, immutable gene weapons are totally destructive means. Whether they are weapons or not, immutable gene means are totally destructive means.
    In addition, manipulations of immutable gene means by some outsiders are included in the immutable gene weapons and are totally destructive means.
    As was explained earlier, when a certain number (z) or more of some subgroups of nuclear weapons are used in some situations, they cause the total destruction. In nuclear weapons, the number (z), the subgroups, and the situations are comparatively clear and the number (z) is comparatively large. In contrast, only a few immutable gene means can cause the total destruction, a certain number (z) is comparatively vague and small or can be one. In addition, the distinction between research, development, hold, and use is vague in them. For example, even when a few immutable genes generated in a test tube are drained into the sink, it cannot be said that they never cause the total destruction.
    As was explained earlier, though certain kinds of bases themselves and certain chains themselves often changes in all living things, the material things changed thus do not exist and function as genes or parts of living things and are resolved, captured by immunity, or discharged from living things. In contrast, it is possible that immutable genes made with human ingenuity are not disposed of thus.
    Of course, immutable gene weapons are totally destructive means. However, it can be said that the immutable gene means excluding weapons can be looked upon as weapons, too.


    The overrestriction against gene manipulations can be prevented by confining the totally destructive means in gene means to immutable gene means.
    Above all, the human daily desires to want to live long in good health and to want their families, friends, and so forth to do the same are serious. The means other than immutable gene means, that is, traditional means, irreplicable gene means, and mutable gene means are enough to satisfy such desires. There is no reason to bother to make and use immutable gene means in order to satisfy human daily desires.


    Now, lets turn to the means in the space and in the earth's crust or core.
    Nobody or nothing cannot stop the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun like aging or collapse. If a few human beings or living things were to emigrate to a planet or a satellite in this solar system or in another system, it could not be looked upon as the earth's living things' existing. That is not because such emigrants would be extinguished in a few generations but because, if they were to exist for generations, they would be only a few of the human beings or living things on the earth and because they would be certain to evolve to a direction quite different from the earth's evolution's and to become something quite different from the earth's living things.
    It is not completely improbable that some human beings cause the drastic change of the earth's crust or core with using nuclear means including nuclear weapons and cause the total destruction. Such behaviors and means are included in nuclear weapons in these books.
    When we turn to the space, we find that there is another way to cause total destruction. It will be impossible to change the orbits of the planets or satellites of the solar system or another system. However, it is possible that human beings change the orbits of some asteroids, have them collide with or come close to the earth, and cause the total destruction. It is possible without nuclear means, and the means in a narrow sense do not matter much. In addition, even if human beings do not intentionally try to do it, it is possible, for example, by some accidents while they are exploring them or extracting their resources. There are some theories that some species including dinosaurs were extinguished by the collusion of some giant or a lot of meteorites. Whether or not it was true, it is probable that asteroids larger or more than them extinguish living things. Their collusion with or approach to the earth which is naturally caused can be looked upon the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun. However, that which is caused by human being, whether it is caused intentionally or accidentally and whichever means is used, can be looked upon as the total destruction. Such human behaviors and means can be called "Manipulations of Asteroids as Changes their Orbits."
    In addition, (1) such manipulations of asteroids as changes their orbits and (2) the drastic change of the earths' crust or core by nuclear means including nuclear weapons can be called "Artificial, Drastic Changes." However, again, (2) is included in nuclear weapons in these books.
    After all, totally destructive means are nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and such manipulations of asteroids as changes their orbits.
    In addition, pre-totally destructive means can be redefined as the means involving manipulations of atomic nuclei, those of genes, and those of asteroids. Simply, we need to pay attention to the manipulations of atomic nuclei, genes, and asteroids. This will be easy to understand.


    On those grounds, all that can cause the total destruction and are totally destructive means are nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and such manipulations of asteroids as changes their orbits. Totally destructive means are confined to them.


    Thus, as long as human beings totally abolish and prevent nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and such manipulations of asteroids as changes their orbits, even if human beings and their means prosper exceedingly, they only decline, living things and the nature for their existence and evolution revive, and they exist until the natural, drastic change of the earth or the sun.
    Moreover, when we compare nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and such manipulations of asteroids as changes their orbits, that is, totally destructive means on the one hand with the means excluding them on the other hand, the latter destroy much more slowly than the former do and leave the room for those declining to revive. When they decline, the nature for their existence and revolution revives. Then, human beings, too, revive. Now, it turns out that living things including human beings or evolved human beings can exist until the drastic change of the earth or the sun only by totally abolishing and preventing totally destructive means. That is, now, it turns out that the total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means, that is, the security of the minimum existence of living things have already included that of human beings or evolved ones.
    In addition, it turns out that the security of the minimum existence of living things includes that of evolved human beings. Are there any problems with our evolving? If human beings evolved, they would not get more troublesome than the present ones, would they?
    Through the emotions like resignation, pessimism, and so forth, the possibility of human beings' totally abolishing and preventing totally destructive means gets smaller, and that of their causing the total destruction gets larger. Also in order to reduce such negative emotions, it needs to be emphasized that living things including human beings or evolved human beings can exist only by totally abolishing and preventing totally destructive means.
    Since they developed and held nuclear weapons which are no more than a part of totally destructive means, human beings have given up or resigned existence by thinking that it is impossible to totally abolish and prevent totally destructive means, haven't they? That resignation has been too rash. It is possible to totally abolish and prevent them by piling up unilateral abolition through selectively destructive means-SMAD-alienating powers-mutually revealing powers, which was explained in "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY" and extracted earlier in this book. Please do not give up or resign existence rashly.


    Moreover, it turns out that the total abolition and prevention of totally destructive means does not at all restrict the daily desires and the freedom of general citizens. Even if they are abolished, those which have been hidden underground, underwater, or in the space only disappear, and we do not even notice that disappearance. Rather, our daily lives get easier by the reduction of military expenditure and tax. It is only what is called military-industrial complexes that are annoyed. How to dissolve such complexes was explained in "SEPARATING EACH STATE POWER INTO THE TWO SYSTEMS OF THAT OF THE RULE OF LAW PROTECTING LIBERAL RIGHTS AND THAT OF THE HUMAN RULE SECURING SOCIAL RIGHTS."
    From now on, the holders of political and economic powers may make non-totally destructive means like the destruction (and exhaustion) of nature appear to be totally destructive means, divert citizens' attention to them, and develop and hold totally destructive means underground. In order to prevent such deception, it needs to be declared that all that are totally destructive means are nuclear weapons, immutable gene means, and such manipulations of asteroids as changes their orbits. Also in order to declare it, we need to ensure the freedom of speech, and, for the sake of everything, to ensure liberal rights.
    In addition, from now on, the holders of political and economic powers may show the pretext of the existence of the whole of human beings or living things, destroy liberal rights, democratic systems including political rights, separations of powers including the separation of the three powers, and the rule of law, and run wildly to autocracy, totalitarianism, or the like. In order to reduce pain as in general as possible, we need to preserve the environment, to preserve and make good use of natural resources, to maintain the appropriate world population, to stabilize the economy, and maintain the minimum lives of citizens. In order to do those, it is certain that appropriate and synthetic policies need to be planned and carried out. In order to do those, autocracy, totalitarianism, or the like do not function, and the discussions through the freedom of speech and elections are necessary. In order to ensure them, we need to ensure liberal rights in general, democratic systems including political rights, separations of powers including the separation of the three powers, and the rule of law. Of course, liberty is not only the means for existence but also itself the supreme purpose.
    In short, we, human beings, need to make existence and liberty compatible. Moreover, it is not only necessary but also possible. The concrete ways to make existence and liberty compatible are explained in "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY" and "SEPARATING EACH STATE POWER INTO THE TWO SYSTEMS OF THAT OF THE RULE OF LAW PROTECTING LIBERAL RIGHTS AND THAT OF THE HUMAN RULE SECURING SOCIAL RIGHTS."
