This book is on the basis of "SENSATIONS AND RECOLLECTIONS OF IMAGES" and "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES." Therefore, if possible, please read this book after those books are read. All the same, the writers of this book will try to write it so that readers can read it even if those books are not read. "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES" explained the basis and theory of egos and their tendencies. This book will explain their application and practice. "SENSATIONS AND RECOLLECTIONS OF IMAGES" and "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES" will be summarized very simply below.
    Appearing things as mental phenomena can be divided into things appearing on sensations and things appearing as images, which are often referred to merely as images. Simply, images are what occur to us. What are premised to cause images as sources can be called Images' Sources or Images. That is, the word of images sometimes designates their sources. Images' sources in neuronal systems are neuronal groups' excitements and transmissions or abilities. The nervous functions which replay images' sources can be called Recollections of Images, Images' Being Recollected, or things' Being Recollected as Images. Simply, things' occurring to me, being remembered, being anticipated, and so forth are recollections of Images. When the word of recollections is used, the past things' being remembered may occur to us, but the present things' occurring to us, the future things' being anticipated, and the unreal things' being imagined are included in recollections of images in these books.
    Intentional functions can be classified in the following way. Simple explanations or examples will be taken.

Intentional functions
  (1) Voluntary movements
      They are caused by the excitements and transmissions of the neuronal groups from the motor areas on the frontal lobes to spinal cords and motor nerves or to cranial nerves and the contractions of striated muscles.
    (1-1) Unitary voluntary movements
      They are not separable any more.
      Bending and stretching joints, moving eye balls, moving tongues, moving and straining and relaxing vocal cords, and so forth.
    (1-2) Complex voluntary movements
      They consist of unitary ones.
      Walking upright on two legs, running alike, and so forth, and so forth.
  (2) Pure mental intentional functions
    (2-1) Manipulations of images
      They are egos' manipulating images being recollected.
      Combining images, dissolving them, switching them, escaping them, and so forth.
    (2-2) Thinkings
      They consist of associations and manipulations of images by egos.
      Thinkings in a narrow sense, retracings, foreseeings, and daydreamings.
  (3) Synthetic functions
      They consist of voluntary movements and thinkings.
      Speaking and writing words, operating machines, interpersonal functions, and so forth.

    As for egos, simply, egos directly cause intentional functions in situations. Egos intervene between situations and intentional functions. Metaphorically, situations are inputs, intentional functions are outputs, and egos are computers.
    An ego consists of a rational system and an emotional system. Metaphorically, the rational system proposes some possible and necessary intentional functions in a situation, and the emotional system decides which of them to carry out according to which of them causes the most intense pleasure. Therefore the emotional system is more important in every ego. The explanation of its details occupies a considerable part of "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES." The following explanation cannot help ending half-way and may be hard to understand. Then, you can think that you understood egos with the above metaphors.
    Now, not only other persons' but also the self's intentional functions are sensed, recognized, generated, memorized, stored, and recollected as images. Out of such images, those which can indirectly cause intentional functions can be called "Functional Images(' Sources)."
    The starters, as it were, of the neuronal groups causing intentional functions can be called "Functional Neuronal Groups (FF)." There are some neuronal ways (IF) from the neuronal groups which functional images' sources go through to functional neuronal groups (FF). Such neuronal ways can be called "Image to Function Neuronal Ways (IF)." When a situation is recognized, some functional images are recollected, some of them cause the excitements and transmissions of some image to function neuronal ways (IF), and some of them can causes the excitements and transmissions of some functional neuronal groups (FF) and some intentional functions. Such recognition of a situation, recollections of functional images, functional images' sources, and excitements and transmissions of image to function neuronal ways can be called a "Rational System (RS)." However, the whole of egos or intentional functions could not be caused if there were only rational systems.
    There are some neuronal ways (IE) from the neuronal groups which functional images' sources go through to some neuronal groups causing pleasure or displeasure autonomic sensations. Such neuronal ways can be called "Image to Emotion Neuronal Ways (IE)." When some functional images are recollected, some of them cause the excitements and transmissions of some image to emotion neuronal ways, some of them cause some pleasure or displeasure autonomic sensations, and some of them cause some functional impulses, the most intense of them can promote the excitements and transmissions of some image to function neuronal ways (IF) or some functional neuronal groups (FF), those functional neuronal groups (FF) excite and transmit, and the intentional functions represented by the functional images which caused those most intense functional impulses. Such excitements and transmissions of image to emotion neuronal ways (IE), pleasure or displeasure autonomic sensations, functional impulses, and promotions of excitements and transmissions of image to function neuronal ways (IF) or functional neuronal groups (FF) can be called an "Emotional System."
    An ego consists of a rational system and an emotional system. An intentional function is caused by both of those systems. Again, metaphorically, the rational system propose some intentional functions as functional images which are possible and necessary in a situation, and the emotional system decides which of them to adopt and carry out with the reference to pleasure or displeasure autonomic sensations and according to which of them causes the most intense pleasure. The rational system propose several intentional functions as functional images if their possibility and necessity are nearly equal. These intentional functions include those which comply with the law, ethics, and so forth in the human society, those which go against them, and those which are original for each individual. It is the emotional system that decide which of them to adopt and carry out. Therefore, in egos, emotional systems are more important than rational ones.
    The rational system and the emotional system which can cause an intentional function can be called a "Limited Ego." Usually in a situation, a lot of limited egos arise and go through a common process. There is a part in that process where limited egos compete with one another. They do not give way to one another. That is because limited egos are neuronal groups or ways' excitements and transmissions. In that part, the limited egos which have the largest tendency to be caused in the competition make the others disappear and are caused, and cause the intentional functions which their functional images designated. The set of the limited egos arising in a situation and the common process which they go through containing the part where they compete with one another can be called a "Limiting Ego." In a limiting ego, at once, more than one limited ego, practically a lot of limited egos arise, and a limited number (N) of them which have the largest tendencies to be caused in the competition are caused. Such tendencies can be called a "Limited Ego's Tendency" (to Be Caused)
    Concerning that limited number (N), that is, the number of the limited egos caused at once, its details were explained in "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES." If the inertial egos explained in it mattered, N could be more than one. However, the limited egos which will be explained in this book cannot be inertial ones. Therefore N is one in this book. That is, at once, though a lot of limited egos arise, only one of them which has the largest tendency to be caused is caused. This will agree with our daily feeling that I am intending to do only one thing at any moment.
    All the same, in a time of seconds or more, more than one ego is caused and do replace one another .
    Thus, there are limited egos in a limiting ego, and they are distinguished. However, if they are always distinguished and if the words of "limiting," "limited," or the like are always used, sentences will be complicated. Therefore, when it is clear from the context which is referred to, those words will be omitted, and the words of "egos,""egos' tendencies," or the like will be used.
    What decides such tendencies of (limited) egos is the following. In a time from the baby period to the present, when an intentional function was caused in a certain situation, when it caused pleasure emotions or reduced displeasure emotions, and when they caused pleasure autonomic sensations, the image to emotion neuronal way from the functional image of that intentional function to those pleasure autonomic sensations is activated. When those were repeated, the ability of that image to emotion neuronal way is increased or retained. At present, when a smilar situation is recognized and when the functional image of that intentional function is recollected, that activated image to emotion neuronal way excites and transmits and cause those pleasure autonomic sensation and an intense functional impulse, and the whole of the limited ego causing that intentional function are caused. Simply, what decides the tendency of the limited ego intending to cause an intentional functions is how intensely and frequently that intentional function caused pleasure emotions or reduced displeasure emotions.
    All the same, for grown-ups, there will remain some intentional functions which are unaccountable with that explanation. Why do egos cause such intentional functions as being desperate, destroying anything, and being sticky causing pain in the long run? That is because babies or infants had immature egos as they were, because egos' tendencies have been being formed since the baby period, and because such intentional functions have caused pleasure emotions or reduced displeasure emotions faintly and temporarily but frequently.
    Intentional functions and limited egos are classified into such groups as being desperate, being sticky, and showing off the self. The functional images of the intentional functions belonging to one of such groups cause the excitements and transmissions, and activations of the same or similar image to emotion neuronal ways and cause the same or similar pleasure autonomic emotions. Therefore limited egos' tendencies belonging to one of such groups are formed together. A group of limited egos whose tendencies are formed together thus can be called an "Outline" of limited egos. In addition, the average of the limited egos' tendencies belonging to an outline can be called the Tendency of the Outlines of Limited Egos. Limited egos' tendencies are formed with their outlines made units. In addition, the group of the intentional functions caused by the limited egos belonging to an outline can be called an Outline of Intentional Functions.
    In our daily lives and psychology, human intentional functions, limited egos, and their tendencies are often argued with outlines made units. For example, we often say that he or she is sticky, tends to destroy anything, and tends to control anything, and each of these makes a good guess at the tendency of an outline of limited egos. Also in these books intentional functions, limited egos, and their tendencies are argued with their outlines made units. However, if the word of outlines were always used, sentences would be complicated. Therefore the word of outlines is often omitted in our daily lives and psychology and in these books. For example, the tendency of the outline of limited egos to destroy anything is rewritten into egos' tendency to destroy anything.
    By the way, it is not intentional functions' abilities but limited egos' tendencies that are formed with outlines made units. Intentional functions' abilities are formed with subgroups smaller than outlines made units. For example, the outline of interpersonal escape has some subgroups of (1) directly escaping interpersonal relations like pretending illness, (2) always causing superficial interpersonal functions, (3) always causing business-like interpersonal functions, (4) exclusively causing destructive and unapproachable interpersonal functions, and so forth, each subgroup needs its own ability, and there are few who are good at all of them. For example 2, even in a person who has a large tendency of the outline of limited egos to control and destroy anything, the ability of the subgroup of intentional functions to be a lion at home and a mouse abroad can be developed.
    That a (limited) ego's (outline's) tendency gets larger can be called its Formation or Being Formed, and that it gets smaller can be called its Reduction or Being Reduced. Though the word "reduction" may make a bad impression, for example, when the tendency to be sticky, the tendency to destroy anything, and so forth are reduced, some pain in the long run is reduced.
    In general, such tendencies of (limited) egos(' outlines) as being desperate, being sticky, showing off the self are formed in the baby and infant period, and thereafter they are reduced. Such formation and reduction of them in an individual can be looked into well with the absolute values of tendencies. In contrast, the excessive formation and delayed reduction of them can be looked into well with the standard deviation values of tendencies among the same species and age. Therefore not only their absolute values but also their standard deviation values are referred to as tendencies, and their increase and decrease are referred to as their formation and reduction in these books. When it is clear from contexts which is designated, the words like "the absolute values of" or "the standard deviation values of" are omitted in these books.
    In addition, the matrix where the absolute values or the standard deviation values of limited egos' outlines' tendencies in the limiting ego of an individual are made its elements can be called the "Limiting Ego's Tendencies" or its "Habit." In addition, that some of its elements are changed can be called its Formation or Reformation. For example, the standard deviation values of tendencies of a limiting ego's can be described as (the tendency to be desperate, the tendency to be sticky, the tendency to show off the self, ...) = (53. 64, 59, ...).
    Thus, a limited ego's tendency and a limiting ego's tendencies or habit are distinguished. However, when it is clear in the context which are designated, they can be called Egos' Tendencies. In addition, even if the modifier of "limited egos' outlines'" is not used, the word of tendencies usually designate limited egos' outlines' tendencies. In addition, even if the modifier of "intentional functions'" is not used, the word of abilities designate intentional functions' abilities in these books.


    What is called personality consists of intelligence, knowledge, mental emotions' tendencies, intentional functions' abilities, and egos' tendencies. The most important of them are egos' tendencies. The next most important of them are intentional functions' abilities or mental emotions' tendencies. For example, though interpersonal anxiety's tendency and interpersonal functions' abilities are important, if limited egos' tendency to escape interpersonal relations is formed, interpersonal functions are rarely caused, interpersonal functions stay more and more immature, and interpersonal anxiety gets more and more intense.
    What was important for human beings should have been intelligence and knowledge, above all, the products of thinkings, that is, thoughts or ideas. Most of what was called "humanity" consists of them. Particularly since the enlightenment movement, they have been paid our highest respect to, and have formed various modern cultures. These books never deny that they are important for human beings. All the same, the tendencies of egos can deviate their formation. For example, in those who have intense tendencies of egos to control or destroy anything, autocratic desires and thoughts are formed. Thus, the tendencies of egos not only decide personality but also deviate humanity.


    There are such periods as follows during which the similar tendencies or abilities are formed or reduced in similar ways: (1) the period during which egos' tendencies are formed by infantile egos' imitating and piggybacking instinctive functions and then reduced, (2) the period during which the tendencies of egos, mental emotions, and recollections of images are formed by egos' coping with the self's images and their surroundings and their products, and (3) the period during which egos' tendencies are formed by egos' coping with egos' tendencies and intentional functions' abilities. (1)(2)(3) can be called the "Baby and Infant Period," the "Postinfant and Preadlescent Period," and the "Adolescent Period" respectively. Averagely in human beings, those periods span the following ages:

(1) the baby and infant period:
the ages from 0 to 3
(2) the postinfant and preadlescent period:
the ages fro 3 to 12
(3) the adolescent period:
the ages from 12 to 17

Again, it is averagely that they do so. They will be explained more closely as follows.

(1) The baby and infant period

    The short-circuit, being sticky, showing off the self, and so forth in newborns are instinctive functions also in human beings. All the same, there are very primordial egos as they are also in human newborns, and egos begin to develop. Such egos imitate and piggyback such instinctive functions. This is because almost all they can imitate are their own instinctive functions. Thus, the tendencies of the outlines of he egos similar to instincts causing the outlines of the intentional functions similar to instinctive functions are formed. (The outlines of) the intentional functions similar to instinctive functions thus can be called (Outlines of) Instinctive Intentional Functions, and (the outlines of ) the egos similar to instincts thus can be called (Outlines of) Instinctive Egos. The tendencies of instinctive egos can remain even after the adolescent period.
    Here we find that there are some groups in instinctive functions which are imitated and piggybacked by egos and which become outlines of egos. Such groups can be called the "Primordial Outlines" of Instinctive Functions. If these books argue instinctive functions, they often argue their primordial outlines. In addition, if the words of "primordial outlines of instinctive functions were always used, sentences will be complicated. Therefore they were usually designated by the simple words of "instinctive functions."
    The tendencies of instinctive functions including them are the largest in newborns, and thereafter they reduce. In addition, the frames of egos and memories imitating functions other than instinctive functions begin to develop. Therefore the tendencies of the outlines of instinctive egos (the egos similar to instincts) causing the outlines of instinctive intentional functions (the intentional functions similar to instinctive functions) begin to reduce after being formed.
    As for the abilities of intentional functions, the abilities to crawl, to stand, to walk, and to speak begin to develop. Above all, the abilities to walk upright on two legs and to speak words, which are the most fundamental intentional functions in human beings, begin to develop, and the former are formed almost fully in this period.
    As for interpersonal relations, the relations with their mothers or main caregivers occupy most of them. The influences of such situations will be explained later.

(2) The postinfant and preadolescent period

    Averagely around the age of three, the frames of memories are matured almost fully, and the contents of memories get richer. Therefore some of us recall some events caused in the beginning of this period. In other words, we cannot recall anything in the baby and infant period.
    By such maturation of the frames of memories, the self's images also begin to be generated. Sooner or later thereafter, the finiteness of the self in contrast to the infiniteness of the world begin to be recognized. Soon thereafter the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later begin to be caused. Simultaneously, the tendencies of egos and emotions coping with the self's images and their surroundings and that anxiety begin to be formed.
    As for interpersonal relations, they begin to enter some interpersonal relations which are apart from their mothers or main caregivers, but they do so with their support or in facilities or schools.

(3) The adolescent period

    Egos' tendencies and intentional functions' abilities of the self come to be recognized, and egos' tendencies coping with them are formed.
    As for interpersonal relations, the abilities of interpersonal functions enough to cause independent ones have barely been formed. Anyway, they are still in schools at the present day.
    It overlaps in most part with the period from the beginning to the end of rapid development of sexual functions.
    The indicator of the beginning of this period is the time when they begin to think of what is called "personality" of the self including egos' tendencies and intentional functions' abilities.


    The functions to a child by some older human beings which are essential to its existence and development, above all, in the baby and infant period can be called their "Care" of it. It includes breast or bottle feeding, diaper changing, hugging, bathing, and weaning.


    The human beings in the position where they should mainly take care of a child in the baby and infant period can be called its "Mothers (or (Main) Caregivers)." Those who are in such a position are mothers, and they do not always take proper care. In addition, they do not always do so with love.
    Though mothers are usually a biological mother, a biological father, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, grand mothers or fathers, senior siblings, specialists in facilities, and so forth can be mothers. In addition, mothers are not always one person. For example 1, in the case that a child's biological father is in unemployment and that its biological mother is in employment, the two can be its mothers. For example 2, in the case that a child's biological mother died at its age of one and that one of its grandmothers brought it up thereafter, the two can be its mothers. Therefore the plural form of "mothers (or (main) caregivers)" are often used even for one child in these books. Nonetheless, most mothers are a biological mother. This is because of not an idealistic reason but a realistic one.


    Children in the baby and infant period have no choice of interpersonal relations. Their interpersonal relations are limited to their mothers or caregivers and a few others. They cannot help acquiring love and care in such limited interpersonal relations. This limitation of their human relations is too obvious for us to take account of.


    Usually, mothers' love of a child is unified with mothers' care of the child. Simply, mothers take more or less care of a child with more or less love. Metaphorically, love is the spice of care. Though even without love, with care, a baby survive and grow biologically, what become of it psychologically?
    Emotions were explained closely in "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES." Emotions consist of pleasure or displeasure sensations, drives, feelings, desires, and complex emotions. Love in general is a kind of complex emotion which consists of sexual drives, drives to gather, drives to protect and nurse children, anxiety about isolation, interpersonal desires, and so forth. Not only human beings but some mammals have love. Human beings have the most complicated love of all animals.
    Love is different to a great degree depending on its objects and situations. From the beginning, it is wrong that mothers' love of their children, the love between different sexes, that between the same sexes, that for particular human beings, that for general human beings, that for nature, that for the truth, and so forth are argued with the same word "love." In this book, from now on, the word "love" designates mothers' love of their children.
    First, more or less even in human beings, regardless of blood relation, there remain some drives (1) to protect and bring up their juniors. Second, (1) is influenced by (2) the change of endocrine systems and nervous systems which start with pregnancy. Third, when those who are in the position of taking care of a baby, that is, its mothers or caregivers encounter it for the first time, (3) the feeling like "wonder at life" is caused more or less. Though such a feeling is often told by a biological mother who encounters her baby for the first time after delivery, it can be experienced more or less by any mother or caregiver. Even when a baby is not the first for its mother, she has almost forgotten the feeling which she had when she faced the first. Forth, a baby or infant attracts their mothers while growing, and exerts some influences on mothers' emotions. Thus, there are some parts (4) of mothers' emotions influenced by a child. A complex emotion which consists mainly of (1)-(4) can be called Mothers' "Natural" Love of Children, and a complex emotion where it is dominant can be called Mothers' Love of Children. Therefore mothers do not need to think of love seriously. Though extreme, those who think what is mothers' love do not have it.
    Mothers' love cannot help being contaminated more or less with such selfish desires as children will take care of mothers in their old age. Usually, as long as natural love explained above is dominant, such contamination is harmless for children.
    In addition, mothers' love is accompanied with the feeling of the duty to bring up their children in good health. It is based on unwritten and written laws. A complex emotion where it is dominant cannot be called mothers' love. All the same, some feeling of duty is necessary.
    In general, other persons' emotions are recognized and perceived. Also in the children before the age of three, mothers' love is perceived and recognized in their own way. Here, the inconsistency of

(1)(Mothers') love (for their children)
(2)The love recognized by mothers
(3)The love sought by mothers
(4)The love recognized by children
(5)The love sought by children

matters. What matters for children is (4)(5) and the difference between (4) and (5). What matters for mothers is (1)(2)(3), the difference between (2) and (3), and the difference between them and (4)(5) and the difference between (4) and (5). All the same, as long as the natural love explained earlier is dominant, those differences do not matter much. That is because all that babies or infants can recognize is the natural love explained above and because they cannot recognize adults' affairs.
    In addition, children seek not deep or abundant love but common love where natural love explained earlier is dominant. That is because when there is common love, children seek something other than love like toys and friends.
    Again, mothers' love of children is unified with mothers' care of children. However, if it was always explained and if the words like "mothers' love and care" were always used, sentences would be complicated. Therefore, in these books, when love is dominant, they are called Love; when care is dominant, they are called Care; when the both are dominant, they are called Love and Care.


    It often happens that Mothers' love or care goes thin temporarily. In contrast, that mothers' love or care is thin continuously or continually can be called "(Mothers') Thinness of Love or Care. For example 1, when mothers are isolated and they have few interpersonal relations with others, some of those mothers do not let their children go away from themselves and make use of the relations with their children in order to reduce the feeling of being isolated. In such a case, the desires and egos intending to reduce such a feeling are dominant, and love goes thin. For example 2, when a mother's ego's tendency to control anything is intense and when she intends to control their children, too, her love becomes thin. Moreover, these two examples lead to the enclosure which will be explained later. As was explained earlier, all that children can recognize is natural love. Though they cannot recognize the causes or situations which make love thin, they can recognize the thinness of natural love.
    In addition, concerning what is called "overflowing love," sometimes, it is contaminated mostly with some emotions or egos like those explained above, and natural love is thin in it. In addition, what children seek is not overflowing but natural and common love. Therefore we need to be careful with it.
    Being sticky, showing off the self, and so forth are (primordial outlines of) instinctive functions fit for babies to acquire mothers' love and care. Babies have infantile egos as they are, and they imitate and piggyback those instinctive functions, and the tendencies of the outlines of instinctive egos (the egos similar to instincts) causing the outlines of instinctive intentional functions (the intentional functions similar to instinctive functions). When the mothers of a baby or infant take care of it with love in the baby and infant period, it is satisfied with the love and is sometimes bored with love, they seek something other than love, and the tendencies of the outlines of instinctive egos begin to reduce. In contrast, when its mothers' love and care are thin, it cannot be satisfied with love, it goes on seeking love forever, it goes on being sticky, showing off the self, and so forth, the tendencies of the outlines of instinctive egos do not reduce. Mothers' thinness of love are the most potent external situation that forms infantile falling tendencies which will be explained later.
    Battering, neglect, and so forth are more serious and clearer than mothers' thinness of love. All the same, we should not neglect the latter by paying too much attention to the former. Anyway, the former contain the latter. In addition, the former can be looked upon as an extreme aspect of the latter. Battering, neglect, and so forth are included in mothers' thinness of love in these books.


    An individual's, above all, a mother's keeping other individuals, above all, his or her children to himself or herself and not letting them go apart from himself or herself both physically and mentally in order to increase or maintain his or her pleasure emotions or decrease his or her displeasure emotions can be called the individual's "Enclosure" of the other individuals or Enclosing them.
    In mothers, when their desires' dissatisfaction in general is intense, the desires which can be satisfies with their children are heightened, and mothers often enclose their children. Above all, when mothers are isolated, when their interpersonal relations are limited, and when they fall into the dissatisfaction of interpersonal desires, they often enclose their children in order to satisfy their interpersonal desires with their children. In addition, in what is called interference or meddling, mothers, fathers, or grand fathers or mothers try to satisfy the desire to spread their values by imposing them on their children or grand children by enclosing them. What is called interference or meddling is included in enclosure in these books.
    In enclosure, it is some mental emotions other than love that mothers try to satisfy. As a result, love goes thin in enclosure.
    Mothers' thinness of love and enclosure of their children are the main external situation that forms infantile falling tendencies of children which will be explained later.


    The intentional functions or the instinctive functions of other individuals or the self are perceived, and egos intend to cause them. This is the first half of an imitation. Though with failing again and again, egos cause those functions again and again. This is the second half of an imitation and is try and error. When they are repeated, the abilities of those intentional functions and the tendencies of egos to cause them are formed. This is the completion of imitation and the ending of try and error. Thus, all formations of intentional functions' abilities and egos' tendencies involve some imitations more or less. However, in some of those imitations, try and error is too dominant to use the word of imitation. For example, such a word is hard to use in the formation of the ability of the intentional function like walking upright on two legs or speaking or writing words.
    In addition, concerning the imitation of the self's instinctive functions, the word of imitation might be inappropriate. That is because there is too little try and error. It might be appropriate to use the word of "piggybacking." Therefore the combined words of imitation and piggybacking will sometimes be used in these books.
    In contrast, the following usages will be common. Above all, destroying anything and controlling anything are imitated, and egos' tendency to destroy and control anything are formed or enhanced, above all, in the preadolescent and adolescent period. For example, though it is a pity, it cannot help being said that the children brought up in violent groups often become destructive.
    All the same, egos' tendency to destroy anything is formed in the baby and infant period also by imitating and piggybacking the self's instinctive functions. Such destructive tendency as was formed in the baby and infant period tends to head for the self. That is, it often leads to what is called self-harm.



    When a thing (O) causes some pain (PO),
when an intentional function (F) dealing with O also causes some pain (PF),
when F can decrease PO or increase or maintain some other pleasure emotions in the future,
and when another intentional function (E) dealing with O can decrease PO temporarily,
F can be called (Intentional Functions') "Facing" or Confronting O, PO, or PF. In addition, the limited egos causing F can be called (Egos') Facing or Confronting O, PO, PF, or F. In addition, E can be called (Intentional Functions) Escaping (from) O, PO, or PF. In addition, the limited egos causing E can be called (Egos') Escaping (from) O, PO, PF, or F. For example, the usage of the words can be done "an ego faces the images of the self's defects."
    Moreover, depending on O, sometimes, facing or escaping become an outline of limited egos, the tendencies of the limited egos belonging to the outline are formed together, and those tendencies are formed with the outline made a unit. Such an outline can also be called Facing or Escaping. For example, escaping interpersonal relations, that is, interpersonal escape is an outline of limited egos, and its tendency is formed with such an outline made a unit. As was explained earlier, for example, the interpersonal escape as an outline of intentional functions has some subgroups of (1) directly escaping interpersonal relations like pretending illness, (2) always causing superficial interpersonal functions, (3) always causing business-like interpersonal functions, (4) always causing destructive and inhospitable interpersonal functions, and so forth, and each of their abilities is separately formed. In contrast, the tendency of interpersonal escape as an outline of limited egos is formed together in a lump. Simply, there is no great difference between (1)(2)(3)(4)... for egos.
    Facing and escaping can be looked upon as bipolar functions as those dealing with O. Moreover, including facing and escaping, causing a function at once can be called "Short-circuiting," and this and waiting and seeing can be looked upon as bipolar functions. We usually do not face or escape, or short-circuit but do wait and see in our daily lives. However, there are some imminent situations where we cannot wait and see. In addition, in the long run, we cannot timelessly wait and see.
    Facing is not the same as fighting, and escaping is not the same as running away. For example 1, it is confrontation for the people involved in a war to carry out dangerous running away for the sake of the safety in the future. In this case, it is facing the intentional function of running away. For example 2, it is sometimes confrontation for those who have conflicted for years to compromise. In this case, they sometimes have to face their own disgrace. For example 3, when negotiation is hard, we sometimes escape from it and fight physically. Thus, above all, facing is not identical with fighting. Please do not forget this.
    In addition, daring to wait and see in a seeming dangerous situation can sometimes be looked upon as facing. For example, while mothers take care of their babies with moderate love, around the age of six months, the latter come to be able to wait and see for a while without desperately crying out even if they have moderate thirst and hunger. This is looked upon as facing an intentional function of waiting and seeing and an important step toward independence.
    Anyway, in order to prevent overwork, animals, human beings included, cannot always face or short-circuit, and we sometimes need to escape, to wait and see, to rest, and to sleep. These books never say that we should always face everything. They make it clear what we need to face.


    Some images just recollected cause some pain. This is a displeasure feeling, which was explained in "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES." For example, the self's immature abilities of interpersonal functions recollected as images cause pain like anxiety, self-hatred, dishonor, and so forth.
    As was explained in that book, it is hard or impossible for any egos directly to bring farther or extinguish any images being recollected. Therefore each ego brings some images farther by taking some other images closer. This is a "switch" from some images to some other images. When some images being recollected cause intense pain, in order for egos to reduce pain, what are switched to can be any images which do not cause any intense pain. In such a case, switching from some images to some other images can be called egos' Escape from or Escaping (from) the former. For example, when the self's immature abilities of interpersonal functions are recollected as images and when those images cause anxiety, self-hatred, and so forth, some egos switch to the images of some other abilities of theirs like intelligence, physical ability, or appearance which they think to be excellent or to those of some possessions like power, status, or money.
    In contrast, egos' not escaping from some images causing some pain but manipulating them or starting to thinking of them can be called egos' Facing or Confronting the images.
    When an ego faces some images, the confrontation with those images is recollected as the most complicated functional image. Simultaneously, the increase or maintenance of some pleasure or the decrease of some pain in the future is recollected as images, and some pleasure autonomic sensations like moderate palpitation and smooth respiration are caused in such a way as was explained in "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES." For example, the future ease, cheers, and so forth caused by the formation of the self's abilities of interpersonal functions are recollected as images. Therefore egos face the self's immature abilities recollected as images though they temporarily cause the pain like anxiety and self-hatred.
    Facing or confronting images can also be called Mental Face or Confrontation, and escaping images can also be called Mental escape.


    At least, escaping the images of the properties of the self causing some pain is an outline of limited egos, and the tendency of that outline is formed together in a lump. For example, in those whose tendency to escape the images of the self's immaturity of the abilities of interpersonal functions is intense, the tendency to escape the images of the self's tendencies falling into a vicious circle, which will be explained later, are intense, too. More accurately, the former is included in the latter.
    However, there is not as much difference between individuals in the tendency to escape such images as in the other tendencies of egos. Simply, all of us try not to see the dark side of the self.
    However, these books never say that human beings need to confront the self whatever it is. They try to narrow what we need to face down to the minimum.



    Instinctive functions need to be re-defined before explaining falling tendencies. The functions which are intentional functions caused by egos and whose abilities and tendencies are formed mainly acquiredly in human adults but which are caused by some things other than egos and whose abilities and tendencies are formed mainly innately in human newborns can be re-defined as "Instinctive" Functions. For example, adults' sucking milk is an intentional function but newborns' doing it is an instinctive function. In general in human beings and other higher mammals, the abilities and tendencies of instinctive functions reduce or disappear as they grow. For example, the way for adults to suck milk is awkward and hesitant.
    In newborns, though the contents of egos are thin, their frames are almost formed, and there are infantile egos as they are in babies or infants. In contrast, in them, the frames of perceptions, memories, and voluntary movements have not been formed enough. In such babies or infants, almost all that infantile egos can do is imitate their own instinctive functions, and they imitate and piggyback some instinctive functions. Those instinctive functions can be classified into some primordial outlines, which later become true outlines of (limited) egos. Such outlines include short-circuiting, being desperate, destroying anything, being sticky, showing off the self, and controlling anything.
    While such outlines are primordial outlines of instinctive functions, they are fit functions for genes, individuals, groups, and species to exist.
    Short-circuit includes small animals' running away or hiding instantly when they are assaulted by natural enemies, human newborns' crying instantly after delivery, most mammals' sucking milk after delivery, or the like. Being sticky includes most animal children's dangling after and clinging to their parents. Showing off the self includes most animal children's attracting their parents' attention by chirping, crying, or the like. They are fit functions for genes, individuals, groups, and species to exist, and without them animals cannot exist.
    As for being desperate, destroying anything, and controlling anything, it is fit for genes, individuals, groups, and species to exist, depending on situations, to switch between offense, defense, waiting and seeing, control, submission, trusting, independence, dependence, and so forth. All the same, in the situations which seems to be vital and to be hard to overcome by any functions, animals sometimes become desperate and try to destroy and control anything. Such being desperate, destroying anything, and controlling anything can destroy the self, too. All the same, such instinctive functions sometimes lead to some miraculous survival and make natural enemies threatened even temporarily. Simply, it is better to be desperate than to die without doing anything. Also human babies, when their mothers' care is delayed, become desperate and destructive and try to control their mothers as if they were tyrants by crying more fiercely than any other animal babies.
    In the newborns of general animals, human beings included, the abilities and tendencies of instinctive functions are formed mainly innately (by genes). Thereafter in general animals, their abilities and tendencies reduce as they grow. This reduction is also caused mainly innately by genes. At least in human beings, some of those intentional functions are classified and recognized as primordial outlines of intentional functions, the infantile egos of babies or infants imitate and piggyback them, and the tendencies of the outlines of infantile egos are formed more or less.


    The outlines of limited egos which have the following properties (1)(2)(3)(4) can be called "(the Outlines of) (Limited) Egos Falling (into a Vicious Circle) (in a Narrow Sense)," and their tendencies can be called the Tendencies of (the Outlines of) (Limited) Egos Falling (into a Vicious Circle).

(1) The intentional functions caused by them temporarily reduce the self's pain or cause the self's pleasure emotions. All the same, in the long run, the intentional functions caused by them causes the self's and other persons' pain, above all, the self's mental pain intensely and continuously or continually.
(2) Their tendencies are together formed or reduced.
(3) They and their tendencies cause various kinds of vicious circles.
(4) They consist of the following (4-1)(4-2)(4-3).
(4-1) The limited egos' outlines whose tendencies are formed by infantile egos' imitating and piggybacking (primordial outlines of) instinctive functions mainly in the human beings in the baby and infant period, are reduced after such formation even in this period but do not disappear, and remain more or less also after this period and which have the above properties (1)(2)(3) can be called "Infantile (or Infant)" Egos(' Outlines) Falling (into a Vicious Circle), and their tendencies can be called the Tendencies of Infantile (or Infant) Egos(' Outlines) Falling (into a Vicious Circle).
(4-2) The limited egos' outlines whose tendencies are formed by egos' coping with the self's images, the gap between the self's images and the world's, or the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later mainly in the human beings in the postinfant and preadolescent period and which have the above properties (1)(2)(3) can be called "Preadolescent" Egos(' Outlines) Falling (into a Vicious Circle), and their tendencies can be called the Tendencies of Preadolescent Egos(' Outlines) Falling (into a Vicious Circle).
(4-3) The limited egos' outlines whose tendencies are formed by egos' coping with the self's egos' tendencies and the self's intentional functions' abilities mainly in human beings in the adolescent period and which have the above properties (1)(2)(3) can be called "Adolescent" Egos(' Outlines) Falling (into a Vicious Circle), and their tendencies can be called the Tendencies of Adolescent Egos(' Outlines) Falling (into a Vicious Circle).

    Again, the outlines of limited egos which have the above properties (1)(2)(3)(4) can be called "(the Outlines of) (Limited) Egos Falling (into a Vicious Circle)." In addition, their tendencies can be called the Tendencies of (the Outlines of) (Limited) Egos Falling (into a Vicious Circle). Moreover, the intentional functions caused directly by falling egos can be called (the Outlines of) Intentional Functions Falling (into a Vicious Circle).
    Moreover, the functions including egos, intentional functions, mental emotions, and recollections of images which are caused directly or indirectly by those falling egos in a narrow sense or whose tendencies or abilities are formed directly or indirectly by those falling egos in a narrow sense can be called (the Outlines of) Functions Falling (into a Vicious Circle) (in a Narrow Sense). Falling egos in a narrow sense, falling intentional functions, and falling functions in a narrow sense can be called (the Outlines of) Functions Falling (into a Vicious Circle) (in a Broad Sense). The tendencies of falling functions can be called Tendencies (of Functions) Falling (into a Vicious Circle). Falling functions and Falling tendencies can be called (Functions and)Tendencies Falling (into a Vicious Circle). The matrix of falling tendencies can be called Tendencies (or Habit) Falling (into a Vicious Circle). In addition, those whose tendencies or abilities are formed mainly in the baby and infant period, in the postinfant and preadolescent period, or in the adolescent period can be called infantile, preadolescent, adolescent ones.
    The functions in falling functions can be not only egos but also intentional functions, recollections of images, and mental emotions. For example, the expansion of the gap between the self and the world is a tendency of recollections of images, and the desire to make the self eternal is literally a desire included in mental emotions. As for infantile falling functions, though falling egos in a narrow sense, whose tendencies are formed by egos' imitating and piggybacking instinctive functions, are similar to instincts, falling functions in a broad sense are not always so. For example, narcissim is not. All the same, most falling functions are falling egos, and most falling tendencies are falling egos' tendencies. In short, the responsibility for falling tendencies lies with egos.
    For example, (the standard deviation value of) the infantile falling tendencies (or habit) of an individual is described as follows.

(the tendency to short-circuit, the tendency to be desperate, the tendency to destroy anything, the tendency to be sticky, the tendency to show off the self,...) = (67, 71, 58, 72, 62,...)

    It is hard for human beings in the postadolescent period to understand why such falling tendencies as cause the pain in the long run are formed. This is because even human newborns or babies have infantile egos as they are, because falling functions frequently reduced their pain even though temporarily and faintly, because preadolescent and adolescent falling tendencies are formed on the basis of infantile falling tendencies, and because we cannot remember anything in the baby and infant period.


    As was explained above, most falling functions are falling egos. In addition, as was explained in "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES," egos' tendencies are formed mainly acquiredly. Therefore falling tendencies are formed mainly acquiredly. However, as was explained above, infantile falling tendencies are formed by infantile egos' imitating and piggybacking (primordial outlines of) instinctive functions. The tendencies of those instinctive functions imitated and piggybacked are formed mainly innately (by genes). Here it is probable that in newborns or babies whose tendencies of instinctive functions are large innately, infantile falling tendencies are intensely formed. However, as was explained "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES," the difference among individuals in the tendencies or abilities of functions including the tendencies of instinctive functions which are formed mainly innately is much smaller than that in those which are formed mainly acquiredly. Therefore falling tendencies including infantile ones are formed mainly acquiredly.


    Because of the following reasons, falling tendencies are formed together, that is, it is possible that those who have some falling tendencies have most of the other falling tendencies.
    First, infantile falling tendencies are formed together because of the following reasons (1)(2). (1) Originally, infantile falling tendencies are formed by infantile egos' imitating and piggybacking (primordial outlines of) instinctive functions and thereafter reduced more or less. As was explained earlier, the difference among individuals in the tendencies of those instinctive functions imitated and piggybacked is small. In other words, they all exist and function at least in all the newborns of human beings. (2) The main external situation hindering infantile falling tendencies from being reduced is the same mothers' thinness of love and enclosure and the child's imitation of the same mothers.
    Second, also in and after postinfant and preadolescent period, infantile falling tendencies remain more or less, and most preadolescent, adolescent, and postadolescent falling tendencies are formed by egos' coping with infantile falling tendencies or their products. In addition, in most cases, the situation of (2) does not change drastically.
    Third, falling tendencies in general cause various vicious circles, most of those vicious circles form falling tendencies.
    On those grounds, falling tendencies are formed together in a lump.


    Moreover, on those ground, all human beings have falling tendencies more or less. It is not at all that what is called mental disorders only have them. It is no more than that some extreme cases of falling tendencies can be looked upon as some mental disorders. This book tries to explain not such extreme cases but such falling functions and tendencies as all human beings have. In addition, this book will make it clear that everybody needs to confront falling functions and tendencies. However, they will become easier to understand when a little heavier examples of them are enumerated, and so it will be done. Nonetheless, please do not forget that everybody has falling functions and tendencies and needs to confront them.
    Now main falling functions and tendencies will be enumerated.


    Again, even in newborns, the frames of egos are almost formed, and they have infantile egos as they are. Such egos imitate and piggyback (primordial outlines of) instinctive functions, and the tendencies of instinctive egos (the egos similar to instincts) causing instinctive intentional functions (the intentional functions similar to instinctive functions) are formed. Sooner or later, those egos become outlines of egos, and the tendencies of those outlines of egos are formed. Temporarily, such tendencies can be said to be infantile falling tendencies.
    The reason why such tendencies are formed is that voluntary movements, perceptions, associations, and thinkings are not fully developed in newborns and that almost all that they can imitate is their own instinctive functions. However, the tendencies of instinctive functions are the largest in newborns and thereafter go on being reduced, and the abilities of voluntary movements, perceptions, associations, and thinkings go on being formed. Then, the tendencies of instinctive egos causing instinctive intentional functions should also have been reduced. However, they are not reduced easily. Why?
    For the human babies or infants in the baby and infant period, mothers' love and care are vital, and their egos seek them. Out of instinctive intentional functions, being sticky and showing off the self are fit functions for seeking love, short-circuit, controlling anything, and destroying anything are fit functions for seeking care, and being desperate is fit functions for seeking the both. Therefore, even after the tendencies (of primordial outlines) of instinctive functions are reduced, the tendencies of instinctive egos causing instinctive intentional functions are not reduced but formed for a while. Anyway, they are no longer the tendencies of instinctive functions but the tendencies of complete egos. These can be said to be infantile falling tendencies more and more.
    All the same, also in infants, voluntary movements, perceptions, associations, thinkings go on developing, and they become to imitate intentional functions other than instinctive ones. Simply, infants have more and more choices. For example, they have the choice of playing with some persons other than their mothers or playing alone. Then, when their mothers' love and care are sufficient, the egos of babies or infants cause some intentional functions other than instinctive ones, and the tendencies of outlines of egos other than instinctive ones go on being formed, and the tendencies of the outlines of instinctive egos go on being reduced.
    In contrast, when their mothers' love or care is thin, what happens? The necessity for their mothers' care comes small but is still large in the baby and infant period. The desire for their mothers' love is not reduced in this period. The egos of babies or infants cannot help seeking mothers' love and going on causing the instinctive intentional functions which are fit for seeking mothers' love, and the tendencies of the outlines of instinctive egos are not reduced but formed. These are complete tendencies of egos, and can be said to be complete infantile falling tendencies.
    The instinctive ego and instinctive intentional functions whose tendencies and abilities are formed in the above ways become less and less similar to instincts or instinctive functions. They become, to put them better, human, original, and sophisticated, to put them worse, unnatural, artificial, and cunning. They often remain until postadolescent period, and, above all, adults' being sticky and showing off the self are cunning.
    Moreover, there remain a potent primordial outline of instinctive functions and outline of instinctive intentional functions and egos. It is isolation. In newborns of general animals, it is not a fit function to go apart from their mothers or groups and to go independent or isolated. Gradually as they grow, they come independent or isolated. Children, who are bullied or battered in their groups, cannot help isolating themselves from their groups earlier than the other children. Such an isolating itself is the last instinctive function, as it were. In human babies or infants, when their mothers' love and care are thin, infantile egos as they are isolate themselves mentally, and the tendency (of the outline) of (limited) egos to isolate themselves is formed. What such isolation bring about will be explained later.
    Now let us look over the specifics of infantile falling tendencies.


    The outlines of the instincts, instinctive egos, or egos which make animals instantly cause instinctive functions, instinctive intentional functions, intentional functions or the outlines of instinctive functions, instinctive intentional functions, or intentional functions caused by them can be called "Short-circuit" or Short-circuiting. The contrary is waiting and seeing.
    Short-circuit and waiting and seeing are fit instinctive functions for the genes, individuals, groups, and species of some animal species to exist. For example, the small animals like mice and squirrels could not exist if they did not run away instantly when attacked by carnivores. In addition, occasionally waiting and seeing is fit for animal genes, individuals, groups, and the species to exist. For example, small animals need to keep still for a while after they run away and hide themselves. In addition, some carnivores ambush.
    In animals, newborns short-circuit, and this is a fit instinctive function for them to exist. That is because sucking milk, keeping heat, and so forth are urgently necessary for them. Thereafter, they become to wait and see step by step. This change and the result are also fit for them to exist. Also in human beings, a newborn cry and cry and short-circuit when it has pain, hunger, or thirst. This is an instinctive function. Otherwise, most mothers would failed in nursing.
    Soon after delivery, infantile egos as they are imitate and piggyback short-circuit as an instinctive function, and the tendency (of the outlines) of instinctive egos starts to be formed.
    However, when their mothers takes care of them with love, even if care like feeding milk is delayed, they come to be able to wait and see for minutes around the age of 0.5, and the tendency to short-circuit starts to be reduced. Also thereafter, children experience the needlessness and disadvantages of short-circuiting and the necessity and advantages of waiting and seeing, bypassing, thinking, and so forth, and the tendency to short-circuit is reduced and the tendencies to wait and see, to by-pass, to think, and so forth are formed.
    In contrast, when mothers' love is thin and when their care is insufficient, infantile egos as they are go on short-circuiting and crying desperately, and the tendencies to short-circuit, to be desperate, and to destroy anything are often not reduced but formed. Furthermore, those tendencies which were not reduced are often retained until the postadolescent period.
    When the tendency to short-circuit is formed, egos only cause the intentional functions which are short-circuit or those whose abilities have already been formed, above all, falling intentional functions. Therefore the abilities of other intentional functions and the tendencies of other egos' outlines are hardly formed, and falling tendencies are hardly reduced. This is also a vicious circle.
    In addition, when the tendency to short-circuit is formed, egos rarely intend to think, and the ability to think is not formed sufficiently. Then, if egos intend to think and behave themselves, those thinkings are superficial and poor, and those behaviors do not bring any good results. Then, egos give up thinkings in general and even beautify and justify short-circuit in general. Then, the abilities to think are not formed, and the tendency to short-circuit is formed more and more. This is a vicious circle, too.
    However, some of the original products which short-circuit bring about are sometimes masterpieces by accident and the child is sometimes admired as a genius. Such admiration sometimes prompts the child to fall all the more into vicious circles.
    Such a short-circuit as has been explained in this section needs to be clearly distinguished from the short-circuit of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While the main cause of the latter is functional and organic disorders of nervous system, that of the former is the process of formation of egos' tendencies in the baby and infant period. While the treatment of the latter is not established, the tendencies of the former is reduced by egos' facing or confronting the self's falling functions and tendencies, above all, the self's giving up thinkings and beautifying and justifying its short-circuit.


    Being desperate as a (primordial outline of) instinctive function was explained earlier. It is the last resort for an animal pushed into a corner. Fortunately or unfortunately for human newborns, being desperate is no more than crying desperately. When their mothers' cares are delayed, human newborns or babies cry desperately. Thus, the tendencies (of outlines) of (instinctive) egos to be desperate is formed. These tendencies are reduced when their mothers take car of them with love and not reduced but formed when their mothers' love and care are thin.
    Desperate intentional functions are also a fit means for the children or adults after the baby and infant period to get their arguments across. Such being desperate is sometimes (1) the extension of that whose tendency was formed in the baby and infant period and, sometimes (2) another outline of egos similar to being desperate. (2) is self-conservative. In contrast, (1) is self-destructive. What (1) brings will be explained below.


    When animals suffer the attacks from animals of the same or different species or natural disasters, they protect themselves, fight back, run away, or hide themselves. Switching them depending on the situation is fit for animal genes, individuals, groups, and species to exist. All the same, when those functions are not effective, some animals go desperate and destroy anything. Such destruction sometimes involves the self as a result. Though its success rate is smaller than the functions enumerated above, being desperate and destroying anything are sometimes fit for the animals facing extreme danger to survive it and are usually the last resort.
    Destruction is directed toward the same species in human beings more often than in other animals. For example, battering, bullying, violence, war, slaughter, and so forth are included in destruction. Such large-scale destruction like war and slaughter is sometimes caused by the tendency of holders of powers to destroy anything.
    In addition, in human beings, destruction is sometimes directed toward the self intentionally. Not only suicide and self-harm but also anorexia, bulimia, drug abuse, and so forth overlap in much part with the destruction of the self. Destruction of the self is included in destroying anything in these books.
    Animal babies also go desperate and destroy anything. In human babies, destruction is not clear because their abilities of voluntary movements have not be adequately formed yet. Though, practically, they cannot destroy anything, they cry and try to destroy anything when their mothers' cares are delayed.
    Simultaneously, babies' infantile egos as they are imitate and piggyback destroying anything as a (primordial outline of) instinctive function, and the tendency (of outline) of (instinctive) egos goes on being formed. When a baby is taken care of with love by its mothers, around the age of 0.5, it comes to be able to wait and see, do not destroy all things, and its tendency to destroy anything goes on being reduced.
    In contrast, when its mothers' care and love are not enough, it goes on short-circuiting, being desperate, and destroying anything, and egos' tendency to destroy anything is often not reduced but formed together with that to short-circuit and that to be desperate.
    Such destroying anything whose tendency was formed in the baby and infant period sometimes develops into "self-destruction," and forms the tendency of egos to destroying the self. This often materializes as wrist cutting, overdosing, and so forth in the adolescent period. In addition, it sometimes leads to or overlaps with drug dependence, eating disorder, and so forth. Why can the destruction whose tendency is formed in the baby and infant period develops into self-destruction. In the baby and infant period, the images of the self have not been generated yet, and there is no anxiety about or fear of the self's death. Therefore babies and infants who are short-circuiting, being desperate, and destroying anything do not fear the self's death. Also in the adolescent destruction developed from such infantile destruction, the anxiety about or fear of the self's death is not so intense. Therefore the destruction whose tendency was formed in the baby and infant period can develop into self-destruction.
    Moreover, the following enhances self-destruction and the tendency to destroy the self. In the preadolescent period, the self's images are generated, and the anxiety about or fear of the self's impending death and the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later come to be caused. Sometimes in the individuals who underwent the extreme thinness of love and care like battering, neglect, and extreme isolation in the baby and infant period, by the destroying the complex images of the self which will be explained later, the self's images are not clearly generated, and the anxiety about or fear of the self's impending death and the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later do not come to be intensely caused. Such individuals all the less fear the self's death, and egos' tendency to destroy the self goes intense.
    The destruction whose tendency is formed mainly in the baby and infant period thus and which is sometimes directed toward the self can be called "Infantile, Self-destructive Destruction."
    On the other hand, the tendency to destroy anything is formed also in and after the preadolescent period by children's imitation of seniors. For example 1, as is a pity, the children of destructive parents are often destructive. For example 2, as is also a pity, the children brought up in a violent group are often destructive. In those examples, children imitate the destructive intentional functions by their seniors. The destruction whose tendency is formed in and after preadolescent period is usually headed for not the self but others. This is because, in the period when its tendency is formed, the images of the self have already been generated and the anxiety about or fear of the self's impending death and the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later are existing and functioning. Therefore such destruction can be looked upon as an outline of egos distinct from the infantile, self-destructive destruction explained above. Such an outline of egos can be called "Postinfantile, Other-destructive Destruction."
    It seems to other persons or the society that postinfantile, other-destructive destruction matters more than infantile, self-destructive destruction does. However, the both sometimes coexist. That is, it is probable that the tendency of infantile, self-destructive destruction is formed in the baby and infant period, and that that of postinfantile other-destructive destruction is formed thereafter. Moreover, often in general, infantile falling tendencies, preadolescent falling tendencies, and adolescent falling tendencies are often formed together, and those outlines coexist. Above all, infantile, self-destructive destruction coexists with short-circuiting, being desperate, controlling anything, showing off the self, and being isolated. It is probable that some of the individuals where they coexist become tyrants, dictators, or slaughterers and bring about unnecessary wars, massacres, and so forth.
    In addition, mothers' and other persons' enclosure of children and children's destruction of that enclosure and rebellion against it in the adolescent period sometimes form the tendency of a new outline of destruction or enhance the tendency of infantile, self-destructive destruction or postinfantile, other-destructive destruction. Children need to rebel against enclosure and destroy it to some extent in order to win independence. However, when enclosure and the rebellion against it and the destruction of it are too intense and frequent, it leads to the following. Children always rebel and destroy and rarely cause other functions, and the tendencies of other outlines of egos and the abilities of other intentional functions are hardly formed. As a result, their independence is hindered.


    The outline of instinctive functions, instinctive intentional functions, or instinctive functions not to come apart from and not to let go some other individuals belonging to the same species or the outline of instincts, instinctive egos, or egos causing them can be called Being "Sticky" or Stickiness, Sticking to or on them, Being Adhesive, Adhesiveness, Adhering to them, or Dangling to or about them. Human sticky egos intend not to come apart from and not to let go their mothers both physically and mentally, and to get love.
    Newborns' being sticky is an outline of instinctive functions fit for animal babies to exist. They could not exist if they went apart from their parents. For example, mammals' babies dangle about their parents even with crawling. In human babies, such dangling about is not clear because it takes months even for them to crawl. They cry and cry and call their mothers. They stick to their mothers through crying.
    (Primordial outlines of) instinctive functions and (outlines) of instinctive intentional functions in general are appropriate functions to get mothers' love and care. Above all, being sticky and showing off the self which will be explained later are fit for that. From the point of view of mothers, their babies' being sticky and showing off the self often look lovable and stimulate their love while adults' look unlovable.
    When babies or infants are taken care of by their mothers with love, their tendency (of outline of instinctive egos) to be sticky starts to be reduced, and comes to be reduced substantially around the age of three. In contrast, if their mothers' love and care are thin, they cannot help going on seeking love and care and going on being sticky, and their tendency to be sticky is often not reduced but formed and remains even after the age of three. Furthermore, after the age of three when their interpersonal functions spread to persons other than their mothers, such children stick to general human beings. Such children are often disliked and alienated, they cannot help seeking love and being sticky more and more, and their tendency to be sticky is formed more and more. Even if their (absolute value of) tendency to be sticky is reduced to a degree, because that of the other children are rapidly reduced, their (standard deviation value of) to be sticky are not reduced but increased, and they are outstandingly sticky in the interpersonal relations with the same species and the same age.
    In addition, the desire to seek love in itself is intensely formed. It can be called the "Desire for Love." Though it exists and functions in all higher mammals, human beings included, that which are formed with being sticky is fierce.
    Thus, mothers' thinness of love and care is the main external situation forming the tendency to be sticky. Mothers' being sticky and children's imitation of it also form sticky tendencies to a degree.
    Thereafter it is probable that being sticky heads for classmates and teachers in kindergartens and schools and for friends and boy or girl friends in communities, and later sometimes for colleagues, staffs, and bosses in offices and patners and children in homes. Thus, adults' being sticky sometimes head for even their children, and it is imitated by them. This is a vicious circle beyond generations. In addition, being sticky in and after the adolescent period is complicated and cunning. Such being sticky is often looked upon as involving others, manipulating others, or trying to gain sympathy.
    Being sticky causes intense pain. First, when those who have the intense tendency to be sticky cannot stick to others, they cannot help feeling intense anxiety and solitude. Second, because they are often alienated by others, they cannot help feeling intense isolation and solitude. In order to reduce those pieces of pain, they cannot help sticking to others more and more, and the tendency to be sticky are formed more and more.
    Moreover, in interpersonal relations, those who have the intense tendency to be sticky often cause sticky interpersonal functions and rarely cause those other than them. Therefore the tendencies of interpersonal egos and the abilities of interpersonal intentional functions which are sticky are intensely formed, and those other than them are hardly formed. Simply they do not know various ways to get along with other persons. Also for this reason, they are alienated by others and cannot help feeling pain and being sticky more and more.
    Those are also vicious circles. Those vicious circles are true of all falling tendencies, but it is true, above all, of short-circuiting, being desperate, destroying anything, being sticky, showing off the self, and controlling anything, above all, in interpersonal functions. Those explanations will sometimes be omitted from now on.


    Showing off the self to other animals of the same species excessively can be called "Showing Off the Self." In human beings, it includes putting on airs, boasting, talking too much about the self, talking too much about his or her past, talking the self exaggerated or fabricated, and even talking of the self's defects.
    Showing off the self is also a fit (primordial outline of) instinctive function for animal newborns to exist. That is because they could not exist if they did not attract their parents' attention and care. For example, the babies of cats, dogs, human beings, and so forth cry as if they attract their parents' attention. Sooner or later in human babies, the tendency (of the outline) of (instinctive) egos to show off the self starts to be formed in just the same way as the other infantile falling tendencies are.
    Adults sometimes feel that children are lovable. That is a natural feeling. In addition, they sometimes praise children frankly. Mothers all the more do so. Doing so overlaps with love. When babies or infants are loved and praised by their mothers thus, around the end of 3, with being satisfied with or weary of being loved and praised and its own showing off the self, they cause some interpersonal functions other than showing off the self to some persons including their mothers, and their tendency to show off the self goes on being reduced.
    In contrast, when their mothers' love and praise are not enough, they cannot be satisfied with or weary of love and praise and their own showing off the self, they go on doing it, and the tendency to do it is not reduced but retained or formed. Thus, the main external situation forming the tendency to show off the self is the shortage of mothers' love and praise.
    The other ways for the tendency to show off the self to be formed and for it to fall into vicious circles are almost the same as those for being sticky. Here only what is particular to showing off the self will be explained. It is often not the real self but the self exaggerated and fabricated for others that are showed off. All the same, while showing off the self is repeated, the images of the real self are covered by the images of the self exaggerated and fabricated even partly. As a result, the tendency to show off the self hinders egos from facing the real self and its falling tendencies. This is also a vicious circle.


    An individual's trying indiscriminately to control all of the other individuals or groups of the same species and their properties can be called its "Controlling anything." In human beings, it includes presiding over anything, even trifles included, rising somehow, expanding any territory, and monopolizing anything.
    By the way, in human beings, controlling anything, destroying anything, and so forth can be large-scale like autocracy and genocide. Newborns or babies could not cause such control or destruction. In human newborns or babies, control and destruction are caused mainly in the manner of crying out.
    Switching between control, entrust, submission, non-submission, and resistance depending on situations is fit for animal genes, individuals, groups, and species to exist. However, such switching is a considerably complicated and sophisticated function. Trying to control anything is a simpler and easier function than that. The newborns and babies of human being also try to get care and love by controlling their mothers, and it is a fit instinctive function for them to exist. All that human newborns and babies need to do to control their mothers is cry out. Gradually thereafter, in the same way as the other infantile falling tendencies do, the tendency (of the primordial outline) of instinctive functions to control anything becomes the tendency (of outline) of (instinctive) egos to do so.
    In human beings, when a baby or infant is taken care of by its mothers with love, it does not need to control anything, it causes some other interpersonal functions like entrusting something to others or sometimes submitting itself to others, and its tendency to control anything starts to reduce. That is, though this is true of all infantile falling tendencies, above all, the tendency to control anything are reduced by the unnecessity for babies or infants to do so.
    In contrast, when their mothers care and love are not enough, infants go on controlling anything, and their tendencies to do so are not reduced but formed. Thus, the main external situation forming the tendency to control anything is mothers' thinness of love and care.
    However, in the postadolescent period, those who have gained status, power, and money and are able to control others will try to gain them more and more and try to control anything more and more. Thus, the tendency to control anything can be formed also in the postadolescent period.
    However, in almost the same way as destroying anything is, controlling anything is divided into the following three groups.

(1) controlling anything whose tendency is formed in the baby and infant period and
(2) controlling anything whose tendency is formed mainly in the postadolescent period

can be distinguished. (1) accompanies the other infantile falling functions like short-circuiting, being desperate, being sticky, destroying anything, and showing off the self more or less. In contrast, (2) does not accompany intense infantile falling functions, is cunning and deceptive, and is even able to hide the self's tendency to control anything or that to destroy anything.
    Moreover, it is probable that (1) and (2) co-exist or that (1)'s tendency is enhanced by (2). That is, there is

(3) controlling anything with (1) and (2)'s co-existing or that which make (1) a foundation and which is enhanced by (2).

(3) accompanies infantile falling functions and is cunning and deceptive. Therefore (3) is the most dreadful. In addition, (1) and (3) often accompany the intense desire to make the self eternal. Those who have it and the intense tendency of (3) tend to get power and money, to control the people, and to endeavor to perform something great that remains in history, and after all to bring about autocracy, oppression, war, and so forth.
    In addition, when they cannot get power or money in the society, those whose tendencies of (1)(2)(3) are intense sometimes become what are called "lions at home and mice abroad," try to control homes, bring about the enclosure of their children and partners, domestic violence, and so forth.
    By the way, there is no gender difference in such a tendency at home. Concerning the tendency of (1)(2)(3) in the society, there will be no gender difference if they are given equal opportunities to participate in the society. The main cause that men have occupied most of the tyrants or autocrats in history is that most of the opportunities to get power and money and to hone the abilities to get them have been given to men.


    Being dependent on their mothers and other seniors is a (primordial) outline of instinctive function found in most animals, human newborns or babies included. In human being, during the baby and infant period, it becomes an outline of egos. When their mothers take care of them with love, babies or infants are satisfied with or weary of being dependent and its outcomes and cause complicated, reciprocal dependence or interpersonal functions other than dependence, and the tendency to be dependent is reduced, or the tendency of complicated, reciprocal dependence is formed. Otherwise, the tendency (of the outline of egos) of simple, one-way dependence is formed. Such an outline of dependence remained even into adults is looked upon as short-circuiting and being selfish.


    In newborns, (1) seeking care itself is clearly a (primordial outline of) instinctive function. Thereafter, it becomes an (outline of) (instinctive) ego, and its tendency becomes intense by mothers' thinness of care.
    In addition, in newborns or babies, (2) seeking love itself can be a (primordial outline of) instinctive function. Thereafter, it becomes an (outline of) ego, and its tendency becomes intense by mothers' thinness of love.
    (1)(2) overlap with each other and with short-circuiting, being sticky, showing off the self, and controlling anything explained earlier, and their tendencies are formed together. (1) overlaps with simple, one-way dependence explained above, and their tendencies are formed together. (2) overlaps with narcissism which will be explained below, and their tendencies are formed together. The intense tendencies of (1)(2) are included in infantile falling tendencies.


    At the final stage, egos' trying to love and praise the self can be called "Narcissism." However, in infants in the baby and infant period, the adequate images of the self have not been generated yet, and so there is no narcissism in that sense. As was explained above, seeking love can be a (primordial outline of) instinctive function. In contrast, praising the self or other persons and seeking praise are what only human beings do and cannot be instinctive functions. However, even babies or infants in the baby and infant period can seek praise. Temporarily, egos' seeking other persons' love and praise can be called "Infantile" Narcissism.
    In the baby and infant period, when children are loved and praised by their mothers and others, they come to be satisfied with or weary of being loved and praised and come to love and praise other persons or things, and the tendency of egos to seek other persons' love and praise goes on being reduced. Otherwise, that tendency is not reduced but formed. Simply, if they are not loved and praised, infants seek love and praise more and more. The thinness of mothers' love and praise is the main cause to form the tendencies of infantile narcissism.
    In order to acquire other persons' love and praise, infants need to be sticky and to show off the self, and so infantile narcissism enhance those infantile falling tendencies.
    In the postinfant and preadolescent period, after the self's images are generated, the tendency of the narcissism in a common sense, that is, the tendency for egos to try to love and praise the self are formed more or less in every child. If it feels that it is not loved or praised by anybody, it try hard to love and praise the self for itself, and the intense tendency of narcissism are formed. In addition, in the children where the intense tendency of infantile narcissism are formed, intense narcissism are formed. That is because if they were commonly loved and praised, it is not enough, let alone if they are not. That is, it is infantile narcissism that are decisive for narcissism. Therefore narcissism is included in infantile falling egos.
    Sometimes, narcissism leads to playing alone and playing with images like daydreaming, and enhance the tendency to isolate oneself.
    In the postinfant and preadolescent period, narcissism enhances the tendencies of preadolescent falling functions like the self's going fat, the beautification of the self, the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later, and the desire to make the self eternal.
    In and after the adolescent period, narcissism functions as follows. When the real self are recognized by chance, because egos are not accustomed to recognizing it, intense anxiety and self-hatred is caused, and after all, intense narcissism alternates with them. In addition, when love and praise for others are caused, because egos are not accustomed to them, they can became intense, and after all, intense narcissism alternates with them. Thus, intense narcissism alternates with its seeming opposites and is unstable.


    In human beings, when something recollected as complex images cause displeasure feelings like anxiety, fear, self-hatred, shame, and so forth, the comparatively mature egos in and after the postinfant and preadolescent period switch from those images causing intense pain to some other images causing little pain. This can be called Escaping the Images. It is included in manipulations of images. However, in the human beings in the baby and infant period, the abilities of manipulations of images and thinkings are immature, and so they cannot perform such an escape well. Therefore the egos of the babies or infants where some images cause severe pain destroy them at random. For example, the images of mothers' battering cause anxiety and fear, and they destroy such images. Moreover, the self's images are being vaguely generated in the children in the baby and infant period, and it is probable that they destroy even the self's images which are battered or neglected. Such destruction is different from dissolution, and so forth which mature egos can perform and where images can be restored. As a result, some of the complex images, the self's images, recollections of images, associations, mental emotions, egos, and thinkings sometimes become what cannot be understood for general human beings and even for psychologists or psychiatrists. Destroying images causing pain at random and what is brought about by it can be called "Destroying (Complex) Images" or Destructions of (Complex) Images.
    The tendency to destroy complex images is usually formed by the extremes of mothers' thinness of love like battering and neglect.
    It is probable that some destructions of images develop into the "dissociation" in what is called dissociative disorder including multiple personalities where more than one distinct image of the self is generated and the "split" in what is called borderline personality disorder.


    As was explained above, infantile egos cannot perform complicated manipulations of images like switching, escaping, constructing and resolving images. All the same, they can perform simple manipulations. Rather, because their abilities of voluntary movements are immature, they play alone with simple manipulations of images. Then they would be able to kill time. All the same, their abilities to manipulate images or to think are gradually formed, and they come to be able to construct imaginary worlds in things appearing as images. Constructing imaginary worlds in things appearing as images while awake and those worlds can be called Having "Day Dreams."
    The babies and infants who are not loved or taken care of by their mothers or who are battered or ignored and who cannot enjoy themselves in the outer world cannot help enjoying themselves in day dreams.
    Of course, even adults sometimes have day dreams. All the same, in most adults, they can easily recognize that the contents of day dreams are not real things, and they can come back to the real world comparatively easily after they wake up from them. In contrast, infants cannot do those so easily.
    It is possible that having day dreams enhances the tendency to isolate oneself. Therefore the tendency to have day dreams is included in (infantile) falling tendencies in these books.
    However it is not that all day dreams are harmful. Some day dreams heighten the abilities of imagination and creation.


    When outer situations are painful and hard to improve, we cannot help trying to reduce at least mental pain in internal situations like associations, mental emotions, and thinkings. Reducing mental pain in internal situations can be called "Internal Consolation" or consoling oneself internally. The following is one of its examples often found in adults. When, in an enterprise of the company which you work with, your plan which you believed was best is not adopted, you will sometimes think something like "it is okay if I just get paid. I will save that plan for the time when I start self-employment," and after all, self-employment and that plan will be forgotten. Day dreams and destructions of images explained earlier are two outlines of internal consolation. Narcissism explained earlier overlaps with internal consolation. Escaping and patching up falling tendencies which will be explained later is one outline of internal consolation. A large part of religion is composed of some outlines of internal consolation.
    If internal consolation is caused too frequently, the tendencies of egos and the abilities of intentional functions to cope with outer situations are not formed and stay immature. Such internal consolation can be included in falling tendencies.
    When a piece of internal consolation fails, that is, an ego is not able to console itself internally, that is, the original mental pain that it intends to reduce is not reduced, the mental pain like regret is caused. In order to reduce such a kind of mental pain, egos intend to cause a new piece of internal consolation. However, it, too, often fails, and a new piece of regret is caused. The same are often repeated. Then those pieces of mental pain of regret last longer than the original pain. Such a series of pieces of internal consolation can also be included in falling tendencies. For example, when an adult is preparing to travel during the holidays, in order to make that travel enjoyable, he or she will try to leave as few concerns as possible. However, if some concerns break out from homes or offices, she cannot help feeling regretful. Such feeling is also pain. Then she tries to cause a new piece of internal consolation, it, too, fails, and the same are repeated. After all it is probable that that travel is unenjoyable. In order to break such a series of regrets in such a series of pieces of internal consolation, it is best that we accept the original pain.


    Going apart from their groups like herd, flock, home, and society is not a fit instinctive function for animal newborns or babies to exist. All the same, when an individual is destroyed, attacked, or alienated in its group and when it has been grown to a degree, going apart from such a group is sometimes a fit instinctive function for it to exist than staying in it. Therefore it is possible that in some species of animals, there exist and function some genes causing the instinctive functions of isolating themselves from their groups, that is, "Genes for Isolation." All the same, it is certain that, also in such individuals, the genes causing the instinctive functions of sexual ones are usually active and even individuals isolating themselves usually cause sexual functions. That is, even individuals isolating themselves are not sexuality isolated. Otherwise, "genes for isolation" could not exist.
    In human beings, it is possible that isolating oneself is a (primordial) outline of instinctive functions. However, human being in the baby and infant period can isolate themselves not physically but mentally, and such infants' isolating themselves is an outline of egos. A little more in detail. in human beings, physical independence or isolation are much later than in the other animals. In contrast, in human infants, internal consolation including day dreams and destructions of images explained above is possible, and so mental independence or isolation is possible to a degree. For example, though infants a little grown up can play alone physically with toys, before that, even if they cannot physically play alone, they can mentally play with images in day dreaming.
    In human beings, when their mothers' love is thin, children isolate themselves mentally, and the tendency of egos to do so is intensely formed. If there are extreme examples of the thinness of love like battering and neglect, that tendency is formed more intensely.
    Isolation prompts the formation of preadolescent falling tendencies in the way which will be explained later. Therefore the tendency to isolate oneself is included in (infantile) falling tendencies in these books.


    In being sticky, showing off the self, and narcissism, the love of the self is much intenser than that for others. Destroying anything accompanies little love but much hate. When we love somebody and when we cannot get his or her love, we sometimes destroy or control him or her. Mainly on those grounds, when those who have intense falling tendencies become mothers, their love of children is often thin.
    In addition, those who have falling tendencies have various desires' dissatisfaction mainly because they are isolated and alienated. Then, if those who have intense falling tendencies become mothers, they often try to satisfy those unsatisfied desires by enclosing their children, as was explained earlier. In such enclosures, the desires which mothers try to satisfy are different from love, and as a result, their love of their children becomes thin.
    In addition, even for babies or infants, enclosure is unpleasant and does enhance some infantile tendencies to destroy anything, control anything, to isolate themselves, and so forth in order to destroy or escape enclosure.
    In addition, even babies or infants in the baby and infant period imitate familiar persons' functions. Though it is hard for them to imitate the falling functions like escaping and patching up falling tendencies whose tendencies will be formed in and after the postinfant period, it is easy for them to imitate infantile falling functions of their seniors like being sticky and showing off the self. Above all, mothers' are imitated. After all, children imitate seniors' falling functions from the baby period to the adolescent period, and they imitate those particular to each period.
    In addition, originally, most infantile falling tendencies are formed by infantile egos' imitating and piggybacking (primordial outlines of) instinctive functions.
    On those grounds, the internal situation of infantile falling tendencies are

(0) The primordial outlines of instinctive functions imitated and piggybacked by babies and infants,

and their external situations are

(1) their mothers' thinness of love and care,
(2) their mothers' enclosure of them, and
(3) the falling functions of their mothers imitated by them.

Now, though the tendencies of (0) are formed mainly innately by genes, (1)(2)(3) acquiredly form infantile falling tendencies. However, the difference in the tendencies of (1) among individuals are small. Therefore even infantile falling tendencies are formed mainly acquiredly.
    In addition, on those grounds, the possibility of children's having intense infantile falling tendencies are large when their mothers have them. This can be called a Vicious Circle "beyond Generations." All the same, this vicious circle, too, are brought about not innately by genes but mainly acquiredly by infantile egos of babies or infants and their mothers and others.
    However, (0)(1)(2)(3) are the causes of INFANTILE falling tendencies and not those of falling tendencies in general. Please read this book to the last.


    The self was defined in "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY." In human beings, the self is recollected as complex images consisting of the images of the past, present, and future bodies, emotions, recollections, associations, intentional functions, egos, thinkings, their abilities or tendencies, the ideas as their products, and so forth. Mainly in human beings, though the self's images are vaguely generated in the baby and infant period, they are generated clearly enough for them to be able to recognize the self's temporal limitation in the beginning of the postinfant and preadolescent period, that is, around the age of 4 and.


    In a while after the generation of the self's image, the temporal limitation of the self, that is, the self's dying sooner or later are recognized, and the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later comes to be caused. After the self's images are generated, trying to reduce that anxiety become an aspect of our life. The decisive way to reduce that anxiety was explained in "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY."


    The anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later causes some egos, desires, and intentional functions to make the self eternal somehow. Such egos and desires can be called the "Desire to Make the Self Eternal," and such egos and intentional functions can be called "Attempts to Make the Self Eternal."
    Some attempts to make the self eternal are sometimes intermingled with love. That is because love involves other persons, is what is made together with others, and seems to transcend the self. In addition, some of them are often intermingles with some traditional religions. Those examples will not need to be enumerated. In addition, the desire to make the self eternal sometimes enhances some infantile falling tendencies like the tendencies to control anything and to show off the self and of narcissism. In addition, it enhances the desire for power. Some of those who have intense tendencies of the desire to make the self eternal and those enhanced by it hold and wield powers, to abuse the people, and to build their huge graves or monuments. Some of them try to leave something great in history, and, as a result, cause despotism, war, and so forth.


    In images, there is a gap between the images of the self and those of the things other than the self. Such a gap can be called the "Gap between the Self and the World." The self's images are composed of the images of things appearing as mental phenomena and those of the self's body included in things in themselves and are contorted and vague. In contrast, the world' images are composed mainly of the images of things in themselves and are relatively clearer. Therefore there cannot help being a gap between the self's images and the world's images, and there is such a gap in every human individual.
    When a baby or infant is not much isolated, because such a gap is filled with its mothers, some other persons, pets, toys, and so forth, such a gap is narrow. In contrast, in the individuals who deeply isolated themselves in the baby and infant period, such gaps are expanded. While the falling tendencies which have been explained are mainly egos' tendencies, such expansion is the tendency of recollections of images. All the same, it is included in preadolescent falling tendencies in these books.
    When the gap between the self and the world is expanded, the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later goes intense, and the tendencies of the desire and attempt to make the self eternal are intensely formed. This is because most of the ways to transcend that anxiety is usually to unify the self and the world and because it is hard to unify them when that gap is expanded. This is also a vicious circle.


    Moreover, the expansion of the gap between the self and the world, the intense anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later, and the intense tendencies of the desire and attempt to make the self eternal enhance some infantile falling tendencies like the tendencies to show off the self, to be narcissistic, and to control anything. Furthermore, those tendencies, in a lump, sometimes lead to the following. Those who have those tendencies sometimes show off the self and try to be memorized in others' memories in order to make the self eternal. If they acquire large powers, some of them try to control the people and try to leave their glory. Moreover, some of them try to hold powers, to destroy liberal rights, social rights, political right, democratic systems, separations of powers, and the rule of law, to run wildly to autocracy, war, the research, development, and hold of totally destructive means, and so forth. Such tendencies can be called Tendencies (Falling into a Vicious Circle) "Involving the Society." They will be explained closely in "EXISTENCE AND LIBERTY." In that book, they are called "Autocrat-type Falling Tendencies." Reducing such falling tendencies is also one of the ways to secure existence and liberty.


    When children were isolated in the baby and infant period, the gap between the self and the word is expanded. Furthermore in the postinfant and preadolescent period, it is often filled with the images of the self. This is because the images of the things other than the self's are scarce to fill that gap. As a result, the self's image simply goes larger. This can be called the "Self's Going Fat."
    The self's going fat overlaps in a large part with the beautification of the self which will be explained below.


    Not only egos' filling the gap between the self and the world with the self's images beautified but also egos' covering the self's images already generated with the self's images beautified can be called Beautification of the Self('s Image) or Beautifying the Self('s Image). Together with the narcissism formed in the baby and infant period the egos in the postinfant and preadolescent period intend to beautify the self's image. For example, they beautify the self as a pitiful but beautiful one who is not loved by and is alienated from their mother and general human beings. Such beautification also hinders egos from facing the self's functions and tendencies falling into a vicious circle. This is a vicious circle, too.


    Even without the input of outer religions, in children in the postinfant and preadolescent period where the images of the self and the world can be generated, the images of those who transcend the real world and the self and are able to perform miracles can be generated. Such can be called "Original Gods (or Transcenders)." With the input of outer religions, those original gods would be replaced or modified by or overlapped or unified with the ready-made gods or transcenders proposed by those religions. For example, though all the surfaces and some cores of the fairies believed in by children are replaced by ready-made ones in fairy tales, some other cores can be original.
    Even if we have killed gods, these gods are ready-made gods proposed by religions, and we have not killed our original gods, have we? We need to take this into consideration, don't we?
    Anyway, if the recollections of the images of ready-made or original gods prompt some falling tendencies like those to isolate oneself, to console oneself internally, to be narcissistic, to show off the self, and to control anything or hinder egos from confronting the self's falling tendencies, the tendencies of the recollections of the images of those gods are included in falling tendencies.


    Those are Preadolescent Functions and Tendencies Falling (into a Vicious circle). Those tendencies are formed intensely by the expansion of the gap between the self's images and the world's. That gap in turn is expanded by the tendency to isolate themselves formed in the baby and infant period. Therefore, often, intense infantile and preadolescent falling tendencies co-exist in the same individuals.
    The following are adolescent falling functions and tendencies, and the intense tendencies of them, too, often co-exist with the above.


    When children are alienated and cannot help isolating themselves or when the tendency to isolate themselves is formed and when egos intentionally isolate themselves, egos rarely cause interpersonal functions, and the abilities of interpersonal functions are hardly formed and stay immature. The abilities of interpersonal functions as intentional functions can also be called Interpersonal Abilities. For example, for not only children but also adults, after they have cloistered themselves for months, interpersonal functions will not go well.
    From the beginning, often, because children were alienated, battered, or ignored more or less before they isolate themselves, interpersonal anxiety had gotten intense. Moreover, the more children isolate themselves, the more intense interpersonal anxiety gets, the less they cause interpersonal functions, and the more firmly general interpersonal abilities stay immature.
    In addition, when falling tendencies are formed, egos often cause falling interpersonal functions like being sticky and showing off the self. Then, while the abilities of falling interpersonal functions are formed, interpersonal abilities in general stay immature. For example, when a person always resorts to interpersonal functions like controlling and destroying anything, including the abilities of cooperative ones, interpersonal abilities in general stay immature.
    In addition, those who have intense falling tendencies and often cause falling interpersonal functions are often alienated and isolated, their abilities of interpersonal functions stay immature, and interpersonal anxiety is not reduced.
    Those are vicious circles, too. Above all, the tendency to escape and patch up interpersonal functions which will be explained later causes interpersonal abilities to stay immature.
    In contrast, when falling tendencies are reduced, the interpersonal abilities are formed unexpectedly quickly. After all, falling tendencies are more serious than the immaturity of interpersonal abilities.


    When falling tendencies are formed, when the abilities of interpersonal functions are immature, and when interpersonal anxiety is intense, if egos cause interpersonal functions, intense pain is caused. Therefore egos escape interpersonal relations continuously and continually, and the tendency to escape interpersonal relations is formed. That tendency is formed in the baby and infant period for the fist time, and thereafter it fluctuates. However, it is often formed intensely and fixed in the adolescent period.
    In addition, the egos in the adolescent period escape interpersonal functions not simply but complicatedly. For example 1, they escape deep interpersonal relations and only enter superficial ones. For example 2, they show off their destructive appearances and create an atmosphere that makes it difficult for people to approach them. That is, not only do they escape other persons but also they make others escape them. Such interpersonal functions overlap with patching up which will be explained later. In the adolescent period, such complicated escapes of interpersonal relations are caused, and such complicated tendency to escape them is formed. In addition, not only limited egos' outlines' tendency to escape them but also the abilities of intentional functions of interpersonal functions to escape them are formed. Simply, it is cunningly that adolescent and postadolescent egos escape interpersonal relations.
    Because egos escape interpersonal relations continuously and continually thus, the abilities of interpersonal functions stay immature more and more. This is a vicious circle, too.
    On those grounds, escaping interpersonal relations is included in falling functions, and the tendency to escape them is included in falling tendencies. In addition, the following, too, are included in falling functions and tendencies.


    The egos in and after the adolescent period not only escape interpersonal relations but also patch up the immaturity of their own interpersonal abilities. For example, they patch them up by showing off their status, power, money, appearance, and so forth. Though young men and women in the adolescent period do not have their own status, power, and money, they can show off their parents' and their own appearance. Appearance, looks, and the like are good means to patch up various things in the very adolescent period. In addition, adults in the postadolescent period often patch up various things by showing of their own positions, powers, and money. Such patching up sometimes enhances the tendencies to show off the self, to be narcissistic, and to beautify the self explained earlier, and vice versa.
    Though such patching up is rarely seen through completely by other persons, it will somehow cause displeasure feelings to others. Also for this reason, those patching up are often alienated, and their abilities of interpersonal functions stay immature more and more.


    In addition, in the external situations of interpersonal relations, when they think that the self's falling functions and tendencies are found by other persons, because it causes the pain like shame, egos hide and patch up them. That is, it is not only the immaturity of the abilities of interpersonal functions but also falling functions and tendencies in general that egos in and after the adolescent period patch up. Such intentional functions or egs can be called "Patching Up" Falling Tendencies or Intentional Functions or Egos or Functions Patching Up Falling Tendencies.
    For example 1, it causes the pain of shame to think that some other persons know that egos go on seeking mothers' love and go on being sticky or showing off the self. Therefore egos in and after the adolescent period try to behave themselves lightly or to behave themselves modestly, which seems to be the opposite of being sticky or showing off the self. All the same, because those tendencies are alive, they are sticky and show off the self while patching up. Though this is found about all human beings, those who have the intense tendency to patch up are often looked upon as queer persons by others.
    While those are repeated, the tendency for (limited) egos(' outline) to patch up the self's falling functions and tendencies. That can be called Tendency to Patch Up Falling Tendencies. In addition, while those are repeated, the ability of interpersonal functions of patching up falling tendencies is formed. Simply, patching up becomes cunning.
    When the tendency to patch up falling tendencies are large, functions patching up are almost always caused, interpersonal functions other than them are rarely caused, and egos' tendencies and interpersonal functions' abilities other than those to patch up are not formed. For example, even the tendency and ability to frankly talk with other persons are not formed.
    On those grounds, patching up falling tendencies is included in falling functions, and its tendency is included in falling tendencies.
    The interpersonal functions which patch up falling tendencies by causing interpersonal functions which are extremely opposite to falling interpersonal functions can be called "Opposite Representations." For example, some persons who were disliked by others as sticky and sober sometimes behave themselves light-minded. Opposite representations often bring misunderstanding. That is because few people can see that it is an opposite representation on the basis of falling tendencies.
    The tendency to patch up falling tendencies are mainly formed in the adolescent period.


    The above are egos' coping with the self's falling functions and tendencies in the external situations of interpersonal relations. In contrast, the following are egos' coping with the images of the self's falling functions and tendencies in the internal situations of recollections of images.
    When the self's falling functions and tendencies are recollected as images, those images cause intense mental pain like anxiety, self-hatred, shame, and the like. For example 1, when it is associated that, because of not being loved by my mother, egos sought her love forever and that the tendency to be sticky was formed in the baby and infant period, it causes intense shame and self-hatred. For example 2, when it is associated that the anxiety about the self's dying sooner or later horrified egos in the postinfant and preadolescent period, that egos attempted to make the self eternal, and that egos are trying to do something glorious and historic, it causes intense shame and self-hatred and sometimes revives that anxiety. Therefore egos often escape the self's falling functions and tendencies recollected as images by means of switching of images as was explained in "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES." Escaping the self's falling functions and tendencies recollected as images can be called Escaping Falling Tendencies(' Images), Escaping Falling Tendencies (Recollected as Images), Escapes from Falling Tendencies(' Images), or Escapes from Falling Tendencies (Recollected as Images).
    Because escaping falling tendencies recollected as images reduces such pain as was enumerated above temporarily, egos do so again and again, and the tendency of limited egos' outline to do so are formed. Such a tendency can be called the Tendency to Escape Falling Tendencies(' Images).
    When the tendency to escape falling tendencies is large and when egos escapes falling functions and tendencies every time they are recollected as images, egos cannot face them, and the self's falling tendencies in general are not reduced. That is, the tendency to escape falling tendencies directly hinder egos from facing them and hinder falling tendencies from being reduced. Therefore escaping falling tendencies is included in falling functions, and the tendency to escape falling tendencies is included in falling tendencies. Far from that, they are the most vicious cycles and are the most vital of all falling functions and tendencies.
    When compared with the time of the formation of the tendency to patching up falling tendencies explained above, the time of the formation of the tendency to escape falling tendencies' images fluctuates. However, they are formed mainly in the adolescent period. Therefore it is included in adolescent falling tendencies in these books.


    In contrast to patching up the self's falling functions and tendencies in external situations of interpersonal relations explained earlier, there is such patching up the images of the self's falling functions and tendencies as follows in internal situations of recollections of images. In addition, in contrast to escaping them explained above, there is patching up them, which is a little more complicated than escaping. Because falling functions and tendencies, when they are recollected as images, cause intense pain like anxiety, self-hatred, and so forth, above all, mainly adolescent egos which have got mature to a degree not only escape but also patch up the self's falling functions and tendencies recollected as images. This can be called Patching Up Falling Tendencies(' Images), Patching Up Falling Tendencies (Recollected as Images), or the like. In addition, the tendency to do so can be called the Tendency to Patch Up Falling Tendencies(' Images) or the like.
    For example 1, the girls, boys, women, and men who have confidence in their looks sometimes cover the images of their falling functions and tendencies with those of the self having such looks. Not that excellent looks are harmful in general, but that they are so if they are made use of thus. For example 2, those who have status, power, or money often cover the images of their falling functions and tendencies with those of the self having such things.


    The cause and effect (hindering egos from facing falling tendencies) of escaping falling tendencies' images and patching up them are the same. Therefore they can be called Escaping and Patching Up Falling Tendencies(' Images) or the like in a lump. In addition, the tendency to do so can be called the Tendency to Escape and Patch Up Falling Tendencies(' Images) or the like in a lump.
    Again, they are the most vicious circle, and they are the most vital of all falling functions and tendencies.


    Those who have intense falling tendencies are often alienated and isolated, and they sometimes attribute the causes of such alienation and isolation only to some other persons, general human beings, or the society.
    If they enhance the self's images as the persecuted and cover their falling functions and tendencies with them, such enhancement and cover is patching up falling tendencies' images explained above and included in falling functions.
    If the self's images as the persecuted are enhanced more intensely than to the degree enough to patch up their falling tendencies, such enhancement can lead to some reaction or revenge against the alleged persecutors. If such enhancement accompanies being desperate, destroying anything, and so forth explained earlier, they can be fierce.
    All the same, the following is more important than the above. All human beings have falling tendencies, and some have intense falling tendencies, but even out of those having intense ones, not all react and revenge themselves in the above way. Many of them head for not others but the self, harbor anxiety, self-hatred, shame, and so forth, and escape and patch up falling tendencies.


    As for the self's falling tendencies, when they are recollected as images, they come to cause some pain at latest by the ending part of the adolescent period. Moreover, as for some other persons', when they are recognized, sometimes, the self's are associated from them and cause some pain. This is as if the self's falling tendencies were reflected on the half-mirror or magic mirror in front of those other persons. Then, those having intense falling tendencies sometimes hate and try to destroy some other persons having some falling tendencies similar to theirs. This can be called "Destroying the Mirror."
    Out of falling functions, showing off the self, destroying anything, and controlling anything often clash against one another in practical interpersonal relations. Therefore destroying the mirror is often caused against those falling functions. Simply, attention seekers hate attention seekers.
    In addition, destroying the mirror is often caused against some of a child's family members. For the reasons which have been explained so far, the falling functions of a child often resemble its mothers'. In addition, because its brothers and sisters have been brought up by the same mothers, its falling functions often resemble its brothers and sisters'. In addition, because its mothers' spouse is sometimes included in its mothers by definition or plays role of its mothers more or less, its falling functions sometimes resemble its mothers' spouse's. Above all, for a child, who has not deeply entered the outer society yet, the most intimate interpersonal relation both in a good sense and in a bad sense is that with its family, and complicated emotions are often formed against its family. Therefore destroying the mirror is often caused against some of its family members.
    The disgust of their parents by boys and girls in the adolescent period is sometimes destroying the mirror. Though destroying the mirror overlaps with what is called rebellion, as long as falling tendencies continue, the tendency to destroy the mirror is not reduced after the adolescent period. It is in the adolescent period that destroying the mirror get clear for the first time.
    Destroying the mirror also hinders egos from facing the self's falling functions and tendencies. This is because the self's falling functions and tendencies do not appear to be its own properties at least while destroying the mirror. This is also a vicious circle. Therefore destroying the mirror is included in falling functions in these books.


    When the enclosure and control by their parents are intense and continue in the adolescent period or later and when children or young men or women always try to rebel against them, sometimes, the functions other than rebellions are not caused, and the abilities of intentional functions and the tendencies of egos other than rebellious ones are not formed. For example, some young men or women get separated from their parents or married in order not to be independent but to be separated from their parents. The abilities and tendencies to live independently is not formed by such separation or marriage. Therefore excessive rebellions are included in falling functions in these books.


    Those are adolescent tendencies falling (into a vicious circle). They are formed by ego' coping with infantile and preadolescent falling functions and tendencies.
    The tendency to escape and patch up falling tendencies' images are the most serious of all adolescent falling ones. Far from that, they are the most serious of all falling ones.
    As for the tendencies to destroy and control anything which are mainly formed in the baby and infant period, in the postinfant and preadolescent period or the adolescent period, not small parts of them are reinforced by the imitation or the similar are formed. The imitation, above all, in violent groups is serious.
    The following are the postadolescent falling functions and tendencies.


    They are not so important. No important ones emerge in the postadolescent period. However, falling functions, above all, adolescent ones like escaping and patching up falling tendencies' images go complicated and cunning in general. Therefore it gets harder and harder for both other persons and the self to find them out.


    As was explained earlier, mothers' falling tendencies, thinness of love, and enclosure, and seniors' falling tendencies imitated by children exist as the causes of falling tendencies. All the same, they are no more than external situations. At the ending part of this book, it will be clear that the main cause forming the self's falling tendencies is not such external situations.
    Anyway, it would goes without saying that it is of no use and is a kind of falling function that we think that the major cause forming the self's falling tendencies are other persons and that we blame them forever.



    An ego consists of a rational system and an emotional system. In the rational system, from the recognition of the situation, some equally possible and necessary intentional functions are recollected as functional images and cause the excitements and transmissions of some image to function neuronal ways. Immediately thereafter, in the emotional system, those functional images(' sources) cause the excitements and transmissions of some image to emotion neuronal ways, and the excitements and transmissions of those image to emotion neuronal ways cause some pleasure or displeasure autonomic sensations, out of them, those which have the most intense pleasure cause some functional impulses, and, out of them, the most intense of them cause the whole of a (limited) ego. After all, the ego causes the intentional function corresponding the functional image which indirectly caused the most intense functional impulse. Metaphorically, the rational system proposes various intentional functions which are equally possible and necessary in the situation as functional images, and the emotional system decides which of them to adopt and carry out with pleasure or displeasure autonomic sensations and functional impulses. Thus, it is not rational systems but emotional systems that are decisive in egos.
    This is true, of course, of the egos in tendencies falling (into a vicious circle). Even if falling functions are recollected as functional images, when they do not cause pleasure autonomic sensations or when they cause displeasure autonomic sensations, that is, the mental pain like anxiety, self-hatred, and boredom, falling (intentional) functions are not caused. This already means that falling tendencies are reduced, which this book aims at. However, it is true as far as the pain caused by the functional images of falling functions. It is not at all that we can cause whatever pain there is at hand. Again, it is the pain caused by the functional images of falling functions that need to be caused in order to reduce falling tendencies.


    In order for the functional images of falling functions to cause pain, initially, it is necessary that the formation processes, various vicious circles, and continuous or continual pain of falling tendencies are recollected indirectly through associations from the functional images and that they cause the pain similar to boredom. That is, initially, it is not directly but considerably indirectly that functional images cause pain. While it is repeated, functional images come to cause pain less indirectly or directly.
    In addition, falling tendencies include not only egos' tendencies but also a few tendencies of emotions and recollections of images. All the same, when the former are reduced, the latter are reduced, too.
    However, from the beginning, the falling tendencies including their formation processes, vicious circles, and continuous or continual pain and those of the self, other persons, and general human beings have caused such pain as anxiety, hatred, self-hatred, and shame. For this very reason, we have escaped and patched up (the images of) falling tendencies. Therefore manipulating (or thinking of) falling tendencies is no more than facing (or confronting) them. Though we need to face falling tendencies, it also accompanies some pain, and we tend to escape it. Then, we need to face the formation processes, vicious circles, and continuous or continual pain of the falling tendencies as straight as possible and to avoid unnecessary pain. For the sake of such straight facing, the writers of this book are certain that reading this book is the fittest because it is written exclusively about falling tendencies.


    As has been explained again and again, falling tendencies are formed mainly acquiredly. Please confitm it again. In this section, what has not been explained again and again will be confirmed.
    By innate or acquired functional or organic disorders in nervous systems, the tendencies of emotions and egos' emotional systems in general can be increased or decreased, and the abilities and tendencies of memories, perceptions, associations, thinkings, and the rational system of egos in general can be increased or decreased. For example 1, in the depressive episode of recurrent depressive disorder, the tendencies of emotions and egos' rational systems in general are decreased. For example 2, in organic brain disorder, memories, thinkings, and so forth and the rational systems of egos in general go irrational. If the tendencies of egos are increased or decreased by innate or acquired disorders, all or most of the tendencies (of the outlines) of limited egos are increased or decreased, and it never happens that only the tendencies (of outlines) of (limited) egos falling (into a vicious circle) are increased or decreased. In a limiting function of a limiting ego, though a lot of limited egos arise, a limited ego whose (outline's) tendency is the largest is caused. Here what matters is not how large or small in general the tendencies of (limited) egos are but which tendencies (of outlines) are comparatively large or small in each individual. That is, what matters is their difference in each individual. Therefore innate or acquired disorders do not significantly affect falling tendencies whether in good or bad manner.
    In addition, it will go without saying that falling tendencies cannot be reduced by pharmacotherapy or gene therapy.
    To be sure, it is hard to reform the self's properties including falling tendencies. Many human beings have been giving up such hard reformations by saying to themselves, "It cannot be helped because it was inherited." By confirming the above, as far as falling tendencies are concerned, such resignation would be removed.
    By confirming the above, we will be able to concentrate on the situations and the egos taking place from the baby and infant period to the present which have formed falling tendencies.


    To be sure, falling functions often incur other persons' mental functions like advise, admonition, criticism, reprimand, disgust, anger, sneer, alienation, and neglect. the self's falling tendencies' images and the images of those mental functions of other persons are often memorized, stored, and recollected together and unified. In the early stage when there is not much experience of facing falling tendencies, those unified images cause the feeling of being oppressed and rebellions, and they hinder egos from facing falling tendencies. In the middle stage when the experience of facing is half way, they often cause the pain like shame or dishonor and feeling of guilty. From the beginning, those mental functions of other persons sometimes target the surface of the infantile falling tendencies like those to be sticky, to show off the self, controlling anything, to destroy anything, to be narcissistic, the preadolescent falling tendencies like the desire for power caused by the desire to make the self eternal, and the adolescent falling tendencies like that to escape interpersonal relations, but they never target the depths of general falling tendencies and the process of their formation. In addition, with the feeling like shame or dishonor and the feeling of guilty caused by those unified images, egos instantly escape the self's falling tendencies' images. Such feelings are unproductive. It is boredom that is productive in order to reduce falling tendencies. On those grounds, the above not only are useless but also hinder egos from facing falling tendencies. Those are true of traditional ethics, religion, and the counseling by the psychologists and psychiatrists who have rarely practiced facing falling tendencies. On those grounds, we need as clearly as possible to separate the self's falling tendencies' images and other persons' mental functions' images which have been unified and to concentrate on the former. In addition, in the very internal situation where unproductive feelings like shame or dishonor and the feeling of guilty are caused, we had better refresh ourselves, as it were. In short, each of us cannot help facing falling tendencies all alone.


    To be sure, there are mothers' thinness of love and enclosure of children, children's seniors imitated by them, battering, neglect, and alienation at home, bullying and alienation at school, and so forth as an external and indirect situations forming the self's falling tendencies. However, they are no more than the major part out of the external and indirect situations forming falling tendencies. As will be made clear later, the major factor in the formation of falling tendencies is not such external and indirect things.
    If the mental functions to other persons like the destruction of mirrors, excessive rebellion, and attributing the cause of the self's falling tendencies to other persons which were explained earlier are caused in those external and indirect situations, they hinder egos from facing the self's falling tendencies.


    When egos face the formation processes of falling tendencies and various vicious circles and continuous or continual pain caused by falling tendencies which have been explained and will be explained in this book, we will come to have the pain similar to boredom. For simplicity, it is called merely "Boredom" in this chapter. When we face them, some regret will be caused together with boredom. All the same, regret will reinforce boredom.
    Anxiety, self-hatred, shames or dishonor, the feeling of guilty, and so forth has been making egos escape and patch up their objects including falling tendencies. In contrast, boredom does not make egos escape and patch up its objects of mental emotions including falling tendencies. This is the greatest merit of boredom. Forming boredom by facing the formation processes of falling tendencies and the various vicious circles and continuous or continual pain caused by falling tendencies is the decisive way to reduce falling tendencies.
    Of course, they vary between individuals. This book have only been explaining those which the writers think are general. Nonetheless, the writers think that this book is useful as the reference for each of us to face them.


    However, it is probable that facing them, above all, the formation processes and vicious circles end up in a mere knowledge or theory. In order to prevent it, egos need to face them on site in the midst of egos. As was explained in "EGOS AND THEIR TENDENCIES," each ego have a multilayer structure, and it is possible that in a larger egos, smaller egos manipulate the falling functions recollected as functional images and think of falling tendencies and face them. This is facing them on site in the midst of egos. For example, in a larger ego in an external situation of an interpersonal relation, when an interpersonal function like being sticky or showing off the self is recollected as a functional image, a smaller ego can manipulate that functional image and think of the falling tendency to do so and face it.


    Nonetheless, falling tendencies are persistent and are not easily reduced. Why? That is because the tendency to escape and patch up falling tendencies(' images) hinders egos from facing falling tendencies, above all, the very falling tendency to escape and patch up falling tendencies. That is, the main factor of falling tendencies is not mothers' falling tendencies, thinness of love, or enclosure of children, or children's seniors' falling tendencies imitated by them but the self's egos' tendency to escape and patch up the self's falling tendencies. It is nothing but egos in and after the adolescent period that have been escaping and patching up falling tendencies(' images). That is, the present egos are also escaping and patching up them. First, egos need to face the present tendency to escape and patch up them. It is possible in such a way as was explained in the above section.
    All the same, it is hard for egos to face the tendency to escape and patch up falling tendencies(' images)straightly without preparation. Egos also need to face the formation process of that tendency which took place in the adolescent period. For example, egos need to face the fact that because the self's tendency to be sticky caused anxiety, self-hatred, and shame, they were escaping and patching up its images. The self and egos in the adolescent period are much closer to those at present than those in the baby and infant or preadolescent period. It is much easier for us to face the formation processes of adolescent falling tendencies including the tendency to escape and patch up falling tendencies(' images) than to face infant and preadolescent falling tendencies. Simply, they would be recollected as if they had taken place yesterday.
